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SD finally tore us apart. Will the heartbreak ever end.

silverorch's picture

I regret the day that I helped this stupid bitch. I wish that she had died when she had OD. But no instead I stayed with her, I held her hand through it and lost my business over it, my sanity and now my husband. I grew up in an abusive household and an only child. I had no one in the world so when I met my husband who was the only person who understood me- I fell head over heels. He was my everything. I knew he had kids and I welcomed them, because I never had a family and I wanted them. I wanted to give them the love I never got. Obviously I was naive and it didn't work that way. I was 27 and my husband was 15 years older. Maybe that should have been a red flag, I don't know. My SD clung to me instantly she wanted to be around me all the time, it was suffocating but I wanted to re assure her. Eventually she confided in me that her mother was abusing her. I held her as she cried and told her she always has a home with me. Eventually over night she moved to ours and well never left. The son moved in a few months later as their mother fucked off because I made my husband stop paying her money ( he was being financially abused by her) as the years have gone on. My SD and I have had a .... turbulent relationship. I have always tried to be there for her but she has always been jealous of me in Every way and it is tiring.  She has cried because I " get more attention " and she " feels ugly" near me because I am " prettier" she has even told me not to talk to her bf because she was concerned that he might like me. She has caused arguments continuously between my husband and I because he can't see what a manipulative bitch she is. She has lied, stolen my makeup, clothes, money , down to my fucking underwear. She has no respect for me. It got to the final straw when she stole my ADHD medication. So essentially she got high on a class b drug at girl scouts. I stood by her despite everything only for her to ultimately destroy my life and my marriage. I finally told them to move out because I couldn't take it anymore. She would get my husband involve in every fight and make him choose between me and her on a subsconscious level and obviously she was chosen every time. She has been doing this to me for 4 years straight and my husband thought I never loved his kids and it was me causing fights when it was her. Ultimately it doesn't matter does it. Because they all walk away happy and Im left with nothing. I am now sitting in a home I can't afford, a business that is hanging by a thread because my mental health is literally on the floor and we are divorcing. I have nothing and no one. How can I not feel hatred. I was kind and took her in and in the end this is what she has done to me. I get that it is not all her fault because ultimately it's my husband's fault for never doing anything. But she did make my life miserable and she keyed into all my abandonment issues and played with my life. I wish nothing but the worst for her. Infact I wish that she receives the life that I've had to live. I am miserable, alone, lost and scared. Whilst she has safety , love and care. By helping her , I gave away my lifeline. 



hregal2011's picture

What an ugly situation.  It seems like a lot of us end up in it, we give and give and then they take and take and in the end we have nothing.  I'm trying hard to avoid this but it hurts and I'm sorry.  All I can say is that it hurts..but once it stops hurting you get up-dust yourself off and continue.  Good luck lady.

Loxy's picture

That sounds truly awful but you must do whatever you can to put it behind you as the anger and bitterness will only hurt you. Get counselling if you can afford it to help you process your anger and I wish you the best with moving on and finding a partner that truly cares about you and respects you.

AgedOut's picture

she may have made your life miserable but you are still standing and you are a strong woman. Start slowly, put the pieces back together or refit them to a new and unique to you pattern.


Remember the most beautiful mosaics come from so many small broken pieces. Rebuild yourself, renew your strength, remember .. you survived. 

Stepdrama2020's picture

You do realize that your thoughts are skewed. You lost nothing but dysfunctional trash, and you GAINED freedom. Hun it may not feel like it today, but you won the steplife free lottery!

Make a list of what you need to do to make life better.

The first on the list is already checked off. Getting rid of the weights that held you down. 

Now add to the list. Making your life affordable. Down sizing, picking up your business etc. BUT the most important part of this list that you need to check off is seek therapy, or seek good friends who can lift you up. Mental health is key, and its one of the things you lose when you are in the company of toxic trash.

Youve got this hun. CONGRATULATIONS!   Dont you worry karma will get the lil B and your ex DH. That I am sure of. You can sit back and let natural consequences happen to these shitty people while you soar into a better life.



CLove's picture

Firstly you are not alone. We are here and we have lived your experiences in one form or another. So write it out, journalise, and seek a friendly support system, and come here.

Secondly, All that immense amount of energy you were putting into your partner and his child and his failures, you can now redirect towards YOU. And your business. 

Your EX SD and STBXH, they can have each other. They deserve each other. You gave them your heart and soul and they crapped on it. Now, you can heal from their abuse, and they can wallow in their horribleness of their own creation.

They will crap on the next person too. Because they are essentially crap people.


la_dulce_vida's picture

Oh, sweetheart. My heart breaks for you. You were sorely used by all of them, but mostly your soon to be ex-husband. Any man who witnessed what you did for his family and his daughter and accused you of not loving his kids is a low life. By your description, you went above and beyond.

HE is dysfunctional if he would consistently side with his manipulative daughter over his wife. HE is the source of the problem because HE made you promises when he married you. He failed and he LET his daughter come between you.

I know you don't want to hear it, but it's a great time to sell a house. I'd unload that sucker and find a nice rental until you decide what your next step is.

And I don't know if he's working or what his association with the house is, but if he earns a decent income that is around what you make and he's on that house, he should be helping sustain you until the marriage is dissolute or the house is sold.

Your business can likely be recovered, but never discount starting fresh. You've got the head for it and, if necessary, you'll start over and do even better.

Chalk this one up to experience and come out of this dumpster fire more exquisite than ever!!