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New to being a step-mom

Jenmay33's picture

I'm new here and at my wits ends with my stepson. I need an outlet and maybe a different perspective on the situation(s). A little about me. I'm 41, recently married as of last year. My husband has an adult son who is 24. I have never been married before nor do I have children of my own so I feel a bit lost as a step parent. I have always wanted children, it just didn't happen for me, so when I met my husband, I thought great! I'll have a child, even if he was 21. Just didn't think that it would be were I am this frustrated with him.

When I first started dating my husband, it was COVID so there wasn't many options on places to really go or do things. So we spent a lot of time at the campgrounds. His son would come out and get extremely drunk and try to fight everyone. One night he got into a fight and the guy ended up in the hospital and His son in jail at 2:30 in the morning. I end up going to the jail with his dad, and when it came time to bail him out, it was alot more then his dad expected, so I bailed him out. I never got a thank you from him. All we got was that was so cool how I sucker punched him and blah blah blah. Just stupid childish behavior. 

A few months later, we get a call from his then girlfriend about how he jumped out of a moving vehicle going 45 and she can't find him. So his dad and I get up and go searching for him at 3 in the morning. Couldn't find him, he ended up walking to a buddy house to keep drinking. 

His then girlfriend would wake us up at all hours of the night because they were drunk and fighting and he would storm off and wanted us to find him... we live 45 min away.

He's been pulled over about 5-10 times from, driving with no license, DUI, wreak less driving, speeding and domestic violence, In and out of jail. It's hard to keep up. In September of 2021 he ended up moving in with his father and I to try and get him straight. That was a long 6-7 months. He seemed to be doing good and going to work (his dad and him worked at the same place just different divisions) and distancing himself from the friends he had and the drugs ( I DO NOT ALLOW DRUGS INTO MY HOME) and alcohol. He seemed like he was starting to grow up. BUT he didn't clean up after his self. Didn't pay anything towards food or bills or even rent. 

We ended up moving in January 2022 in to a bigger house in the country. As we were packing, he informs us that we are going to be grandparents....UMMMM WHAT?!?! When did this happen? I guess he met a girl at a restaurant at his lunch hour and bam... he's gonna be a daddy... The kid can't take care of himself let alone a child and who is this girl?? So we meet her, very nice person and they start dating and he seemed like his life was getting better and maybe having a child helped. 

It had been a year and a half and no mess ups with him. Seemed like he was getting his life back on track and finally getting his license. This past June, he comes over and informs us that they broke up but they are going to do shared custody with his little girl and that there was no hard feelings. She is 10 months old now. He begs and begs with my husband to let him buy his 2500 Dodge ram off of him. So my husband and him make a deal of $500.00 a month, no drinking and driving and no craziness and no drugs. The thing is my husband is the SR and he is the JR. Same full name. My husband didn't sign over the title, didn't take his name off the insurance, nothing.  I was against this from the start... He insured us that he had his license and all his court stuff was paid off.

Monday of last week, we found out that he got in trouble at his job for doing coke. It was caught on camera by a home owner. We are very upset. We call his his ex-wife to form a plan to help. SHE was not any help... Her exact words "Oh I don't care if he does coke Monday -Thursday, just as long as he doesn't do it around granddaughter" My husband made me leave the room before I went off.... What parent encourages that kind of behavior? Makes me sick!

Then we find out that he's been doing coke and other drugs the WHOLE TIME while he was living with us, while she was pregnant, and still doing it.

Then comes Thursday night of last week, my husband get's a phone call at 1:15am from a county sheriff a county away asking if my husband owned a white Dodge Ram, he said yes, the sheriff said well it's being towed to so and so's it was found half way in the ditch! Turns out...his son was out drinking and driving and decided that the ditch was a perfect place to park the Dodge... Now $2,000.00 in damaged and Stepson wants to turn it into insurance because he can't drive around with it messed up like that... I was furious! Found out he didn't have his license after all.

So when my husband confronted him with the drinking and driving, the drugs, the lies... Stepson, lies until my husband showed proof... I'm thinking good! Let's take back the truck, he needs to learn a lesson and fix his life and go to rehab... NOPE, husband said he could keep the truck because he needs to be able to get to work and support that grand baby... Ummm... His son can go buy a cheap car. 

The next day (Saturday) I wake up and go outside of my camper (we all stayed at the campgrounds for the weekend) there were beer cans, and diapers all over our lot. The trash can was right there. I was hot! I went off stating that if they can't come up here and be respectful they don't need to be here at all. I am not cleaning this mess up! My husband ended up cleaning up the mess because he didn't want to confront his son and get his son mad at him. Later that night, My husband and I went to bed around 10:30. We get woken up at 2 by one of the owners of the campgrounds... Looking for his son. Apparently he got in a fight once again at the band. We almost got kicked out of the campgrounds that we pay good money to camp during the summer because of his son. His son the next morning admitted to it, but said it wasn't his fault... I wanted to scream when his son laughed about it.

SO now my husband and I are arguing... about his son. I told him I was not supportive of his decision on letting his son keep the truck, with no license, the truck being in my husbands name, and insurance as well. If he does something stupid again, or ends up hurting someone in the truck, it all falls back on my husband and me.I am the bad guy in this whole situation and I can't figure out why. I want him to go to rehab to get help with his additions and his anger.

I don't know what to do... I want to just cut him off but still be present for my granddaughter. I don't want this to come between my husband and I anymore. How do I go about this? I have never had to deal with this before or this much drama...

Sorry for the long post. I am sure I forgot more drama... 


CLove's picture

Before I make suggestions, I just want to say "welcome to the site, Im glad you are here! And also welcome to the site I am sorry you need to be here!"

I would encourage you to read around on here, especially in the forums and the adult forums. Theres a special sort of life suck that happens when the adult skids are that bad and still dependent. JRI has LOADS of experience and she can tell you "this seldome gets better, especially when the bio parents do not want to make skids mad at them".

My biggest suggestion would be that you separate your finances and all that immediately. Not one more cent of YOURS goes to SS. Any $$ that your husband gives, your bank account gets equal dollars. Is husband wealthy on his own? Make certain you have life insurance and house and that stuff is in YOUR name. Get yourself to a financial advisor or estate lawyer. 

Because SS is an addict. Your husband is enabling an addict. Theres a whole psychology to that and it sucks. Time to read up or go to therapy  alanon or narcanon, if you havent before. Learning and knowledge gives you understanding and understanding gives you more options. And this will make you appear more empathetic to husband.

SS doesnt want to change. The grandchild is the innocent victim of his addiction and his selfishness. That breaks my heart. And the BM of his child is also a victim.

He sounds like a POS trashy selfish entitled narcissist.

Im so sorry.

Oh, and when you really reach the end of your rope, you can always move out and "date" your husband and leave him to his SS.

Jenmay33's picture

Thank you for your help!

We only have a joint account for bills only. What I make I do not share expect for bills. Been down that road once and I told him we will not be combinding any fiances. They only thing we have as in assest is the Jeep. I had to co-sign for him to get it because his credit was in the 400s. Whiched helped him. I do not make the payment either. We rent, so there is no morgage yet. We have talked about life insurane but haven't done anything yet. We get a small amount from our jobs and I am 100% the benificiaire and he is on mine. My husband is not wealthy at all. I am the saver in the relationship. So I have a lot more money then he does.... In the bank and else where. 

I don't want to lose my husband because of his sons actions. I know that he doesn't want his son mad at him but his son is hurting so many people. Esp.. that little girl!

Stepdrama2020's picture

Years of turmoil.

Unfortunately you married into an unhealthy family. The enabler and rescuer is your DH. The victim, poor widdle SS and his addictions. YOU will end up being the bad guy because you want to address the issue. SS certainly doesnt want that. Your DH probably wants the issues addressed, but his role as enabler and resuer is already established and it keeps him on a "good" path with SS.  

The little girl would do better being far away from her addicted daddio. Just my opinion, and speaking from experience.

Good luck. Read around on here . You have an uphill battle that generally wont go in your favor hun.


Rumplestiltskin's picture

The drama triangle - the Victim, the Rescuer, and the Antagonist. Don't be pigeonholed into being the "bad guy." If your DH is intent on being the rescuer/enabler, you won't be able to out-victim SS. This is a bad situation.  It's one of my biggest fears for the future, too (dysfunctional skid having kids), as my SO gravitates toward the rescuer role, and who can say no to needy grandkids? I'm "raising" SD's cat and she keeps going in and out of homelessness, legal troubles, and drama. I can only imagine it with an actual child. You guys need counseling. 

simifan's picture

I think you need to divorce him at least on paper. If or rather when his son kills someone your DH will be sued. Given that he is aware the SS doesn't even have a license and drives drunk, insurance won't cover the accident & he will lose evrything. 

SteppedOut's picture

Save yourself. Even if you want to 'stay together as a couple', divorce so you are not financially ruined by your husband's stupid decisions. Perhaps when you tell him you want to do this, it will open his eyes.

advice.only2's picture

CPS needs to be called on your SS because nobody is protecting that little girl from a drug addict who is going to end up killing himself or some innocent bystander (like his daughter).  Next read up on enabling and what the reality of your life is going to be being married to an enabler of a drug addict.  Protect yourself financially, because when your SS kills somebody the family will come after DH’s and YOUR assets.  Take this seriously, your SS is going to kill somebody and his father is doing nothing to protect his granddaughter, himself or you from the fallout of his addiction. 

Merry's picture

My SS is in recovery, but those active addiction years were hell and I did just about leave DH. It's one of those times that love is not enough. I know my need for housing and financial stability, and supporting an addict threatened both of those things.

DH did the same thing with the car -- gave it to SS and didn't change title to SS. The inevitable happened and DH was sued for an accident involving SS. It all worked out, but I was furious about DH's enabling and coddling behavior. At one point SS had no place to live, so DH paid for a hotel. A nice hotel. Free movies and breakfast. After three days of that and excuse after excuse as to why SS couldn't find anywhere else to go, I had enough and that was my line in the sand. DH stopped paying after many tears and arguments, and miraculously SS found a place to go that same day.

DH wouldn't go to al-anon or similar, but we do have friends in recovery. They were very generous with their time and compassion and they guided DH along the path to stop the enabling. When SS finally got into a recovery program, he also recognized that DH was a co-dependent enabler and SS basically had to shut out DH for a while. NOT helping your child when the child is suffering or hurting feels wrong, but in this case NOT helping is the only right thing to do. I suggest your DH find an avenue to really learn about addiction, and his role as enabler. An addictions counselor would be ideal.

Even though I still have issues with DH's kids, I'm proud of SS. He's come a long way. He hasn't asked us for anything for several years now, and the few times that DH offered to help him with cash, SS refused.

All that to make a couple of points: First, nothing good will come from your DH's enabling of his son. He is actually preventing him from hitting bottom, and while no parent wants their child to suffer, addiction recovery requires it. Addiction is a disease, not a moral failing.  Second, you must protect yourself. An addict will take down everyone and everything around him if it means he can get to the next high. If the only way to protect yourself is to leave your DH, you have to do that. I hope your DH sees the hard reality in front of him.

Jenmay33's picture

Husband made sure he was there by taking him. I did get my money back after 8 months.

Shieldmaiden's picture


 Sorry to hear you are stuck in this situation. Your DH needs to stop enabling his son and draw a hard line at what he will or won't do for him. This may cause you both to be shut out of your grand daughter's life. Sad, but it happens as the parents (our Sk's) use the grandchild to manipulate us. 

I would let DH know that you are hurt that he sees you as "the bad guy" because you want to protect him from manipulation, and in turn, protect yourself from manipulation from his son. I would ask him to imagine the situation reversed. What if your hypothetical 22 year old son was doing this, and you were allowing it, which caused your marriage to fall apart? How would he feel?

He may be deep in denial - saying things like "You don't have kids so you dont' understand." Well yes, you don't have kids, but you have a heart. You can see how much this tears him up and you want to prevent this. Also, you don't want to be put in situations where you have to feel exposed, mistreated, or used because your husband can't stand up for himself. Everyone loves their kids. This doesn't excuse ss's behavior or your husband's refusal to see it or take action.

Your husband thinks he is helping his son. He isn't. Either way your husband will be hurt by this. The choice is his whether he is hurt forever, or hurt for now. Also, whether he has the balls to do the right thing for his son, however hard it may be. My DH went through this with his daughters in a way, and I told him exactly where I stood, and when I would leave him if he kept on doing what he was doing. 

Finally my DH saw the light - when he nearly had his 3rd heart attack from stress. No blocked arteries, no narrowing of arteries, just plain old stress from his kids manipulating him for money. 

We are here for you. Many of us have gone through this and come out the other end. My DH and I are still together. All three daughters went through a period where they refused to speak to us because we enforced the rules. They all 3 talk to him now and are better people because he did the right thing. Two out of 3 of the SD's talk to me, but the oldest one I don't want a relationship with because she is a bit of a sociopath and doesn't respect me or her dad.

JRI's picture

I'm still dealing with my lying, manipulative, thieving, addicted, sick DD61 so, take it from me, this will never end with your SS.  If you're staying with your DH, like I've done, then you need to do whatever is necessary to protect yourself in many respects cuz these enabling parents don't change. 

I won't go into the saga of what drove these decisions but we separated finances.  He has an "allowance" so if he chooses to respond to her "emergencies", it comes from that and he has less for himself.  We subsidize her living expense for a predetermined amount but not one cent more out of the family money. She cannot live here again.  She cannot come over without calling first and must knock before entering.  She cannot be in the house alone.

I hardened my heart about her family issues with her 3 kids and 4 gkids.  Nothing personal about any of them and I have a good relationship with them all but I don't listen to any of her never ending drama.  For one thing, she's such a liar, I can't believe what she says.  So, I don't respond unless I hear from one of them in person.

When she's here, I'm nervous.  I am detached.  I never ask her a question, try to maintain a civil, polite attitude.  When I do let down and interact with her, he is touchingly grateful but I'm so wary of her toxic influence.   She is DHs daughter, nothing will change that or his concern for her but I've had to set boundaries to protect myself.  




JRI's picture

I often had the same dream of SD going to rehab but let's face it, rehab and therapy don't work unless 1.  A person WANTS to change and 2. They  are willing to admit mistakes.  Neither your SS not my SD want to change, they just want to be enabled to keep doing what they're doing.  Neither would admit mistakes cuz in their minds, they are only victims of circumstances.

So, save your money and empathy, it won't work.

ESMOD's picture

If your DH is determined that his son can have the truck... he needs to sign it over.. for free.. whatever.. he won't make the kid pay for it anyway.  get it off your insurance.. let the kid figure that out.. but don't allow it to be YOUR problem.

Clearly your SS has addiction issues.. and he likely has some behavioral ones as well.. the fighting etc..   His mom sounds like a peach not worried about her son on drugs.  And.. your DH constantlly enabling him?  that isn't helping either.  I would also not really be that interested in being his "parent" in any capacity.. 

I would disengage.. he was grown and launched (poorly) when you met him.  He is not your worry or concernt except when your DH enables him.. do not allow your joint funds to ever support his bad decisions going forward.  If you want to be in your husband's grandaughter's life?  that is fine.. but be aware that these ties to dysfunction can be drama filled and heartbreaking.

Harry's picture

That many of us have PSED from step life.  That your story opens up old wounds. Sorry for my iPad frezzing.  
Yes your head is on straight.  Unfortunately you know what you have to go.

Rags's picture

Let him crash and burn.   It won't happen unless you let him realize the natural consequences of his choices.  Unfortunately, the GSkid will be even harder to save from the tragedy of the parents.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

You need to be realistic and mentally tough about this - no more of your resources going to enable the addict, no more bailing him out. Take all necessary steps to protect yourself financially, and get healthy by getting educated about addiction. Drag the issue into the light and don't let your H rugsweep it. Detach, and do a thorough assessment to ensure the addict has no financial ties to you whatsoever.

Regarding his daughter, calling CPS is the right thing to do as she is NOT safe with him, and it can be done annonymously. Also, reach out to her mother and start building a relationship with her. Support the healthy parent instead of allowing the addict to hold power over you.

notarelative's picture

To support the healthy parent, you have to have a healthy parent. The mother's remark about not caring if he does drugs as long as it's not around their daughter would make me concerned. The odds of an active addict not using are slim. The remark does not seem to be that of a healthy parent. A call to child services explaining the situation seems to be in order. (Calls are kept anonymous.)