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She left!

Rags's picture

On a business trip.

She will be back tomorrow night.

Her firm has their annual team building event this time of year which includes the Christmas party, an ugly sweater contest, gift exchange (a nice gift and a gag gift) business review, next year vision presentation, and the distribution of annual bonuses.

She was all excited when she called me last night.  Her bonus was twice what it was last year.  I am very proud DH of an amazing woman.  She is brilliant, beautiful, driven, and did I say brilliant, beautiful, and driven?

She is visiting with two of her GFs while at our primary home in Texas this WE.  They are both going through relationship strife, her Kindergarten BFF just got divorced. Her idiot DH got all butt hurt when her business took off and she started out earning him. So, he started screwing around so she booted his ass.  Buh-bye dumbass.  After 23years of marriage, she is re-entering the dating market.

The other GF, who is a very close friend of both of us, is struggling with grief over her sister's recent suicide, her DH has gone idiot on her and is a guy who I had a lot of respect for has turned into an unadulterated asshole.  they have been married 31 years.

My DW is in a pretty vulnerable place right now.  She has worked more than 5000 hours of OT in the last 41 months, run her immune system into the dirt with her stress levels, and has these two GFs and her person/Cousin who is recently Dx'd with terminal cancer.  She has been decompressing since joining me in LV in early Nov.  But, when she lets her stress levels grow, she has flare ups of stress related shingles.

She called this AM after letting questions regarding her great bonus burn into her head over night.  "Why would they give me that big of a bonus?  I don't think that I worked any harder or was any better than I was last year?"

She is so amazing but she just won't see it.  I do not understand why she undermines herself.  

But, she will be home to our second home tomorrow night.  

I am blessed.


caninelover's picture

Your DW is lucky to have found someone who sees her the way you see her.  We should all be so lucky.

shamds's picture

Woman starts earning more than them??

in life and throughout your marriage/relationship, there are ups and downs but we weather is together and help prop the other up. Especially when market has been unstable, some industries laid off staff while others were more in demand.

your wife earning more is no excuse to start looking for desperate hoes who are happy to screw around a married man

Winterglow's picture

My DH was absolutely thrilled when I started earning more than he did Smile In fact, he occasionally bragged about it ... especially to his xenophobic brother-in-law (I'm a Scot living in France and there are people who won't let me forget I'm an "immigrant" lol).

shamds's picture

House-husband when the time comes in a few yrs and able to retire early and i'll be the only worker as he worked real hard and saved well. Daddys atm to skids will be no longer he claims. Seeing 2 adults licing off their dads monthly allowance to them on computer games and useless crap infuriates me

JRI's picture

Here on our roller coaster, DH was the primary financial support in the early years. Now it's me in the later years.  Up and down, up and down...

She will be back soon.





Olivia2020's picture

for your DW. It's great that you can see how her BF's husbands act foolish during shifts in the marriages. The BF that has a successful business will have no problem finding guys (not men) to date that will readily expect her to pick up the tab, even on the first date. Chivalry is mostly dead. She's very vulnerable now so 'those guys' will be sniffing around her for a handout. I have a crystal ball and can predict this, haha! 

Your DW is certainly deserving of her bonus and 5000 OT hours is a LOT! My goodness. I don't see you blaming her or criticizing her for her shingles flare ups, the physical pain is unreal from what I hear. You remain the strong and steady foundation for her especially with her BF's that are telling her how their long-term marriages are falling apart. 

Enjoy your time in LV and safe travel and a big congrats to your DW! Happy Holidays!

Rags's picture

Thanks everyone.  I truly am a blessed man to share my life with such a strikingly beautiful , brilliant m, and loving woman.

Sorry for the late reply.  Life got in the way a bit

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and have a Wonderful New Year and 2022.