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It's been a day (or a summer) interactive thread

AgedOut's picture

Hola friends! It's been a day since I've done one of these but I'm home all week and I like to interact with all of you if you reply. So let's bring it. 


School buses are rolling down the lane, pumpkin spice (the worst Spice Girl ever) is in our coffee, cereal, pretty much everything. Football is almost here (yay!) so...


how the hell are you????

You, not him or them or even the in-laws, just you. Usually overlooked, underappreciated, never asked only ordered but never thanked YOU.


How are you? Are you okay? What's new for you????



AgedOut's picture

Amd I'll just reply now since I'm looking for excuses to not start accomplishing things. I just had a serious scare, my phone didn't charge last night and when I plugged it into my kitchen charged nothing happened. Yikes. Luckily I turned it off then turned it on again and tah to the dah, it worked. 

Anyhoo, I'm actually good. Hip replacement in July, had my 6 week follow up yesterday and it looks great. Have a partially torn tendon on the side but it's healing so we're leaving it be. Getting the hip replace was a good choice, I'd do it again on the other side if I needed it. The thing about retired life is I usually have no updates on me. Me - good, hip - good, the homelife - good.... pretty bland eh? 

There's a lot to be said for bland!

Trudie's picture

...souds fun! I am so glad your total hip has been a success! 30+ years ago when I was new to nursing, patients stayed for about a week. I actually loved that because I really got to know them. Healthcare has changed dramatically since then, not in a good way.

I pretty much love pumpkin everything! Was planning to bake something today.

Right now, I am focused on our kitchen renovation. Cabinets/hardware, backsplash, flooring, sink/faucet, appliances are all a go! Had a countertop picked, then saw an install and decided it was way too glad we saw the install first! Just need to finalize countertop and pick lighting and we are good to go. Can't wait to start, and finish.

AgedOut's picture

I love kitchen redos! To me the kitchen is the heart of the home so a redo changes the whole house up! 

I'll let you hav my pumpkin everything, I'm pumpkined out and it's not even Septmeber yet. 

Trudie's picture

The kitchen is the heart of the home! A refresh is just what we need!

Elea's picture

A few years back we remodeled our kitchen. I love the look of wood countertops but don't like how hard it is to maintain wood. We ended up going with a material called neolith. I went with a walnut brown color for the countertops and white cabinets. The neolith countertops are indestructible. I absolutely love them.

Trudie's picture

I have not heard of neolith, will look into it. Our top choice so far is leathered granite (matte) with a quartz (shiny) backsplash, I like the mix of matte/shiny.

Tin Can Zen's picture

This morning I am canning peaches. They are one of my favorite foods to put by for the year. My arthritis woke me up, per ususal. The air quality from forest fires has been tamped down by the weather turning and a bit of rain, so I will probaby go for a long walk on my riverside trail. Gosh! This makes my life sound pretty chill and easy. I am well today. 

AgedOut's picture

Your life sounds great to me. I wanted to can but my ideas run too fast for the rest of me to keep up. If you don't mind sharing, what is your 'recipe' for canning them?

Tin Can Zen's picture

I had about 50 pounds of peaches. It was such a rare moment WITH my mister, so I just kept laughing and plucking those globes of goodness from the trees. While he inched forward in line to pay with the truck, I managed to pick about 20 pounds of tomatoes, as well. 

I am out of wide mouth jars, as well as smaller ones, so I just dipped the peaches in boiling water to help the skins slip, saving those and the pits for my jelly project today. (After I de-stickify my kitchen!) I sliced the peaches into 6ths and filled 17 qt jars. I made a light sugar syrup, topped the packed jars, left 1/4 inch headspace, added lids and seals and did a boiling water bath for half an hour. After I ran out of large jars, I had to go to town and pick up more lids, as well as an impulse buy of pint wide mouths. Should've gone to the store first!  I made 10 pints of plain puree. I use that to flavor my secondary ferment on my kombucha. 

The tomatoes were done in much the same manner, with a 10 pint yield. I'm eyeballing the vat of peach skin and pits soaking for jelly and figuring on a dozen or so of half pints. I like to do water bath items in pairs, and pressure canning items separately.

I shooed the aforementioned mister out of the house for the day to go fishing while I wrap up my food projects. We live in an RV, and this small space is mine, mine, all mine when the big pots come to rest on the couch. I tell you: my home smells So Good!

AgedOut's picture

I think that's similar to my parents recipe. I'm going to c/paste it for my oldest if that's okay. He was asking how to do grandma and grandpas peaches and I didn't know. They did pears too but the kids preferred the peaches. 

Elea's picture

Do the pits and skins have pectin in them? Is that what you use them for? I am an amateur canner so I am interested in learning more.

Tin Can Zen's picture

There was such a heap of skins, and since I knew they were organic and way clean, I figured I would utilize my bounty to the max. Peach pits, I've read, do have a miniscule amount of arsnic naturally occuring in them. So do your own due diligence. I just googled a recipe. The end result is a rosy hued jelly with a different "peach" flavor than my puree. I can use it as a base for making homemade gummies. It is rather reminiscent of a jolly rancher in flavor. I did use a box of pectin to get a good set. I've read that red currants can be used in the juice to do the same thing, but I don't know where to source those. I'm not an expert, but I am adventurous in the kitchen. Crafting homemade food is where my joy is biggest.

CLove's picture

I was wondering how your hip was holding up, how the heck you are doing.

I spent the weekend donning my hippie-fest wear and traipsing all over the festival in town for 2 days. 2 days of multi-stage music and over 200 vendors peddling art, jewelry, handcremes, food trucks. Husband joined me somewhat with new puppy in tow. But it was nice to get out and have some fun, see my friends and float along a free agent. Ive been lacking that lately.

Im trying to get rid of clutter and its really been a struggle. I have a problem letting things go. So I figured that I would let go of some clothes. Last night I took pictures and said "goodbye". good bye to my tied-dye, my fringe boots, fringe purse, fringe duster, turqoise-studded sandals, feathered earrings, layers of chains, chunky bracelets, floppy hats, floral maxi dresses.

Its easier to let go in small amounts. But I feel GREAT about my new direction. I am actually revisting this area, as Ive been here before, fashion-wise. Soft tee-shirts, fedoras, soft slouchy slacks in black, cream, and caramel, soft bulky cable sweaters, dainty jewelry.

Here in my town, pumkin everything happens, seemingly overnight. Theres even a glass pumpkin day. People here collect glass pumkins, I kid you not. And here, my favorite pumpkin product has curry and coconut in it and is served over rice. Biggrin

Other than that, Im not a "pumkin spice" person...although, its actually got some really great spices that are healthy for you...

Our massive event called "car week" came and went. A bit overwhelming, hot and super crowded. It wasnt that much fun, but I wasnt prepared, so theres that. I much prefer smaller things and cooler temps.

Ive been taking some time off and re-connecting with old friends. Im much preferring that 1-1 time than the summer parties and large gatherings. Taking care of puppy and then pushing him back to husband because thats what needs to happen.

Summer is ALMOST over for us, but not quite. Its been our summer with temps in the 70-80s. The loveliest weather ever.

Looking forward to Fall-ing Biggrin

Yesterdays's picture

My twin daughters and I had pumpkin spice ice capps today... Pumpkin is certainly in the air!

Your fashion sounds way more trendy than mine lol. I am stuck in a floral dress rutt. Your style sounds so cool, even the stuff you're getting rid of sounds fun and nice!! 

CLove's picture

With my long fluffy hair and all that...I loved my stuff. But Im going back to my simple roots. Feels like the less-is-more trope. Ill be cutting back the fluff, and going dark also - no more beachy tri-color brown/orange/blonde.

Floral as in Laura Ashley? Thats cool! With silver or gold hoops and a large basket or hobo bag.

Yesterdays's picture

I had to google Laura Ashley but that's definitely the vibe. I have some boho earrings with it and cool glasses. I may have to get a hobo bag or basket bag! 

AgedOut's picture

I understand your need to let things go. I'm liberating some quilts/bedspreads this week. It's going to be tough for the Mr to pry them out of my hands but I might want a new one and there's no room left to store them. 


I am so glad you're out and about and living your best life!! You're due so take care of you! 

(I'm rhyming today, w/ everything I say)

Rags's picture

Do you CLove.

I am so happy that you are reconnecting with the person you like being. That is a life changing thing.

Stay the course.

Merry's picture

I like pumpkin spice just fine but good golly do we really need pumpkin spiced pringles? And spam?

I'm pretty good. DH's health continues to improve, which takes a huge load off of me. His kids continue to ignore him, despite recent hospitalization.

As my caregiver role decreases I can start thinking about my own fulfillment in retirement. What does this next chapter bring? I have no clue. 

AgedOut's picture

The Mr is prepping to retire. I retired very early, too early to be our old people whisperer. Now we are the old people. 


What interests do you have? I'm a big fan of classes at our community xcenter/library/YMCA. If you're in the US you might qualify for a huge discount at the YMCA. They offer painting, baking, cooking, gardening, etc. courses you can try and see if it's your new thing. Or maybe joining a book club, a running club. walking/hiking/etc club? or volunteer at your local historical society or zoo or museum?

Merry's picture

Our Y isn't that active, but the local uni (where I worked) has a great life long learning center. That's one thing on my list for sure.

I also need something meaningful (to me) and something to get me out of the house. I don't have a lot of friends in town and no family nearby so I'm looking for a friend group too. That's harder as we age. I'm allowing myself to feel a little excitement at the possibilities. 

Rags's picture

I'm trying to decide on retirement or going into a more gig associated career.  We hit our retirment asset goals just over a year ago. Though that number was designed to support us both in retirement starting in another 5 to 7 years.  DW is 12 years younger and is not ready to retire. Her career is booming.

Not sure yet how this will go.  I am interviewing and will keep interviewing, but.... the stars are aligning that we could retire anytime. It really is up to DW.

I am in engage in life as it unfolds mode.

AgedOut's picture

the Mr's plan is to retire in appx. 2 years from next Thursday. He had considered staying there a few more years but he's tired and he's not enjoying the new crop of coworkers. No one taught them to do a good job at first to save yourself doing a shitty job five more times. They also tend to try to avoid being tapped to do things and in a University IT setting that really doesn't make for good morale. 

Because I retired first, having not a lot of incentive to not retire and having 5 elderly people who needed personal care, now I'm just waiting. Which worked out well w/ needed that hip replacement I guess. 


I always tell the Mr what I'll tell you now:


You will know what it's the right time, when it's the right time! 


Merry's picture

I had hoped to pick up consulting gigs in my profession. But then DH's health took a huge turn and I ended up bein his full-time caregiver for almost a year. So I'm glad I didn't have much consulting action.

And DH is making a great recovery. But now I'm thinking I want to do something new. I loved my job. Had a bit of national recognition. My self-worth was tied to my job and professional activities. So it's been rough to be out of it. But as I move away from that I'm looking for the next door to open. I just have to walk through it. 

Rags's picture

i'm always good. Though I could stand some brain stimulation.  Things are picking up on the interview front.  Getting calls and have two different second interviews scheduled.

These are interesting.  Good money, small organizations.  Not my usual bailiwick .  I am a bit gun shuy about high paying small organizational roles. They seem to be risky since culture change and performance optimization are not short duration efforts and I am not an in the weeds "turn the wrenches" guy.   Only very large companies have the coffers to carry those roles.

My car is in the shop so I am a shut in until it is done.

Anyway, all good here.  Just bored.

Scratch one-s head

AgedOut's picture

I think it would depend on how long the businesses have been around? I'm 100% certain you'll find the right fit for you!!


Rumplestiltskin's picture

As an empty nester of 11 days, things are weird. I've become a lot closer with the cat, strangely. My youngest was the cat's "person" and the cat was standoffish with me. Now she cuddles and we have several games we play. I'd like to say the house is cleaner now that it's just me, but i now have to admit it was me all along making the messes! I'm working on that lol. 

Rags's picture

11 days. You need to still be blaming the mess on the recently launched kid!


Give yourself some time.  You will adjust to the empty nester life.  

AgedOut's picture

Woot woot!! Congrats on the empty nest!!! Empty nesters unite! Welcome to the club, someone will be along shortly with your free hat and food vouchers for 1!


OH NO. NOT free hate, my error so sorry.. I meant free hat



JRI's picture

Thanks for asking about us all.  I'm glad your operation and healing went well.

I'm feeling good.  I had covid this time last year and it really flattened me for awhile.  Then I had it again in March but not so severe.  I am just now starting to feel 100% and I'm so thankful. There is truly nothing as valuable as our health.

I had been stressing about cleaning help, wanting to hire someone but not SD.  But now, I've reverted to my "work" schedule which was to do it all on the weekend.  That way, I could devote my time to recharging each evening after work.  So, now my weekdays are so busy with the Y 3x a week, physical therspy 2x a week, twice werkly visits to Mom, grocery shopping, bank, drugstore, doctor appts, DH's caregiving etc,  i  keep Saturdays and Sundays as home days and do my cleaning and laundry then.  It feels so good that I'm able to get my house back in shape.  I'm so grateful for the health and energy to do it.

Life is good.

AgedOut's picture

I'm so glad you're feeling like yourself again. I've not had covid but those around me have and they really struggled just getting the energy up to try to get back to normal. I'm so happy you've made it. You have so much on your plate, I hope you're able to schedule those recharge days for yourself. Without them, you can't be everyone else's caretaker. 



Elea's picture

It's very sweet of you to ask.

Honestly, I'm in a lot of physical pain right now. The pain moves around, my back, my shoulders, my hips, knees, elbows. I was just diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder.  Thank-you chronic stress and anxiety -  Unknw One more crappy thing to have to add to the crap pile.

I'm hitting "a certain age" called menopause and it's kicking my butt. I have heard that it's common for autoimmune disorders to develop in women during the menopause phase. My Mother died young, when I was young, but I remember her telling me about aches and pains that she was having that are similar to what I am currently experiencing.

I have decided that mid-life is the era of ME. All of my life I've poured myself into raising my own kids, my DH and everything else but now it's time for me to take care of myself. I'm reading about health, reading about menopause, exercising more, stretching, cutting way back on alcohol, eating better, enjoying my hobbies such as gardening and going to see the doctor even though I have crappy health insurance and most of the time doctors seem to know even less than I do about what may be going on with me.

I think I have been experiencing a flare up this week but hope to be feeling better soon.

I am happy to hear that your hip replacement was successful. Bone health is so important as we age.

AgedOut's picture

Repeat after me "It's my turn now. It's my time now" because you need to be ready to say it to everyone else. You've earned it, you deserve it. You need to take care of you!!!

Yesterdays's picture

I'm doing alright. My cancer is stable still and I'm having chemo today. I am almost at my 80th chemo treatment at which point I want to somewhat celebrate. Because it feels like an accomplishment to have endured so many. I had a nice weekend with the mister and we went to a nice small island to camp. We saw much beautiful nature however it was very hot. I managed to bike 6kms to a beautiful lighthouse beach. 

AgedOut's picture

80th should get you some kind of swag don't you think?? 

your weekend sounds wonderful! you need more of that!

AgedOut's picture

I had on of those skiddos who was pretty easy and likeable but back to school still felt great. Enjoy!!!

MorningMia's picture

Looking forward to fall! Loving the cooler weather. I stopped working full-time after DH's health crisis last year (too much stress; re-prioritizing) and recently started working 20 hours a week consulting.

(CLove, I love the soft tees, the fedoras--and boleros--with chunky sweaters and boots, jeans, long dresses, jean jackets, etc! But, in reality, I'm usually home wearing the soft tees, leggings or joggers, sneakers or flipflops and, when I go out, pony tail and big sunglasses to hide my "hermit at home" 

I'm eating as many fresh tomatoes and peaches and as much corn and watermelon as I can before the season ends! I was never a pumpkin spice person, but I think I'm going to cave this fall and actually try it for the first time. We're heading to a mountain cabin in October to capture fall colors. 

For physical and mental health, I've been exercising a lot, doing miles-long walks in the cooler mornings, swimming indoors, bicycling, and spending some time on walks with my air pods listening to Eckhart Tolle, whom I love.  Reading a lot (now The Beekeeper of Aleppo. . . very good). Since leaving f/t toxic work and concentrating on wellbeing, my numbers (blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc.) have been good for the first time in years, my meniscus injury has fully healed, my Garmin is telling me that my stress levels are down, and my sleep is better. I've started on glucosamine/chondroiton for my creaking knees (it has worked wonders on my older dogs, so I figure it's time for me to try it). 

To those experiencing health issues: I'm sending good healing vibes and prayers for full healing. As Rags likes to say, TAKE CARE OF YOU! 


AgedOut's picture

you update sounds so awesome. especially the cabin in October. I'll have to look into that book. Add it to my list. 

I get exactly one pumpkin spice latte each Fall. Just one. Unless it's shaped like a pumpkin pie from Costco, those I'd eat three meals a day!

Winterglow's picture

Add cod liver oil to touch knee- relief mix. It's cheap and also boosts your vitamin D levels and so many women are short on that. One month on, one month off. Scottish remedy.

Yes 3

MorningMia's picture

Do butt in! I'm also taking Alaskan salmon oil. The cod liver oil is probably cheaper. Thanks! 

la_dulce_vida's picture

I'm doing well. Just logged 1000 miles of cycling for the year, so far. My goal for this year is 1500. 2 weeks ago, I also went on my 2nd-ever backpacking trip. One night. All women. 4 miles in - 4 miles out. I'll be backpacking again in October.

I'm gearing up for Labor Day weekend camping on the the eastern shore of Maryland with 2 gal pals. There will be some biking and kayaking. Smile

2 weeks from now, I will be in Provence on a walking tour with two ladies from my close-knit circle of friends. I'm in France for 2.5 weeks: first week is the walking tour, the 2nd week will be spent with one of the friends at a cottage on the Atlantic Coast of France. I'll wrap things up with 3 days in Paris, then home!

What follows is just about every weekend being booked until Thanksgiving with 3 cycling events, 1 backpacking trip, 1 volunteer event and a 4-day bikepacking trip with 2 ladies from my close circle. I'll wrap everything up with a week long trip to the mountains for my birthday, then I'm going to chill the hell out for the winter and stay closer to home for a bit.

My girls and I are in the process of planning a March trip to Spain. Yay! But I do plan to keep at least one weekend a month free next year.

I'm happy. I'm content. I'm active and my life is full of adventure and friendship.

Thanks for starting this thread. ((hugs))

Tin Can Zen's picture

Well, look at you, all internationally shining your best life! What a gorgeous happily ever after you've crafted. Rock on.

Elea's picture

Very similar to what you describe your life to be like. I am also reading a book about Bees called "The Music of Bees," very good so far. 

AgedOut's picture

I want to do those things too!!! How great that you're hitting the road running (hah!) and doing those things you want to do. You are amazing!

RockyRoads's picture

Well I have an issue with baby fish. We found eggs in our filter, put them in a breeder box in the tank , they hatched and now there are 36 baby fish.  I am not sure what to do with them . It is very cool seeing all these tiny fish . 

AgedOut's picture

Hmmmm. do you have a local hatchery? they might know what you could do. Or a local college w/ a conservation studies dept?

Winterglow's picture

Well, DH and daughters headed off for a week at the beach around noon. They love the seaside and I absolutely HATE it ( long story). I volunteered to stay at home to look  after our kitty. Yes, I could have easily found cat/house sitters (we're in the south of France in a converted farmhouse so no noise, tons of ripe grapes, tomatoes, figs, loads of herbs, and a pool ... ) but I wanted a week of peace and quiet just for me.

I have waited for this a long time. I have books to read, a garden to care for ( must look for blackberries),  and just so much planned for me, for the kitty and for the house. A week is so short ...

The problem will be,to not disperse my time on too many things, crochet,embroidery,  knitting, etc.

Winterglow's picture

Thank you. As it turned out, my peace was short-lived. One of my daughters called and said she wasn't staying there and could I collect her at the station on Monday (she'd left her car here). So I did. We had lunch, she spent an hour sunning herself, took her car and went back to her college town. She's going through a very stressful time at the moment and, when it rained where she was and she had to stay indoors, it all got on top of her.

DH and my other daughter are having great fun! She's been wearing out the slides in the pools at the campsite. They've been rail-biking, have lazed on the beach, visited museums ...

Right, I'm off to go back to doing nothing productive. (happy sigh)