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The visit

Newimprvmodel's picture

Went fine.  We were all friendly and superficial. H got 2 full alone days with her and I joined them one day I was off. The evenings I read in our bedroom while they all watched TV in our den. We ate out every meal. I did not cook or serve.  
I don't think anyone noticed or cared.  It was a good visit for H and as I said it was fine all around. 

JRI's picture

That's the best you can hope for.  Good!

CajunMom's picture

I have my "testing" time starting Tuesday. Your outcome is exactly what I'm hoping for.  A good visit for DH and a peaceful and superficial interaction for me with his oldest daughter, who will visit for 2 days. It's been over 6 years since she's been in our home. Hoping she and the rest of her siblings have learned, I'm not tolerating toxic behavior anymore. I'm sure everyone knows this is my LAST attempt at some sort of civility between all of us.

I plan to "disappear" as much as I can, still being kind and civil but nothing deep. I want DH to enjoy his time with her. Thanks again for sharing. You've given me some additional hope. 

I'm so happy for your outcome.

JRI's picture

Don't cook anything, Cajun.

Newimprvmodel's picture

They left here and immediately went for breakfast and fancy coffee. How do I know?  Because the phone calls started within 20 minutes of leaving our house! Lol.  
it felt good to not work my butt off.  I truly enjoyed kicking back. 

ESMOD's picture

That's great.. also shows that when we knock ourselves out.. we often are doing something that won't be appreciated anyway.. they probably much prefer to be hosted at a

Newimprvmodel's picture

I've been the family entertainer for years. Cooking every holiday meal. It's exhausting and honestly it felt good to sit back and do nothing. 
Do I need to continue to produce such elaborate family dinners anymore?  I'm not so sure.  Maybe take it easy from now on. 

Harry's picture

If SK come for a visit. All meals are eaten out. No cooking no cleaning up.  Get a cleaning service to clean up your home after the visit. To do the beds ect.  Lock for activities, you enjoy to share with them.