Why the heck am I here?
After an admittedly not bad holiday intermingle with her telling me to shut up after trying to discipline her boy and her shouting at me from afar and causing me to drop my glasses and scratching them (annoyed much) it was ok.
So here I am at my girlfriend's house listening to her kids talking to each other playing Roblox with a lot of actuallys and literallys thrown in and she doing washing, I'm wondering why the f I'm here when I could be at home as we're not spending time together. I lie, we spent time together today in the car going shopping and a brief holding of hands while we were walking to the shops oh and in bed this morning (nothing happening there sadly). Why am I here?
I dunno, friend. Why ARE you
I dunno, friend. Why ARE you there? Not just there at your GF's house, but why are you in this relationship? Sometimes love isn't enough.
Have you had a loving conversation with her about what you both want?
You are there because your SO
You are there because your SO is a ball-less, spineless, shit parent who tolerates their spawn being disrespectful to you.
Pretty simple.
Because it’d hard to start over
Most woman in your age group were married and have kids. Being female, they most likhave the kids most of the time.
BF could not handle the craziness and just stop and got on with there life. [ could not keep letting his kid distroy, his new relationship].
'Back to what's out there. Woman who kiss up to there kids, let there kids distroy there relationship. Because the kids are always right. Until then need bail money. And then just in the wrong place. Meaning if you leave GF most likely anyone yiu meet will be a carbon copy of ex GF .
Maybe you should not move in. Just date, like weekend trips with out the kids. Make sure with out the kids . Then Monday leave all the craziness at her home
IMHO.. she should be
IMHO.. she should be disciplining her children.. a stepparent can step in to stop dangerous behavior.. but if she is there.. she should be the one to be stepping in. If it needs to happen.. take her aside and tell her "hey.. johnny keeps bouncing the ball in the house.. you really need to get him to stop).
I'm not sure what the issue is with the kids playing roblox.. was there a problem with how they speak? "litterally and actually" seem to be part of the vernacular these days.. and they were entertaining themselves.. and your SO was doing chores.. I guess you could have helped her with chores? or if she was busy.. maybe you could have gone home where you probably had things you could be doing.
It honestly doesn't sound like you two are a great match.. you arn't living together.. so why not just ask to take a break.. see how it goes.?