Your experience with subtle SKID Abuse?
I struggle sometimes with the more "subtle" SKID abuse. I would love to read examples and stories that you have about being abused as a SP but not the overt abuse that is very obvious the subtle stuff. Thank you for sharing.
I think a typical way is a
I think a typical way is a skid being careless.. intentional.. abusing the SP's belongings.
Yes careless - like asking
Yes careless - like asking not to have the door slammed and even to this day they are adults and slam the doors.
Nonstop micromanagement and
Nonstop micromanagement and snarky comments
Stubborn but indirect noncompliance with rules, refusal to cooperate
Incessant complaining and sulking
Stealing to even the score
Sneakiness and lying
Refusal to answer questions
Baiting and then playing the victim
Constantly disagreeable and argumentative
Walks away while being reprimanded
Purposely annoying everyone
Withholding affection in order to punish
Gossiping to BM
Thank you for the list
Thank you for the list Ispofact - love to hear any personal examples of where you felt like a crazy person after dealing with microagressions. I really like that "witholding affection in order to punish" I've got plenty of stories that fit that category.
Killjoy was the dark cloud of
Killjoy was the dark cloud of negativity in the corner of every room, all day, every day, until a switch flipped and I couldn't stand to be around her anymore at all.
I had a similar switch in me
I had a similar switch in me - I had a very sulky kid who is a hypochonridac...I even gave up asking "How are you?" because it would be met with some negativity. Killjoy...still laughing about when you tried to give kid a ride Ispofacto, that story burns brightly in my mind and whenever I just need to laugh about SP life that comes to mind.
Pouty Mc Pouterson
For example, last night at dinner with my parents, at an expensive restaurant, Sd16 Backstabber/Munchkin decided to put me on the spot as to the login credentials for her class registration which is all online now. I had gotten a notice emailed to me, created the username and password and sent all in a text to Husband who told me "ok. You do too much". Well after freshman year when I was asked to help out and them totally b!tched out when I did, I wasnt up for engagement over this.
When she asked for credentials, all I said was "I texted those to your father. He can give them to you, just dont change the password." She got mad, went silent, looked down at her (expensive) plate, hunched over and pouted.
Last weekend, I poked the bear and texted SD23 Feral Forger that she needs to not blame others for her problems and that I was not to blame for her lack of relationship with her father, SHE was and she needs to take responsibility. Her response "I hate you F@ck off, you f@cking horrible stepmonster!!!" Some other things were texted and I ended with "sending you blessings and wish the best". Then block block block.
She would do things like shun me in my home. Husband either didnt notice of didnt care. I would go pick strawberrries and have some in the fridge, SD23 would stomp in the kitchen and ask husband if she could have some strawberrries, he would refer her to me and she would growl and stomp back off not asking me anything. Stuff like that.
And she does relational aggression too. She will try to get others, like husbands family, to hate me too.
Clove I always appreciate
Clove I always appreciate your insight- we've got similar stuff going on even though my SKIDs are a bit older than yours (not by much though!) EXACTLY....a moment when you should just be relaxing, your parents are there, you're at an expensive resturant and of don't get the right to just be, you have to perform and deal with demands. Afterall aren't you just a stepmonster anyways?? JK but also I am not because that's how they view you- you're there to serve and recieve poor treatment simply because of a role and label you've been given.
I have also been in the role "of doing too much" and it is NEVER met with gratitude from anybody and you will lose. So, yes just like you I STOPPED. Relational aggression- yes to this too. It's been a huge bonding for them to share a joint hatred of me. Once again, I am stepping away and disengaging.
Final note your nicknames are hilarious ! Love your creativity.
Backstabber/Munchkin is GENERALLY kind and respectful. Until she doesnt get EXACTLY what she wants/requests, or something is said that she doesnt like.
Feral extremely feral and...the rest is explanatory
I have a feeling that
I have a feeling that Backstabber/Munchkin may grow more unreasonable as she ages. But you never know you may get lucky and she may mature. Hang in there cLove.
For me, carelessness is at
For me, carelessness is at the top of the list. I also think one of my SSs does things on purpose to bother me, like turn all the lights on in the house or put the toilet seat up even if he didn't use the toilet. He also ignores me, which I don't mind, since I find him annoying, but it is weird for someone to be sitting there and looking past you.
They also both constantly criticize things at our house or tell DH and I what we should be doing. For example, the latest thing is that MIL complains to SSs that we "never" invite her over...but she "never" invites us over and "never" gets in touch with us about anything. Also, why would I invite someone over if she tried to use my skid to get me to invite her over. That is the exact wrong way to appeal to me.
One criticizes everything that DH does and both are rude and disrespectful. I was glad that DH finally called one out this weekend when he said, "what's your problem, bro?" after DH told him he couldn't light a fire in the fireplace in the middle of July.
Both also regularly complain to BM about how lame or boring our house is and tell her we don't give them the things they need.
One also lied to BM's family and DH's family and told them that DH and I both sit around and talk about how much we hate BM.
Thank you strugglingSM this
Thank you strugglingSM this is very therapeuatic for me to read specific instances - yes I absoutely think SS does it to make you mad. Looking past you, openly ignoring you- all these things go UNCHECKED and yet many times we find ourselves unable to return the favor and give them a taste of their medicine.
The lying...yeah I became public enemy number one. I watched as many many stories were told and I am fairly certain they were not extermely straight forward about the facts of what happened but here we are...I am happy to hear that your DH also has to put up with bad behavior because sometimes I feel like I am on a sea of my own. My DH does not want to see the bad behavior and most of the time it is targeted at me. Thanks for sharing your story it reminds me that we are all in this struggle- I am not a "special case."
I think sometimes what hurts
I think sometimes what hurts more is not intentionally being excluded from things but they just didn't consider you or your feelings.
THIS. I never thought of this
THIS. I never thought of this but that's completely right!! Thank you Focusonthepos. It's a lonely road and I often feel that our feelings are never considered, in fact we as human beings that deserve basic recognition and are still not considered and at times even acknowledged.
Continual lateness, disregard for me or DH .
It took me four years to decide to just not host or arrange anything with/for them. The final nail was two of them showing up to a birthday brunch my bio son hosted for me and invited the skids to, an hour and a half late and then being the first to leave. Message received. We are not talking occasionally being late, it was constantly being late, to every single event we hosted. OSS was the most egregious but they ALL take turns.
Noway21 we're in the same
Noway21 we're in the same boat- it took me almost a decade but last year was my final straw. I got beat up after offering an opportunity (paid by us) and I was reemed out. I took a step back and thought: What am I doing?? Why am I trying to coordinate, pay, support and provide opportunities only to be slapped in the face and screamed at.
Re: lateness - yeah it's garbage. I don't wait for anyone. I've got one SS who does show up on time but the other does not and the show goes on...we eat, do what we want and we do not wait for him to turn up. If food disappears we don't save him a plate, he gets whatever is left. One time he was so late I ended up taking a nap and woke up to a text from another family member saying "kid is looking to be greeted." I put the snooze on and got up 15 minutes later without feeling I had to jump to attention. He had to sort of sit around alone because everyone was taking a break. Too bad but we are no longer revolving around you.
My DH still jumps.
When oss and crew arrived late to the brunch my son said "help yourself to what's left" yep made me proud, then DH jumped up to reheat what was left for his darlings. lol I napped through oss arrival on Xmas, I have zero regrets. I'm just putting more and more distance. DH tried talking to them about why I no longer attend things they host, that since they ALWAYS invite momma and I don't want to see her 8-9 or more times a year, they've never invited us without first inviting her. They refused to grasp that it's not really cool for me so now I just assume she will be there and don't even bother pretending to be interested in attending with DH. DH knew the lateness wouldn't truck with me when we had been married a year and finally moved to our bigger home and had a Father's Day bbq at it with his kids, they were ALL late and I waited about 15 minutes, dished myself up and ate before they all wandered in an hour + beyond the time we told them. Ha! Still took me 3 more years to just say "enough" but I'm all about giving the benefit of the doubt so needed to give it the chance to see, not only will it never change it got worse and worse. At least I have peace even if DH doesn't when it comes to them Lol.
Right the world moves on -
Right the world moves on - yep take your naps, eat the food before it gets cold and stop putting out a big effort. You're actually a fast learner NoWay2b1 - it took me a decade and a final dinner to drop any extra nice stuff. I realized it is not appreciated and will only make me feel taken for granted.
This is my DH's family. His
This is my DH's family. His brother showed up last weekend five hours later than he said he would for the family 4th weekend and we all had to wait around for him for dinner.
MIL also always makes plans without considering our schedule. SSs are now teens, so she just confers with them and tells DH when they can come, assuming we can, too. Last year for Christmas, MIL sent a group text saying "we're all available on the 23rd and SSs can come, so we can have dinner then." DH and I (and DD) weren't around. We were around on the 21st, but SIL had made plans with SS that day (we weren't involved in those, either).
Its super disrespectful and dismissive in my opinion.
This is an excellent topic. I
This is an excellent topic. I could write a book of small rude-ities. No single event is all that horrible, which makes it impossible to convince DH of the accumulated level of disrespect and abuse.
One of my personal favorites: SS, DIL and two SGDs are here for the weekend. We tell them what we have on hand for lunch, make them each a custom plate, youngest -- who's four -- throws a huge temper tantrum, kicking, screaming and refusing to eat. Parents act like no big deal. So...okay. We clean everything up and go about our business. Half an hour later, I walk around the corner and find SGD, standing on my kitchen counter in her outdoor shoes, being handfed her own private lunch by both SS and DIL.
Honestly, it wasn't the temper tantrum, it wasn't the lack of parenting (okay, it was a little), it wasn't that she got handfed later, it was that she was on my counter in her filthy shoes. Which would never in a million years happen in her own house.'s the accumulation's the accumulation of bad stuff that year after year and episode after episode grates on your nerves. I can totally relate - we take our shoes off in the house and I KNOW that SS do the same at their homes but...when here one of the adult SS does't even give it a thought even when he sees every single other person without their shoes and a pile in the mudroom. Went to this adult SS's apartment and guess what? We have to take our shoes off and everything has to be respected. Double standard? Oh yeah.
Death by a thousand cuts.
Over years.
The solution to stop it immediately is to invoke more pain than they give.
Call them on their crap in real time in front of whoever is present.
I wouldn't call what SD15
I wouldn't call what SD15 does to me abusive, just rude. She pretends like I don't exist. It's amazing the lengths she will go to to act like I don't exist, like asking about each of our kids, and pets, and friends, but not me. Or if I try to talk to her or engage in a conversation with her and DH she just ignores me and talks to DH. He doesn't notice this because he's still getting attention. Now SD and I mutually ignore each other. I think she's coming to regret it because she's taken an interest in the field I'm in but I AM NOT going to help her with her homework or college. It makes me feel used that you suddenly want to talk when you have homework I could help you with. Read the book.
Seeyounever it actually is
Seeyounever it actually is abusive to ignore a person. I realize she's getting a pass because shes 15- ignoring behavior sometimes continues and it's undignified and disrespectful. When they are teens we often let that stuff go because they are moody and hormonal but as that continues it's a form of neglect which is abuse. At some point you may want to verbally label this and discuss it with your DH if they continue this in their adulthood but I agree with you- don't lift a finger. Of course this is just my take on it - but I refuse to be ignored any longer if you show up- eat my food, make me pay for things and expect me to do things for you.
It's shunning.
It's shunning.
Good word choice and you don
Good word choice and you don't deserve it Ispofacto.
Haha sorry to laugh but there
Haha sorry to laugh but there is no way DH would consider ignoring to be abuse, especially inflicted on me. However she goes months without talking to him so that stonewalling might reach the level of what he considers abuse. I think if get farther calling it rude or entitled.
If it isn't too bad for you
If it isn't too bad for you and you find the treatment to be rude or entitled that's not necessarily a bad perspective. I personally did not find it ok especially as they became young adults to ignore and stonewall. I've done way too much to recieve that kind of treatment. But I do think everyone has a different threshold and I respect yours and your DH.
Indeed, we'll see how this
Indeed, we'll see how this changes as she gets older. The unique thing about our situation is that SD's treatment of DH is much worse than her treatment of me. I get ignored, he gets ignored and manipulated. SD figured out pretty quickly that she didn't have any power over me.
I actually got him a book called "emotional blackmail" when his mother and sister were guilt tripping him constantly to help him see that he needed to stand up to them and cut them off. SD is manipulative too and I'm certain he's made the connection.
"I dunno."
"I dunno."
"I forgot."
"Sulking silence."
My SS wasn't too bad except during pre-visitation behavioral degradation (~7-10 days pre departure) and post visitation behavioral detox (~2-3wks post visitation). Our CO stipulated a long distance visitation schedule which they took intermittently so we did not have to deal with it constantly.
...sulking silence - that
...sulking silence - that toxic passivity drips into EVERY nook and cranny. Glad it was pinned on very specific instances - I've got one who still performs this as an adult and I have NO patience for it whatsoever. He took a really kind, generous and cool (yes cool!) stepmom and just ruined my enthuasim by taking the air out of the room with his sulky behavior. I reserve all my creative energy and goodness for others!
I am glad you bless the right people with those things.
Instead of wasting them.
To minimize my irritation at the sulking silence, when he did it, he left my presence. PERIOD! DOT!
Excellent way to handle it
Excellent way to handle it Rags!
Passive Aggressive
Thats their choice of weapon. Subtle, hard to pin point, and most of all daddeee warbucks never sees it.
Yeah...for years I had a hard
Yeah...for years I had a hard time articulating "toxic passivity" because it's hard to explain to others. But let me tell you when I got so pissed off one time at my SS I returned the favor by sitting there and withholding sharing my extreme anger. I've been handling your BS for a decade.
daddee will never stop the behaviour. He feels so special everyone fighting for him. If he wanted it to stop he would. Plus its easy for him to do nothing. Easy is his style, no parenting works for him. You get to feel the hurt not him. Better you than him.
These men are horrible parents and even worse partners.
In reality DH / Dadddeee is a
DH is a very good person and every other aspect of life he's wonderful. This is an area that needs a large improvement.
I found this interesting
I found this interesting article a while back:
I have to note here, though, that the power they feel entitled to is not an equitable amount of power for a child. Not by a longshot.
And I found this interesting:
Good read, Ispofacto. Thanks
Good read, Ispofacto. Thanks for sharing!
I second that! Super
I second that! Super interesting and appreciate this share Ispofacto - valuable insight. And yes the entitlement to power, decision making and control seems to be a major challenge when trying to make normal decisions in a household. Even with my SKIDS out of the house they feel very entitled to be in the "know" and sometimes even make decisions like picking out carpet, buying a house,e tc. One of them in particular was extremely mad that I got a new USED car - "Why should SHE get this car with her OWN hard earned money?" There's a strange feeling that my money, work and resources don't belong to DH and I and in fact they belong to SKIDs.
It’s the subtle things that will stop me living with my SO
Last time I was at his place, his daughter didn't come out of her room. I'm not prepared to move so I need to travel an hour each way for work only to feel uncomfortable every weekend when she comes and treats it like a hotel - checks in Friday, orders room service, has the maid (his mother) provide turn down service!
My SKIDs used to live
My SKIDs used to live completely in their rooms - I would enter weekly to retrieve dirty laundry and one day I decided to stop. I would do none of that. What happened? No laundry was happening, piles and piles of dirtly clothes and no floor space. They not only lived in their rooms but had to live in their own stenches. It was bad took years before the walls and floors didn't have an odor.
After i teasingly poke sd
After i teasingly poke sd thinking we're having a bonding moment and then she DIGS her fingers into my side as hard as she possibly can (contorting her face so i know she's giving it her all) <-done multiple times
Her SHOVING past me SHOVING me into the door frame leaving a bruise on my arm for weeks.
Yep. I can imagine- I never
Yep. I can imagine- I never got shoved or poked hard but I can picture it someoneelse. Most of my harrassment was done through treating me as a subhuman creature and as they become more sophisicated - a disneyland villian. Everytime I get treated that way I simply do less and less.
check out some of my posts,
check out some of my posts, SD is not even subtle anymore about how she tries to destroy my family. She has repeatedly tried to turn everyone in the home against eachother
Thanks Someonelse- I'll read
Thanks Someonelse- I'll read your posts. In some ways I find that having a black and white situation where there is very obvious abuse and destruction can actually help justify the distance, disengagement, and separation away. It's the subtle actions that cause a ton of heartburn and anxiety that are hard to put our finger on or if we can it's quickly dismissed.
When young, my SKid was a shover/squeeze through the door guy.
Not out of evil intent, he just wanted to get through a door first. So, he would rush to try to sqeeze through before his mom or I walked through a door. It took running into a couple of door frames to learn that lesson. When he finally got the message that it was rude to try to squeeze past someone or shove others out of the way to get through a door, and he gained clarity that a gentleman holds the door for his mother and that as a lady his mom goes first, I could rarely get a door for my wife. He was all over that and still is to this day. He holds the door for his mom, his Deema, etc.... He will be 30 in a couple of weeks.
Proud dad moment on that.
Yes, after SD shoved me (from
Yes, after SD shoved me (from behind so i wasn't aware, cought me of guard and knocked me into the door frame) i started paying more attention to where she was while going through doorways. I stated sticking my elbow back at her so she run into my elbow and that stopped it after a few times. Of course she never took blame on it and always blamed me... but that's the nature of my sd.
My SD Doesn't
My SD doesn't invite me to things. His family will even ask DH if he wants to go do something but leave me out. For instance for SD birthday lunch in April, I wasn't ask so I ask my SIL if I was invited and she said let me check with SD. SD said it was fine and I was able to go. I noticed this stuff happening more and more. Of course DH doesn't notice this because he's got his head in the sand like an ostrich, which is BS. But SD won't engage with DH when I am in the room or she'll talk very softly where I can't hear. She's very rude but yet she'll go cry to SIL that her dad doesn't do anything with her. I get blamed for it and I have never stopped DH from spending time with his kid. But SD sees it that way. If I ask her about something she said she was going to do, she gives short generic answers. So, I don't talk to her that much. She acts like a victim instead of looking at it like she's part of the problem. My counselor said they are both putting me in the middle or their problem.
Yes, that is very painful,
Yes, that is very painful, disappointing and unkind to YOU. You know what? I would get out this stupid mess by planning something extremely AWESOME everytime you are not invited to SD's functions rather then have to work for an invite through your SIL. That's ridiculous but completely not your fault. Some ideas - next time SD has somethign that you are not invited to directly plan a mancure, pedicure, facial, massage, go to a movie, treat yourself to shopping - indulge yourself rather then spend your time, resources and energy on people who do not show you care.
As for punishment when you're in the room - complete BS.