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Can I breathe now?

classyNJ's picture

It has been a long time posting.  If you remember, if not blogs should be there, my SS20 moved back in in February.  I cried until May since I knew that all the ground rules we laid down would last a few weeks and then back to his normal mopey, ignoring, not caring, not helping, not working, etc self come thru.

My DH lost his sh*t big time around the end of August.  Not only was this kid not doing ANYTHING but staying in the basement unless a meal was ready, he then had his GF here 5-6 days a week.  Sometimes coming in after 1 AM.  Told him that I was not happy with this since now my privacy was invaded.  yes I sleep naked and we leave the door open a crack for our dog to come in and out.  My home so I dont feel I should have to wear clothes for when she is here.  If I woke up at 3 AM to use the bathroom, they are walking around upstairs scrounging for food.  Unsettling. 

She then sent me a 2 page text asking if I felt she was over too much and how much she appreciated everything I did for her and how I made her feel at home.  I took this as manipulative so i didn't answer it.  Delete delete delete.  

It was when DH said to him you either go back to college full time, part time with part time job or full time job, SS20 actually said " I do not understand why I need a job"  My jaw hit the floor.  DBDB has raised the most entitlted kid.  SS24 is complete opposite, 2 jobs, pays us rents, bills, food and one of the best roomies I ever had LOL

That answer did not sit well with a work horse like DH.  He asked him if he just wanted to be a bum and SS20 acted like his FeeFees were hurt.  Oh well!!  He packed a bag, said he was going to his GF for the weekend and never came back.

He now has a full time job, but he is living at his GF house with her parents and a bunch of other relatives.  Him, his GF and a friend will be renting  an apartment.  GREAT, now come get your stuff out of the basement bedroom so your brother can move down there!

DHs birthday was last week.  SS24 gave him tickets for a great show DH wanted to see and made us dinner reservations at his favorite restaurant.  SS20 promised to come over for a week.  No show.  Just called him at 10pm that night and wanted to know what we did and who paid for everything.

I feel like I can finally breathe.  But knowing this kid, he will be back by the end of 2023.  pray for me.



JRI's picture

He's out for now with plans for moving on from there.  So, all you can do is be thankful a day at a time.  Would your DH hold firm if he tried to move back?

AlmostGone834's picture

You've got him out now don't let him move back! Draw the line in the sand now with your DH. Let him know right away that you don't think you could handle another stint with SS living there. 

classyNJ's picture

that DH would hold his ground.  He knows that if he comes back, I am moving out.  I had already had looked at a few places near our home for me to live and was planning on moving out October 1st.  DH knows that it is a big no for me for him to move back in.  I think he gets it LOL

CLove's picture

So...youve got SS24 who is pretty golden, and ss20 who is lazy and entitled and selfish. Obviously your DH wants to keep you.

Pack up SS20 stuff. Box it. Clear that basement and get ss24 down there. Make the new extra room your room. "sorry ss20 no room here for you!!!"

classyNJ's picture

Has already started packing SS20 stuff, he just needs to come get it.  I will then move my office into SS24's room.  I took over the 3rd bedroom which is my husbands closet (don't ask LOL) and the dogs room complete with his own futon and toys so I am using one small corner.  

I didn't want SS20 on our floor because he is like slenderman.  Just creepy and up all hours of the night while the rest of us are sleeping so we made one of the rooms in the basement his bedroom.  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Yes, proceed with taking over the space. You've given it several weeks, right? Be sure to use feminine colors and eliminate any extra beds, futons, or long couches, too. Make your home SS20 inconvenient.

Birchclimber's picture

EXACTLY!  Florals, Rainbows, whatever!  The girliest decor that you can find!  And air freshners!  The ones that smell like Grandma's Closet!  Then maybe buy a big sewing machine and tables or a huge computer desk to fill the space!   
And enjoy the peace!  

CajunMom's picture

He's out. Pack his stuff for him and move to a corner of the room along with any larger items. Do NOT even entertain the thought he will be back. If the opportunity arises tell him how proud you are of him "adulting." LOL 

No way would he come back into my home.