Stepdaughters keep causing problems!
My stepdaughters are 31 and 36. 6 months ago the 31-year-old came to our home stole pictures off the wall, took a knife to my dining room table, and took clothes that she assumed were her mother's but were actually mine. She announced to everyone that she had to do this because they were her mother's things. In the photos that she took none of them were of her or her sister. They were photos of my sister and I. My sister has been deceased for 35 years and I cannot replace the photos. And one of my husband and I in a hot air balloon which I also do not have a copy of.
Today we got a text from my husband's ex-wife demanding that we give her back her things. My 36-year-old stepdaughter apparently told her that we are keeping her stuff from her! By the way, She left him 18 years ago and took with her the good furniture, the China, hundreds of photos, and all the Christmas ornaments and decorations. Over the years whenever I run into anything that is hers I give it back. Though it has been years since I run into anything. We have also supplied her with hundreds, literally hundreds, of photos.
There is literally nothing in this house that is hers. I have lived in it for 16 years. The only things in the garage from the air fryer to the chest freezer are ours. Anything that she has ever left here I have given back to her. What I want to know is why are my stepdaughters causing such issues. Why are they being like this? I've had it. I asked my husband who spent the day with her if they had even discussed the stuff in our house and he said no. Emphatically no.
I've asked my husband to address it but he will not. He is afraid of his grown daughters. I don't want them in my house until they understand that our things are our things. I don't want to ever be asked again to give the ex back things that are not hers. And where is this coming from? I don't trust either of them. And I don't know what to do because it's honestly making me think I want to leave my marriage. I don't know what they're getting out of this. And no, neither of them is mentally ill. Not traditionally anyway. Not diagnosed.
Phoah, your story sounds almost unbelievable, too crazy to be true.
Firstly, I'd change all the locks, and if your husband cannot be trusted with not giving your SDs spare keys, then I wouldn't be letting him have keys either, and he can just come home when you're home. It sounds abusive and controlling, but you do deserve to feel safe and at peace at your own house and it is unfair if your husband makes you feel that way. If he doesn't agree to that, then I would find temporary accommodation and pack all your important, sentimental belongings and beings (pets, kids?). I wouldn't trust your SDs either if I were you. I wouldn't be letting them back into the house under any given circumstances. If your DH wants to catch up, he can go outside of the house and meet them elsewhere.
Secondly, are you in speaking terms with either of the SDs? If yes, then I would definitely confront them and ask them why they took things that are NOT theirs? You could probably even report this to the police, since it would be considered breaking in and stealing if they take things that are not theirs, so tell your husband that you'd be going to the police if he doesn't have the balls to confront them. Also, report them and charge them for trespassing. They shouldn't be letting themselves in and out of your house without your or DH's permission. They're not living there with you and DH, are they? Did you have any aggressive confrontation at the time she took all that? If yes, I'd file for an intervention order.
And thirdly, you do need to seriously consider if breaking up is the best thing for you, because your DH sounds like he has a massive unaddressed divorce guilt, which is why he fears his grown daughters. Time to put your foot down, what they did is definitely crossing the line.
Sadly, it's all true. And I
Sadly, it's all true. And I have confronted the daughter who stole the framed photos. I don't want them in my house. Anymore.
I find it bizarre that your
I find it bizarre that your SDs have keys to your home, and can come and steal things and damage property while you aren't there. Neither my adult bios (aged 40 and 42) nor my SDs (aged 27 and 29) have ever had keys to our house. Have you had any sort of relationship wtih them aside from the occasional looting raids? If your DH cannot set boundaries with them, you must. Have the locks changed and ensure they do NOT get keys! Block them and the exW on your phone and email. Set up security cameras to monitor who comes to the door. Your story did ring some bells with me, in that the BM of my SDs used to try and get things from our home - she once reached past DH on the doorstep and snatched a picture off the wall! But never anything like you describe.
Maybe DH should get your
Maybe DH should get your stuff back so you don't call the police and file theft and vandalism charges against his daughter.
I would absolutely involve
I would absolutely involve law enforcement with this.
Your husband keeps causing
Your husband keeps causing you problems.
This cannot be the first instance of them overstepping and disrespecting your home, your belongings and you. Your husband continued to allow them access to your home and now that they have stolen actual things.. refuses to deal with them about it.
He didn't even have to be particularly hostile to them either..
He could have simply said. "Hey, you may not realize it but there were things you took that did not belong to your mother and some pictures that taken that were not your family pictures... can I come and go through it and show you what things may have been your moms?"
Of course, now that all of that stuff is in their hands.. and if accused and if the history isn't good.. I would assume they will destroy what they have.. I'm sorry for that.
I'd make a simple statement
I'd make a simple statement to my husband. "I am giving you and your daughters 2 weeks to return my items or I will be addressing it with the police dept. I am changing the locks and making it clear right now that if your daughters enter my home it will be reported as breaking and entering and any vandalism and/or thievery will be reported and charges pressed. If you cannot abide by this, you may pack your few belongings and go live with your ex and your children. Their poor behavior stops right now and will not be tolerated again. "
then do it.
I like this, but I'd say 48
I like this, but I'd say 48 hours. If they're stealing pictures of this woman and her sister, what would be keeping them from destroying them? I'd be so on fire, I think I'd go to their house with a police officer. Yesterday.
Perfect !!!
Perfect !!!
Call the police
Sue her in court for your stuff back. You can not let her get away with this. Show strength
Why do you care why they are doing it?
Why is irrelevant. Don't waste your time on figuring out why they are the shit that they are, Focus on what they are doing. What matters is that they are doing it. Focus on that. Call the police, press charges, get an RO/PO keeping all of them away from you and your home.
Make sure DH knows that though he has no balls, you do and you will end them if they ever show their faces again anywhere near you. Make sure they deal with LEOs any time they pull any crap.
Do not give them second chances. End them now.
Depending on your age, all of
Depending on your age, all of this- MAY- fall under elder abuse in addition to theft.
I'd file a protection order on top of all charges the police may seek action on. There is no telling what may happen next.
Please keep us posted. Stay safe.