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If you and DH found out

ICanMakeIt's picture

the HCBM forged DH signature on a passport application for kids (joint custody) and succesfully has had passports for 5+ years for them, would your DH prosecute and do we think anything would happen to said HCBM? 


SeeYouNever's picture

Personally I don't think my DH would care. He was so burnt out from court during his divorce and SD is PASed so there isn't much he would prosecute unless BM was endangering SD. Other than that he sees court as a waste of money.

But I do think if you did it would stand a good chance that BM would be punished for it. Def consult with a lawyer to see what the potential charge and consequence could be before diving in. What she did is a felony.

ESMOD's picture

This was wrong... of course.  But, would your DH have withheld his consent if he had been asked?  Do you believe there is a risk she will abduct the children and take them out of the country?  Do you believe she will take them to travel places he would object to? 

If the answers are generally "no".. I'm not sure what is accomplished other than a slap on the wrist.. not sure what you would expect to happen.. does she owe him compensation.. does he want her in jail? what outcome would he hope to achieve?

I guess that it ultimately the bottom line.  What does he want to happen.. what is he hoping would happen?

If it's just to rub her nose in the dirt.. meh.. it is likely a lot of drama that will end up being wholly unsatisfying and just make everyone's lives.. including your own more miserable.  I would pass.

ESMOD's picture

I mean.. yes.. it's a serious offense with stiff penalties a possibility.. but what would happen if BM were imprisoned..?  how would the kids view him for ratting her out?  how would full custody look for your household? with no support from an imprisoned parent. while she may be a HCBM.. how could it become even worse and more conflict ridden by him pushing to have her punished..

I would personally chalk it up to "yeah..  not surprised".. but unless he doesn't want his kids to have passports? I would have to think letting it go would be the path or least resistance here.

advice.only2's picture

Maybe a consultation with an attorney can give him better insight to whether or not this issue is even worth pursuing.  Given she hasn’t run off with the kids I would think the courts won’t care and won’t do anything going forward. 

Ispofacto's picture

Countless HCBMs on this board have committed various misdemeanors and felonies, and nothing ever happens to them.  The govt is swamped with fraud on every level, and since nothing "bad" happened here, they won't be interested.

If BM kidnapped the skids and if they decided to prosecute that, they'd stack this charge on the pile.  Assuming they'd even care about a kidnapping, since she's THE MOTHER.



Livingoutloud's picture

How do you know she forged it? I know both parents supposedly have to sign, but no one ever asked for my ex's signature when I applied for DD's passport.

She could have said there is no dad in the picture. they don't always ask  

MissK03's picture

When we got skids passports both parents needed to be present for the actual filing at the post office. BM had to meet SO and skids there. I know there are ways around it if distance is an issue.. notarized letter etc. SO took on his own for their photos. SSs are/will be adults expect for SD she will 17 when theirs expire in 2024. Not sure about the renewal process for a minor...

OP why did she feel she needed to forge his signature when this sounds like it's a renewal? 

notarelative's picture

Does BM have sole custody? If you have sole custody of your child, you do not need consent from their other parent in order to get them a passport. 

Thumper's picture

BM's forge docs, lie about wages, LIE to the IRS, lie about paternity, lie about day care costs N caregivers, list multiple false addresses, lie about where kids really are, Lie to police, lie to Judges, lie to therapist's, lie to schools about free meals,  lie to Social Services for free GVT services, ...the list is never ending.

Accountability is very rare.  Because a response is usually --they didn't knowwwww they could not do xyz.  

Being ignorant is their pass to get away with it AND it works.

I am sorry this happened. 

Does your CO reflect she MUST provide all travel info prior to departure? 


Harry's picture

Goes to jail.  You get SK fill time for 5 to 10 years,  ?   NO let it go 

CajunMom's picture

It's been 5 years. She's not doing anything crazy. Plus, if I remember correct, kids passports are only good for 5 years. And she may not have done anything wrong. We took DHs youngest for a passport and only DH signed. As others have said, you'd be causing issues for the kids also. This is really nothing I would fret over. Plus, she saved your DH some money...she could have asked for half. Nope. Not a hill to die on. Heck, not even a hill to approach.

shamds's picture

One of my ex coworkers was warned by eldest daughter that daddy was covertly applying for their passports years after the divorce and my friend was worried what happens if he forges a signature.

but it's difficult to do because you need to sign in front of a witness from certain occupations so unless you have a mate willing to sign off in a dodgy manner, it's difficult to forge it

thinkthrice's picture

They will give the BM a pass.  Two tiered justice system