Good morning everyone! Am new here and I have wanted to post for some time. I have been reading the many blogs and posts and they've been super helpful! I guess I feel ready to tell my story in the hope that someone might be able to give me some advice.
I met my SO around 16 months ago and we fell completely in love. Head over heels you might say! My SO has a son, aged 7, and BM is still very much involved. My SO has SS over 50% of the time and most weekends (except for one weekend a month). Prior to me coming on the scene, SO had SS every weekend, as well as 3 nights in the week. There is no formal custody arrangement and also no formal financial arrangement; no money changes hands as regards childcare and my SO and BM split expenses when they occur.
When I met SO, he told me that he had a friendly relationship with BM, although sadly it transpired that perhaps this was an understatement. As time went on, I began to realise that SO and BM were possibly mutually dependent on each other? For example, if her car broke down and she messaged him, he would drop whatever he was doing (including spending time with me) and rush to her aid. It also transpired that he was collecting packages for her, had a key to her house (to feed her cat when she went away), and had in the past dropped off pizzas and wine. Whenever I brought up the subject of BM, my SO would began to shake and have what I can only describe as a panic attack. I still don't know why this was, despite asking him about it.
SO and BM split up around 5 years ago. SO told me that BM decided that she didn't want him any longer and wanted to split up. According to SO, they tried a couple of times to work things out, but to no avail and they went their separate ways. SO moved out and rented a house several miles away. BM sold their house and then moved just around the corner from SO.
Fast forward to the past few SO and BM were in regular contact on WhatsApp (and I mean multiple messages every day, not just about the SS). The content of these messages ranged from BM asking for favours from SO (such as taking her bin out for her or feeding her cat) to commenting on the price of toilet roll!). I know this because I requested to see the messages. I had noticed that SO had become distant and would always have his phone on silent, and turned face down. I was shocked to see the multiple messages each day, but also concerned. It felt like SO and BM were still in a relationship of sorts, except not living under the same roof!
I asked SO if there was any chance that he could discuss a proper co-parenting relationship with BM, where they used a parenting app to plan contact and activities for SS and so on, and to keep the relationship more focused on SS. SS7 by the way has attachment issues and his school are looking at an assessment for some sort of neurodiversity. Also, just to say that prior to my involvement, SS didn't have any time outs, boundaries or guidance in terms of his behaviour (which was often inappropriate at school and at home). That being said, I do enjoy spending time with SS and have been able to set some boundaries in place which are helping him to thrive.
SO took in board the comments about a parenting app and this is now in use. However, unbeknownst to me, this app has a messaging facility, which is being used to its full potential by SO and BM. Whilst the messages are less frequent that before, it feels like they have just moved their communication from one app to another! To add to this, SO didn't feel that there was anything wrong with multiple messages a day from BM (not all child-related).
I guess I would welcome any comments or nuggets of wisdom about what to do next. I've tried explaining how I feel (like I'm in some sort of crazy love triangle!), to no avail. My SO wants me to move in with him too, but I don't think I'm ready for that either at the moment.
Thank you for reading this and hope to hear from some of you soon!
He's not ready for a grownup
He's not ready for a grownup relationship because, as you have observed, he is WAY too enmeshed with his "ex". They are still very emotionally involved, TOO emotionally involved.
No wonder his son has attachment issues - he doesn't understand what's going on. His parents are behaving as if they were still a couple yet they don't live together and now you've come on the scene. Poor kid is completely lost.
As long as he and his ex are as emotionally involved as they are, there will be no place in his life, in his world, for you. You will find that he's probably very generous (guilt gifts) but that you're relegated to a status of being his girlfriend but not his confidante. You will be trotted out for show, be expected to be his on call bed warmer, possibly also his maid, nanny and cook if you move in.
FWIW, he KNOWS that he shouldn't be best buds with his ex - why do you think he has a panic attack when you bring her up? It's because she's the "other woman" and he knows it's wrong but he just can't help himself.
THe worst in all this is that there's noting you can do to change this. He may pay lip service to your requests but he keeps on going back to BM - they're BFFs.
Dammit, if they're so happy chatting and being together (do they do joint Xmas, birthday, etc. celebrations? Bet they do) why don't they just get together again and avoid making other people unhappy? I'm inclined to say to throw this one back. Normally, I'd say to try counselling, but, in this case, I'm not sure it would help much because he's clearly happy with the status quo. Maybe go by yourself to sort things out as regards your future?
Does BM have an SO in her life?
Hell no.
He is making you "the mistress".
They are very much emotionally tied. He is not ready to be in a relationship with someone besides BM.
Quit wasting your time.
A lot of couples have a
A lot of couples have a period of being enmeshed after separating, but it is usually temporary before they work out how to move on without being in each others pockets. This guy is still in this stage 5 years after his break up....this relationship has 3 possible outcomes:
1. Nothing changes BM continues to get your boyfriend to do all her odd jobs and she is the third party in your relationship.
2. He changes with your guidance and BM is put out so decided to make your life difficult because she resents loosing her bestie to you. Your instillation of boundaries on the boy are also taken negatively and you get blamed by both BM and ss for ruining their lives and they cause chaos for you.
3. you leave this guy now and move on with your life finding someone who is not still spending half their life running after their ex.
I vote for #3
Leave this guy NOW.
You are supposed to be in a honeymoon stage except he is still in bed with BM , figuratively or more?
Its not worth the pain hun. Truly life should not be this hard.
Read on this site and realize chances are you are in a life of heartache if you stay with this chump.
Find a man who is truly single. This man isnt.
Messaging multiple times a
Messaging multiple times a day, I'm guessing they are sleeping together at least occasionally. As my BFF puts it when she sleeps with her ex - "a girl has needs & he has always had skills."
I was thinking the same. The
I was thinking the same. The multiple messages to/from BOTH parties has me curious. Neither one of them are viewing their "coparenting" as a problem. Seems like they are enjoying it. Both are getting favors in return. They are emmeshed at best, and I wouldn't be shocked if they are sleeping together (heck, they already are emotionally). Don't be the third wheel. Get out while you can.
I stayed with DH and option
I stayed with DH and option #2 has ensued for YEARS. I wouldn't recommend to anyone.
"I dont think I'm ready"
You said you didnt think youre ready to move in with him. I dont think he's ready.
I agree with all the other posters above. Another way of putting it is: has he done the work? In the step world, that means has the father established his own home? Does he have the child's bed and other nevessary furniture, like refrigerator? Does he have a sensible routine set up for the child with reasonable expectations and parenting, ie, not Disney Dad. Here is where your SO starts to stumble.
It also means having a business-like relationship with BM including a legal custody agteement with child support spelled out. Him not having this is a huge red flag. He is also way too enmeshed with BM instead of moving forward with his own independent life.
I lived with this type of thing for a few years. DH had huge daddy guilt and BM was very dependent and manipulative. Major bad memories are him rushing over there on our first Christmas morning, him buying her a car and the endless calls for every "emergency". He had his child support spelled out but went way over and beyond and it never stopped til all 3 kids moved in full time.
If I were you, I'd move on. Save yourself some grief. He's just not ready.
JRI has hit all the points. This couple hasn't uncoupled. He only got the co parenting app to appease you, not to move things to a more businesslike footing.
He has problems, and the loosely goosey arrangement has led to his son having problems as well.
You should either walk away, or do him the courtesy of being brutally honest and explain you can't move forward because he hasn't done the necessary work on himself. He needs therapy to help him emotionally put an end to his marriage. He's still in a codependent relationship with BM.
DO NOT move in with him. If
DO NOT move in with him. If you aren't wanting to go ahead and end it, at least don't mix finances or living arrangements. I am so glad i didn't. The thing is, a guy who continues to live like this after 5 years probably is lacking in other ways, too. My SO was like this with BM2 10 years after their split. BM2 finally went too far and their enmeshment ended, but i found that my SO's lack of boundaries and poor decision making extended into just about all areas of his life. Once this problem is beaten, other things will show themselves. This guy is trying to convince you that he is life partner material, when the evidence states otherwise. This is a form of dishonesty and it's part of his character. BM enmeshment is what you see now, but probably the tip of the iceberg.
I agree. It all speaks to
I agree. It all speaks to poor judgement. As I said in my other comment, this man has problems. He claims to love you and wants you to move in, but has done nothing to get his affairs in order to prepare a place for you.
Not moving in with him is the strongest leverage you have, so keep your own place and autonomy. Tell him he needs to do the work - on himself, on his enmeshment with BM, and on his parenting - before your relationship can progress.
He not ready for a adult relationship
He has to cut ties with. BM. With texting what has a record of what the text said .. There no reason to talk with BM. and the day he left me to help out BM and her care Would be my last day with him. You can't live this way, you can't be fourth in a relationship, you can't have BM controlling your life. RUN. RUN. RUN
This is how they operate and
This is how they operate and that's going to be hard to change, since they obviously are okay with being so enmeshed. You are going to be the bad guy for trying to change their dynamic.
The fact that she ended the relationship matters
I think that's really important: SHE ended it. He wanted it to work. These boundaries are too weak regardless of who ended it, but at least if he had initiated the divorce he could look you in the eye and say: If I wanted to be with her, I would be with her. He can't be with her because she didn't want it. That means you really can't know whether you are second choice and the fact that he isn't changing the dynamic with her despite how uncomfortable you are doesn't help.
Being the backdoor woman in
Being the backdoor woman in your own relationship makes no sense.
Get on with living your best life and leave this failed but overly ingrained former family to their ongoing disfunctional trainwreck.
Thank you all so much!
I just wanted to say thank you all so very much for your advice, support and honesty. I was a little worried about posting and you've all really made me feel at ease. I know I'm in a community where I can say how I feel and count on your support. And right now, with few friends and people that understand, that means a lot.
For clarity, BM has not moved on and hasn't got a new partner (to be fair, I'm not sure what any new partner would make of her dependence on my SO!!).
You guys are right in that he's not ready for an adult relationship too. He didn't see that there was anything wrong with how their 'friendship' was when we met.....and said that he was being amicable for the sake of SS7.
Thanks to your advice, I have absolutely and completely decided I am not moving in with this man. I've got a couple of cats, so at the worst, can become the crazy cat lady!!! *biggrin*
In terms of SO and BM doing things together, they did spend the Christmas before I was on the scene together. And weirdly, I was asked to go with them for a Bonfire party when we'd not been together too long. It was very strange to be asked and I felt like I'd entered some sort of 'swingers arrangement'!!! It was the weirdest thing and I couldn't believe how neither of them found the request that I join them weird either. My SO said that him and BM went every year together 'for the sake of SS7'. Interestingly, this poor child has become slightly better in terms of his behaviour and attachment since SO and BM de-meshed a little(if that's a word?).
In terms of the relationship, interestingly it seems that he wants a partner who does the housework and cooking, whilst he has lots of fun time with SS7. At least when I go round there, that's how it seems.
SS7 demands attention every moment and SO feels that he has to constantly entertain him. There was no encouragement of solo play or imaginative play. And a lack of promoting some independence too.
Thank you all again for such a warm welcome into your community and I am blessed I found this site.
Oh gosh, please tell me that
Oh gosh, please tell me that you never cook or cean at his place. Never. He's a grown up and if he invites someoen into his living space, he should expect nothing from them apart from their company.
If he asks you to move in again, tell him that you have no intention of being a sister wife and that you have an entirely different view of what a couple should be than he has. I really do believe that he just doesn't see it. As someone suggested, therapy might help but do you really want to hang about to see if it does?
Whatever you decide, I'm happy for you that you have cats - where would we be without them? I had one who would sit on the arm of my chair and listen to all my woes ... before stalking off and being visibly relieved that the ordeal was over. Later I had another who would listen in the same way and then cuddle up to me to console me.
Being a crazy cat lady is
Being a crazy cat lady is highly underrated. My cats are fun and they keep the house bug-free. And the most drama they ever cause me is shredding the toilet paper rolls. Can you say the same for your SO?
Seriously. There are worse things than "being single". One of them is definitely being a step-mom with a husband that has zero boundaries with bm.
Happy for you and this very
Happy for you. This is a very sound decision. Maybe he'll figure out healthy boundaries in the future and you two can start a life together but for now you are doing the right thing by stating what is fair to you and what you find acceptable - this situation is NOT. You have enough fortitude and self confidence to realize your worth. Excellent job.
I bet he and BM
Sleep in the same bed for the kids.
I could never be in this type of relationship. When I first got together with my DW. She took the kids to there fathers her ex. Giving me some BS story that se spent the time with a neighbor, not with the ex. I told her. She could do whatever she wanted. But not with me. The ex can pick up the kids if he wanted to see them. He could pay for the gas, the entertainment , the food ect.
I wasn't paying for her to take the kids to the ex's I was not playing Happy Family with the ex. I really don't know if she was relieved, had the guilt removed. It became my fault Not hers, it was never throwned in my face . But I could never live that way. Ex has to be out if the picture. Today everything should be in saved texts, Only discussion is about the kids, pick up time/place return time.
Hi all,
I wanted to let you all know that I've taken some steps to regain some dignity in this situation....thanks to you all and your help, suggestions and comments.
I spent some time thinking and processing your replies and also thinking about my current situation. I noticed that my SO was always defending the BM and didn't really want to either a) upset the proverbial apple cart with her or b) didn't want to have the perceived conflict. The final straw was the SS7 birthday party that they both attended together (I decided not to go as it would be confusing for SS7). It transpired that they both 'played' games with SS7 and his friends and were on opposite teams. This very much felt like 'happy families' and I was worried about the message this was sending to SS7. That perhaps he would think that his parents might be a family with him again, for example. No matter how I approached this, my SO didn't seem to understand my perspective and couldn't walk in my shoes.
I decided to be clear about my position; that I wasn't going to the 'other woman' and that I was worth prioritising. I asked him to move forwards with a Parenting Agreement (the UK version of custody order) and get this covered off with BM. The Parenting Plan sets out arrangements for custody, finances and also contact agreements (frequency and under what situations). Sadly, he ended this conversation. And without a plan for further contact with him. He told me that he was upset and concerned about what I had said.
Up until now, I guess I have always 'fitted in' with what he wanted. But now I have found some strength to stand firm and say what it is that I need. I suppose I'm also wondering about some sort of need for control from him; about me, his ex (BM) and not wanting any apparent conflict.
What's super disappointing is that this is the man that told me he loved me more than anything in the world. But doesn't want to offer me any comfort or the opportunity to talk things through. We had the conversation about the Parenting Plan over the phone. I suggested getting together to talk about it in person, but he tells me he's too upset to do so.
I'm sure it's better to know this now, but it's difficult knowing that someone's words don't match up with their actions. I suppose this makes sense though, as he doesn't really want to give up his relationship with BM and somehow wants me to fit in with this crazy situation!
Thank you for being there in the ether for me. Knowing that I have this community will keep me sane.
Categorize people by their
Categorize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.
Even with this toxic Skid turning 18 soon-ish, this will never end until you purge this idiiot and his shallow and toxic gene pool and X from your life.
Be good to you.
Take care of you.
Get on with
He really isn't worth the
He really isn't worth the trouble ... This is the perfect illustration of "love is not enough".
I would let him go and play his games with his ex - he's made it clear he won't change. Ask yourself what he's really getting out of this situation. Chalk it up to experience, at least you won't be taken for a ride next time.
You are so right!
Yes, it really is the perfect illustration of just that, Winterglow. Love definitely doesn't conquer all (if it did, I wouldn't be on this site and neither would a lot of us I'm sure!!). And every experience is valuable. At least this has shown me what I don't want, as well as what I deserve.
Maybe one day, I'll meet someone who truly cares about me. Not just in words, but in actions too.
Thank you for being makes this a little less lonely for sure. And I'm glad I found my voice (eventually, but better late than never!!)
There is a difference between
There is a difference between a couple having an amicable split and a couple that is actively maintaining basically a celibate version of their relationship.
While they claim that they have done this "all" for their child, the reality is that they have created a situation where their son sees his parents still as a couple. Certainly at 7, the child is old enough to understand that while they are both his parents.. they are not together. Living with so much enmeshment (doing errands.. in and out of the other homes.. likely vacationing together I'm guessing).. there is no good space for a new partner in either of their lives. They have their old relationship with the ability to not have to deal with the 'hard stuff".. of making relationships work.
I actually would probably see your SO going back to her if she asked.. it sounds like the split wasn't his idea.
The fact that he is angry at you over asking him about a custody order is telling. Because the reality is that a framework like that sets boundaries and lays things out so that constant contact may not be needed.. it also helps when one or more of the parties become unreasonable. Right now he is beholden to her for access to his son.. wouldn't he want to ensure that he has the rights laid out? As the kid ages.. won't he appreciate the certainty of schedules? And won't they be better off knowing how things like medical and school decisions and expenses will be decided?
I'm not really sure what has got him so upset.. except for the fact that you are trying to get him to do this so that this full on enmeshed relationship doesn't continue.. and would he.. really want to see his wife snuggled up to another man at the next birthday party.. the guy playing catch with HIS son? why does he think you want to enjoy time with a woman he used to share a bed with and still share a relationship well beyond the one necessary for his son.
You are most certainly a wonderful woman.. and he LOVED being with you because you were so great.. but HE was not the great partner you need unfortunately.. and if he can't understand your desire to have a separate relationship.. then he is not ready for sure.
Thank you!
Thank you for your reply and your lovely words - they mean a lot right now. It's hard knowing that he doesn't want to take action - but I know that I can't change a person. They need to want to change themselves.
And you're right - what man (or woman) wouldn't want to have things clearly documented and above-board for their child in terms of contact, communication, school, medical needs and finances? I think most people would want that in writing and to have something to hang their hat on now and in the future as regards their children.
I don't know how he would feel about his ex (BM) having a partner....she hasn't done for the years that they've been separated.
I do also wonder if there's something else at play here, particularly around some personality disorder type of thing? He did want me to live with him fairly quickly into our relationship (although I declined) and we fell completely in love quite quickly too. Also, when I have challenged him (kindly and gently) about things, he's either got quite angry, or has completely shut down and hasn't wanted to see me or speak to me.
Also, I've felt like I was going mad for some time - I was made to feel like the concerns that I was raising weren't valid or reasonable.
I'm not sure if you meant
I'm not sure if you meant concerns surrounding his EX and his child.. or just generally when there was any issue that needed resolving he shut down on it.
But.. a good partner will be willing to listen and hopefully be able to take things with the intention they were said.. which I am assuming is to be helpful.. to him.. to his son.
When I met my SO as a childless woman.. he had two kids.. 5 and 9.. he had been a bit laid back on a few things.. like manners.. and he was mostly receptive when I mentioned things that he should try to work on.
I tried to couch it as "you know it will be embarassing for your girls if they don't know to behave more appropriately.. being grabby.. opening dozens of presents to exclaim "is that all there is"? To eat with poor manners.. to not say thank you etc..
he agreed.. and we did work on these things.. not as a laundry list of rules.. but one by one.. things would improve.. and over the years.. he would agree mostly with many of my "helpful suggestions"..
fortunately zero worry about enmeshment with his EX.. he dislikes her so much that he didn't even go to the destination wedding my YSD had (he did go to the official ceremony where BM was not present lol).
Your need for boundaries is reasonable.. and my question to him is that if they are both so reasonable and have the kid's best interest at heart.. won't it be a snap to put together an agreement in his best interest?
I agree with everything that
I agree with everything that's been said. He's still in a relationship with his ex, so he's not emotionally available to you. I had similar issues at the start of my relationship with DH. In my case, he was the one who left and felt like he abandoned her, so he was "on call" a lot. I told him that I understood why he felt responsible for her but made it clear that I wouldn't be able to tolerate my partner putting another woman's needs ahead of mine. I told him that I wouldn't blame him if he felt he had an obligation to her, and that I even respected him for wanting to ensure she was okay, but I wasn't going to be a part of it. Luckily for me, he put boundaries in place. Lucky because, similar to you, I was head over heels in love with him and it would have been very hard to walk away from him. And that's what I wanted to say to you. It feels good to be validated in your feelings and it gives you motivation to act when people tell you to move on. But the actual "moving on" is much harder. It's not easy to find love in this world, so if you have to move on (and I believe that you do if he won't set proper boundaries) be kind to yourself. Let yourself mourn what might have been a wonderful relationship if you'd met at a different point in your life.
An update
I wanted to say thank you everyone, for being there for me when I needed support (and a reality check!). As way of an update, I have finally ended things. It probably should've ended sooner, but I was too worried / scared / anxious to do it before now. And whilst it's been hard, I do feel a little relieved. And a bit sad too for what might've been, if things had been different. Which they weren't of course!
I saw the true picture of the man, my future and how sad I'd become. I'd also recognised signs of gaslighting and a lack of empathy, which were worrying to me to say the least. But I won't go into detail.
It's difficult to say what gave me the courage, but I think it was a combination of your words, some confidence and a glass of wine that did it!! Just know that you've made a difference to my life. Probably saved me heartache and financial burden too. I wanted to let you know that I'm really grateful for you all.
I will try to support others, like you've done for me, once I've healed. It's been a difficult path to tread, but just know that you've made it a little easier.
Thank you to all of you from the bottom of my heart.
Virtual high five for you! I
Virtual high five for you! I'm glad you found that courage. It is never easy to end a relationship and can be sad to loose what we thought the relationship could be. But now you can move on without the weight of such a complicated situation.
Good on you! It doesn't sound
Good on you! It doesn't sound like he wanted to change, and you wouldn't have been able to be happy being in an emotional "throuple!"
Congratulations on stepping
Congratulations on stepping out with confidence into your new life adventure.
No one should ever partner with someone who is not additive to their life adventure.
What a great update!
Your comments about other red flags concerning this man kept me thinking of you. I'm relieved to hear you looked at things critically and made the decision that was best for YOU!
There were a couple of red flags
There were a few red flags for sure......I think subconsciously I was worried, hence the reason I did it over the phone. I know this was potentially a bit cowardice, but it helped me to stay strong and not go back as I have done before when the conversations were in person.
It wasn't my finest moment - as in I probably didn't get all of my points across in the kindest of ways (I started out that way, but given he didn't take any responsibility for anything, it was hard to keep completely calm). I was made to feel like a bad person, and that everything was my fault. He told me he loved me and that he was the one that wanted to see me all the time. And that I was the one who didn't want to see him. Which is partly true, because I've been struggling more and more recently with being intimate (I just felt like I couldn't trust him). I ended the relationship and then blocked him on my phone. Afterwards, I wondered about some of his behaviours and what BM might've gone through in her relationship with him. And why she decided to end it, when they had a baby of 18 months together at the time. That was a brave move, given the age of SS and how difficult this must've been.
There's more that I could say here about some other odd behaviours that worried me. I know that anyone that truly loved me wouldn't treat me like this though.
It's funny how when you take some control back, you start to feel better! Although I'm sad and missing what could've been, I am mostly relieved and feel at peace.
OP, you are going to be just
OP, you are going to be just fine. Better than fine actually, because you're a smart cookie.
Over and over on this site, we get new members who basically ignored a lot of red flags and their own instinct when they chose a partner. Yet you paid attention, thought critically, even questioned why BM left. Some women will put up with a ridiculous amount of b.s., but not you. You rock!
I never thought I rocked!!
Thank you!! I can't tell you what a difference your words made when I read them. Maybe I'm tougher than I sometimes feel inside? And yes, I can't think why women put up with so much....I think it's because they sell us a dream!! And the dream is just that. It's not real. Possibly more like a nightmare sometimes!
I realised that my XSO wasn't always real with me. I never really knew him. After almost 2 years, I felt like there was so much he'd hidden from me. And not been open about.
Also, I think it was made easier by some unkind comments that he made, which tipped me over the edge. I guess I'm grateful for those, as it gave me the push to do it.
If there's anyone else out there who is reading this and is in a similar situation, just know that you can find the strength to end things. I know it's not easy, because you're still clinging onto hope that things will change or improve, but they don't. I ended things without much support - I am super close to my Mum, but don't really have any friends to speak of. So this site has been a lifeline. Reach out, make a decision and go for it!! Oh, and therapeutically clean your house - I've done that today and I feel a whole lot better!!! No reminders of the past. Just the future to look forward to.
Success story!
I actually smiled while reading your updates.
You are strong, smart, and one intuitive lady. So glad you realized what a chump this guy was and how you would never find peace in this sister wife relationship.
Blessings to a happy and peaceful life.
Yes, you most certainly rock!!!
“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Though when you build it together, the dream can be very real. However, it is a construction project that never ends.
Take care of you.
We all made mistakes.
Or else we would not be here. No one is saying "my life is great". That I met my SO and it's cream and strawberry's. We all have problems. You are not alone. It better to not to wast your life. With some one who rather be with someone else.
These people divorced, knowing it will screw up there kids, then spent the rest of their life trying to unscrew there kids.
Late to the Game
Im late to this Game, but wanted to comment:
When husband and I first met each other I thought it a little odd that he was "helping" his ex move a few different times (hence why he missed a few outtings). Then we started our relationship, knowing that he was separated-not-divorced and even though Toxic Troll BM had a partner (short lived) Tweedle Dum, she still did what I call "The Ask". Husband bought 2 diff beds for kids in her apartment, dropped bags of groceries off, etc.
Finally he got a divorce, and gradually less and less "asks" happened.
He did it, he said, for "he childreeeeennnnnn".
Thankfully you had the strength and wisdom to get out before you got stuck. Im stuck (we married, bought a house...) and am gathering my strength to do the Big Goodbye, but thank you for updating and staying on here - you are an inspiration (and you ROCK)
OMG. He could not have it better
Playing house with you, and happy family with the ex. Having two woman fighting over his attention. This man needs mental help. First of all he must understand what divorce means, it's not good for the kids, but it's there choice to divorce,
You want a relationship with a man who not in a relationship with someone else.. understanding once you have sex with a person you can not go back as friends. You can not sit by with co party's, co vacations sharing a room. They may be nuts but you are not,
'Better be along then watch this dysfunctional way of life.
'I personally would not allow this, and did not allow it. SO wants a relationship with me, they must cut off the relationship with the ex. No co anything. Holidays, birthdays, vacation. Graduation and wedding are the two co events. Allowed. A person must commit to me as they committed to the ex. They want to have a relationship with me, then nobody else is in that relationship. When they were married to the ex. They didn't have other people in the relationship. Did they?
'People can live, and do as they like, nothing is right or wrong in someone's eyes. What ever was going on with tge ex was dysfunctional. He can't act the way he was and expect someonecekes to stand for it b
Hi Harry!
Yes, you are so right about XSO didn't have anyone else when he was with BM (or at least that I know of). The more I read around this site and do some more digging, the more I realise that my XSO possibly has some personality issues (am not going to say 'disorder' here).
The lack of empathy, lack of being able to see something from another POV, the need for complete control and things needing to be his way. Just a few examples of how his mental health probably wasn't where it needed to be. Except I used to make excuses for this; "he had a difficult childhood", "his father was abusive" and so on. But I came to realise that most of us have difficult times, but that doesn't make us blur boundaries or be unkind to others.
Leaving gives you a clarity and perspective you didn't have before. And gives you hope for a different future.
Thank you CLove!
I've never been called an inspiration before!! So thank you. I hope you can find the strength to part ways. It isn't easy (whether you've been together a couple of years or decades). Mainly I think because your hopes and dreams are caught up somewhere in the middle of the relationship. And it's okay to grieve the loss of what you hoped and dreamed for. Even if that is sometimes far from reality. I think you're incredibly brave for thinking about taking that's a step closer to the life that you deserve. Even though it looks different.
Things have started to improve in my life. Gone are the burdens of my XSO (cooking, providing for him and my SS8) and I am actually able to save some money this month, which I haven't been able to do before. Also, I realised how much time I spent either placating him (messaging) or running around after him (and SS8). So I have much more time on my hands. Which has led me back to old hobbies and interests, which has been lovely.
It's always an adjustment, and it is hard, but it's worth it. Just take a deep breath and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I haven't escaped completely unscathed (financially or emotionally), but leaving is an opportunity to start rebuilding your life. Which is scary but also exciting!
I do keep hanging around this site, as it is somewhere I felt accepted and cared about. And you are cared about too. Every life is precious and yours just as much as anyone else's.
Sending you hope, strength and love from here. Know that I'm here and willing you on.
People must understand
If they divorced, it's going to screw up the kids. There originally happy family, what not that's happy if they are divorceing. Is gone. The joint holidays, birthdays party's, are finish for. Expecally if they want a new relationship, No new partner will want to be second to the ex. No new partner will want to share life with the ex.
'This is a discussion the divorce people must make . Stay single and play house with the ex but live alone. Or cut most ties with the ex and start a new relationship.
'For the kids mean DR appointments, school stuff. Sports, CO schedual. Not joint BDAY parties. Today communion with the ex should be done by text so there copy's of it. The So should have access to read those texts. You can not be friends with the ex. Once you have sex with someone you are lovers, can't go back to friends. I sure your SO doesn't want you to have long telephone calls with your ex lovers.