Sanity Check
Good Day All
Just looking to do a sanity check.
I know I am not the easiest guy to live with but I feel like I am being shaped into something I am not to keep everyone else happy. When we first got together my partner was loving and had concern for me and my "emotions". See I have Aspergers so I don't quite process things like everyone else, I am not void of emotion I simply don't read it well in others and usually can't determine what mine may be.
So back to the Sanity Check, I get this feeling like I am in the wrong when "we" have issues but I feel like I am carrying way more than my share. So I work from home which means when the kids (3 hers 1 mine) get home from school, I am the go-to parent. I have managed to get a system working where they are semi self sufficient but I do get interrupted.
Then because I work from home the washing is usually done by me, the kids have chores to help out with this as well but daily I will run a load or two through the washer and then dryer. Also, I will finish my workday and since I have no commute I will get kids ready for sports and start dinner. My partner will get home and occasionally help with the dinner or may sit down to catch up on work or read with the youngest (hers).
Then we run around dropping kids at sports etc (all hers because mine has a car), by the time we get home if 8:30 / 9:00 PM, she may do some more work or sports-related activities as she volunteers us to help out.
I feel that the actions above are proof of my dedication to this family, but it never seems enough. I will then get text messages about our relationship and how we never have time for each other etc. I find this infuriating because I have very little free time, I have no hobbies, I have no friends, my time is booked on activities for step kids and now I am failing in the "us" department.
I am tired, exhausted at the end of the day and I feel like if anyone is making an effort for "us" it is me. My partner is one of those people who respond with "whatever" and "I don't minds" or "you pick". So when talking about a date night it is really me doing all the planning.
I would go so far as to say she gets a massage (from me, not a therapist) at least 85% of the time, head, back, feet. This is not reciprocated, and if I mention it I will either get something that lasts 3 minutes until her attention is grabbed by something else or she will say she always does it, which is just not true.
Recently I applied for a new job, I have been speaking with her for months if not years about my unhappiness in my current role but it pays the bills and so I feel obligated to stay. I spent hours working on my CV, based on the requirements I should have easily been in the top few on the list. Sadly I had really got my hopes up and I didn't even make the round 1 interviews.
This made me feel pretty crappy and really sucked the wind out of my sails. When I messaged her about it all I got was two emojis, and the next communication was about her day etc.
I don't get it I feel like I am doing the right things here but somehow if she feels neglected then it's my fault, but always in a roundabout way. I feel am exhausted because I am constantly on the lookout for what I may be doing or seen to be doing that is "wrong". I feel that there is no time for us because when we get home I want to unwind and go to sleep I don't want to spend time talking etc.
I don't feel I have any more to give, I am stretched to my limits yet I am the only one that can see it, and there lies the problem. Am I simply soft and need to toughen up, am I expecting too much, should I stop being Mr Reliable?
thanks for listening
I looked back and you wrote a
I looked back and you wrote a post almost exactly a year ago that covered pretty much the same situation.
Are the three kids still coming to your home every day after school.. even on her Ex's week? If so, you know that's something you need to get fixed. Because it isn't fair that you are not only doing HER job as a parent after school.. you are doing HIS job. If you really have a 8-5 job, I don't see how you can really manage the kid's needs when they get home.. you are supposed to be working.
Now, I get it.. I understand that you feel that since she has an hour commute to her job each way.. that you spend that hour that she is otherwise occupied commuting helping the kids get out the door. And you also help the kids on the back end (see above.. that shouldn't keep happening if she won't be there).
But, it sounds like you are both busy.. and that there isn't a lot of time for you to have to yourself... I would try to put that back on her as a question. I would say... YES.. I agree we don't get to spend time as a couple.. how do you propose we change that? And let her tell you. You can nicely tell her that while you love her, you can't read her mind so she is going to have to start lhelping you understand what she needs.. and that she needs to allow you to tell HER what you need.
I think going forward trying to work outside the home should be a goal for you.. it sounds like the kids are old enough to be latch key kids.. then you and her can split household chores when you get home.. and yes... plan a weekend away.. the kids can be somewhere else for a few days!
Document things
Try keeping a printed calendar and show/demonstrate what you are doing. Tell her how you feel. Have notes ready.