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Saying NO

JustMe20's picture

So my Bil lives next door to us. Everyday after school his two boys come over until he gets home from work. They are 12, 14 and very good boys. My bill has them full time and we’ve been helping with them for years. I work from home but when they come over they entertain both my daughters. (1 bio, 1 step) while I work, clean, cook. I don’t even have to ask then to do homework. We have a very good routine. 

Now my bil has been dating his current gf for a year. They have just moved in to see if that can blend. She has 3 kids, 2 boys 1 girl.  They are 8, 11, and 13. She is home with her kids after school but my nephews still come over until their dad is home. I recently got a text asking of her kid can come over too. Ummm, no! I replied that we have a routine and I’m working. 3 more kids is too much. She’s the perfect example of how people have more tolerance for their own kids. She thinks they are ok when really no one can stand them. 

Now that our pool is open for the summer I know they hear the kids in the backyard. I put something on the grill every day, i try not to use the stove in the summer. It’s not a party, it’s a normal day. I really don’t want them over here. My husband said hell no as well. But I have read on this site a lot about kids being left out and how wrong it is. I’ve also read you can expect everything to be even or fair. Which one is it. Honestly, Am I wrong?


Stepdrama2020's picture

and stick to them.

You dont want to become the hen mama for all of them.

So make it clear from the beginning that pool time etc has times to invite friends, and times just for your family. Since her kids are hellions also make it clear that she comes when her kids swim.

You need to enjoy your summer and not dread it.

Hesitant to try's picture

It's wonderful that you've helped out with your BILs boys and sounds like you have a great relationship with them, and them with you and your younger kids, etc. Don't risk something that is working well by saying yes to something you might regret/don't want to do. I understand about feeling badly for the kids who don't/can't come over, but your BIL and his GF need to figure out how to manage their large family, expectations, activities for the kids. They can't force you to stretch your goodwill even further and don't let your own guilt do that either.

If her kids are well behaved and she manages them well, maybe you'll allow them over ocassionally under the watchful eye of their mother or something like that. But you do not have to invite them over ever, and you certainly don't have to watch them like you do with your nephews just because they moved in next door.

hereiam's picture

You are not wrong and you need to establish your boundaries immediately.

Three more kids is a lot (and a lot more liability with the pool). A weekend BBQ, when they are invited is one thing, but this daily thing will become much more of a habit than you will ever want, and that she will expect.

These are your BIL's GF's kids, it's not up to you to make things fair for them. Sorry if that sounds mean but it is what it is. You have every right to say who spends time in your home, yard, pool, whatever.

Your husband needs to talk to his brother and explain things. DO NOT let them take advantage of you.

JustMe20's picture

Exactly! My nephews and step daughter can swim. I can bring my laptop out sit and feel ok. Her kids can't. I would be nervous. I wouldn't be able to work. 

FinallySkidFree's picture

No, no and NO. If she wants her kids to swim, she is to come WITH her kids and watch HER kids and LEAVE with her kids. And ONLY when invited. You did nothing wrong here. Happy that your DH backs you up. God knows the nephews are probably grateful to be able get away from the other 3 kids!

tog redux's picture

Wow, she's got some nerve asking that of you. Though honestly, it's time for BIL's kids to be home alone or with HER, instead of at your house.

IDontCare3117's picture

I see your point, but why change a routine that works for everyone?  I wouldn't be surprised if OP's nephews feel a bit displaced in their own home with 4 new people now occupying it.  OP's house is probably a bit of a safe haven.

tog redux's picture

That's fine. I don't really see why a 12 and 14-year-old can't be home alone rather than at the OP's house, but if she's fine with it, then they should continue. 

tog redux's picture

Fair enough. But people are acting as if I suggested a 3-year-old should be home alone. 

bananaseedo's picture

What?  Wow- this is horrible advice and something we tell every stepmom on here NOT to do. It goes completely against all other advice we give stepmom posters here.

1st- she's only the BIL's girlfriend -and even if it was the wife we say they have no responsibility to watch his children simply because she's home.  I know you certainly never did and were disengaged.  It completely contradicts usual advice.

We always ask the stepmoms what arrangement her husband had prior to her in the picture to watch his kids-and that this is what should continue, she's not his free babysitter just because she's at home.   In this case the OP is the one that watches them, so that continues for now. 

That said- this girlfriend  is also wrong in asking the OP to take her kids on. OP needs to maintain her boundaries and if it works -it seems it's mutually beneficial to have her BIL's kids over then that is what continues, and her BIL's gfriend watches her own kids.

I would be inclusive when OP is OFF work perhaps for a meal together and pool time but firmly hold to not having them when the other kids are there.

Again, completely unfair to say she should watch her bf's kids though...that's a big no-no on the boards-always has been.

Personally, my dh and I did do things differently and did watch each other's kids but for the most part that doesn't work.

tog redux's picture

The kid is 14. Why does he need a babysitter?  Why can't he watch his brother for a few hours until dad gets home?

She's got giant nerve trying to dump her kids on the OP if she's not willing to watch her BF's kids.  Wow. Get it now? No need to be snarky and dismissive, you can just disagree without it. Try it sometime.


bananaseedo's picture

Well, you did emphasize leaving them with HER-so I responded to that.The OP didn't seem to imply she rather them stay home alone-they may be getting to that age where before they were more to care for, now they are helping her back in return watching her kids (built-in babysitters several hours a day is something I wouldn't pass up ha!) .  I agree it's not fair to even ask OP to take the other kids.  I'm a little confused as to WHO asked, was it her or her BIL/

hereiam's picture

At 12 and 14, they don't need the GF to watch them and they have every right to be in their own home, if they choose.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Leaving stepkids out because you don't like them even though they've done nothing wrong, or because you want your own "perfect family" while pretending they don't exist, or doing it because you are just mean and evil is a no-no.

However, actions have consequences. If kids are unruly and parents allow that, then kids aren't going to be asked to be included. That's the situation here: the kids are unruly, BM isn't doing anything to correct their behavior, and so they're not allowed to be included. That is less the kids' fault and more the parent's for not correcting their bad behavior.

This is probably going to have to be a conversation that is had with your BIL, though. You get benefit from his kids coming over by them entertaining your littles. However, BIL is probably days away from his GF making him choose his family or her, so it's quite possible that he'll stop allowing his kids to visit (if he's a moron). I am assuming he is your DH's brother, so I think your DH needs to have a conversation with his brother about your family's standing on this.

IF you want to be more equitable, then you and DH could decide on rules that her kids need to follow and start with some supervised visitations/family dinners with her kids. If she can get her kids to follow those rules, then perhaps, eventually, they'll have the same privilege as BIL's kids do with coming over.

And really, this is a privilege. You all owe nothing to BIL and his kids. This isn't a situation where you're trying to blend your kids with your DH's. You could call BIL today and tell him to fly a kite and ban his kids, and there is nothing BIL could do about it. We're not even in the same ballpark as "fair and equitable treatment" with how it's discussed here because you're talking about extended family kids, not ones living under your roof who are yours or your DH's children. That level of separation means a whole lot, especially when it comes to acceptable behaviors and privileges. Like, I can walk around my house naked, but that doesn't mean my SIL can. It's MY house, and what I'm free to do and allow for myself and its inhabitants is very different than what I allow from others.

The_Upgrade's picture

There are homeless kids on the streets you forgot to invite to your bbq. Do you feel guilty about that? Then don't feel guilty about saying no to your BIL's gf's kids who are so far removed from yours they may as well be some random person's kids. 

Your BIL is welcome to see if he and gf can blend but what does their relationship experiment have to do with your family routine and responsibilities? Surely someone other than you has been watching over the feral kids in the afternoon all these years. That person can keep on doing that. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Those kids are of no relation to you. You are not obligated to go out if your way for them. It's one thing if it was an emergency and she asked for your help. It's something completely different when you are basically being asked to watch her kids. Plus in your defense you are working, just because you are home doesn't change that fact. 

Even if they were well behaved kids asking one person to be responsible for 7 kids is asking too much. 

Winterglow's picture

And let's not forget that OP works from home. She isn't sitting around eating bonbons and watching soaps. 

Winterglow's picture

And let's not forget that OP works from home. She isn't sitting around eating bonbons and watching soaps.