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Car Insurance

Shane7839's picture

Happy New Year!! 

So,I've been paying SD's car insurance since they were 16 and now they are 21, and 19. Recently our rates have gone up and its extremely expensive for 4 drivers on our policy. I've talked to my wife and said, bio dad needs to help pay,which as soon as they both turned 18 he stopped child support. She told me no, Because both are in college and he helps them in other ways. We have a 10 year old son together and I feel like hes getting the leftovers finacially. Am I wrong to not care how much hes helping them becuase thats what parents do, and not wanting to play for their insurance or should i just suck it up? Thanks for your time

ESMOD's picture

Those girls have two parents.. and you are not one of them.  Why is your wife not paying their insurance?  If she won't ask their dad to pay part.. then she should be paying.  It's not your responsibility to pay for her kids.

SteppedOut's picture

OP, you, should not be paying for someone else's adult kids car insurance! 

Even if you and and your wife have agreed for her to be a "stay home mom" and not work... you should not be responsible for her ADULT kids expenses.

Further, if she DOES work, but can't afford to pay her full share of household/shared with you child expenses, she should not be funding her ADULT kids either (or asking you to).

If she doesn't want her adult poopsies to have to pay auto insurance, she should get a job/second job to ensure they are able to lay around and live the high life on someone else's dime.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

At those ages, the skids should have some skin in the game and be paying for at least part of that. Your wife is wrong to expect you to pay more than the bio parent does. Do the skids have jobs? Since this is bothering you, she needs to ask bio dad to pay. You do not have to just shut up and continue eating this shit sandwich. Times are hard, and you already subsidize them in other ways. As you say, you have a minor child's needs to consider.

justmakingthebest's picture

My son is 16 and he is responsible for 1/2 of his car insurance. While in college, we will still pay 1/2 but as soon as he graduates, he will be on his own. 

SS22 is responsible for all of his auto insurance. 

There is no reason that these girls aren't contributing to their privilege of driving. Either dad pays 1/2 or they pay 1/2, or you give them 30 days to figure it out themselves. Having them take responsibility isn't a bad thing! 

PetSpoiler's picture

Why aren't these girls helping to pay insurance? They're adults now.  Let them get jobs and pay their own insurance.  

Dogmom1321's picture

Why do you keep paying? I would get my own policy and let her deal with paying for her kids. Untangle yourself from this web ASAP!

CLove's picture

and either have bio dad pay or get a job/second job to pay. YOU are not responsible for HER kids with someone else.

But thats great that they are driving. Do they have jobs? SD23 Feral Forger has no license and SD16 is still working on that permit online self-pace course I helped her sign up for (with her own money) from back in June 2022.

Survivingstephell's picture

Time to look at rates and if possible get new policies at better rates WITHOUT the skids on the policy.  You can also get your own policy without him or the skids on it.  I will say thought that we kept my bios on until they turned 25, that's the magic age when rates drop. They paid for their part.  They knew and understood what it was all about.  

reedle2021's picture

Happy new year to you!

I agree with the other posters.  At their ages, they should be paying for at least part of the insurance.  And what they can't cover, bio parents should cover.  This really isn't your problem.  I don't think it's unreasonable to expect them to help as they are adults and you have a minor child who needs support. 

Also, I would say once they graduate college, they get their own auto insurance policies and be on their merry way.  Smile


Thumper's picture

You are not morally OR legally obligated to pay for another woman or mans adult kids CAR insurance.

Find your own separate policy. Let your wife pay for her and her kids. OR give a 30day written notice you dropping them off your policy.

Guard your pay check, I have a feeling you have been paying for more than you know. 

Remember where there is smoke, there is fire.