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SD is awuful

acef92's picture

Hi Everyone my husband has a daughter, she is 12 years old and she is a NIGHTMARE. The girl is so disrespectful, is so freaking mean, sorry but she is a B*tch. Due to covid the girl stays with us a LOT, and I just can't with her. Her parents NEVER tell her she is wrong, never punish her when she does something wrong or bad, they let her do what she wants. My husband's family is aware of the situation, even my brother in law talked to my husband about this gril behavior because EVERYTHING is wrong with her. I talked to my husband about this, when she is mean or disrespectful and he NEVER believes me, he always says his daugther is an angel that she never does anything bad etc. I do not like her, I am really nice with her just because I don't want to have problems with my husband but I really can't with this situation anymore. Even when people have proofs that she is doing something wrong, he is blind. Also she is obsessed with her parents, she is only child, but she is 24/7 talking or sending messages or something to her mom or to her dad all day longer, no joking she demands to know everything about everyone, when she is at home with us we do not have privacy I can't even close my room door to change my clothes because what if she needs something. Some people had told me that the girl is always making me look like I'm less and she is the boss here, she has said mean things about me, in my face in front of our family just to making me look stupid or dumb, she does this things when her dad is no looking and YES my husband is always on her side, he cant look reality. Without the girl our relashionship is AMAZING, but I do not what to do anymore, I even am scare to have babies because this girl is serious. I need some advices PLEASE! thank you <3

Winterglow's picture

Start by putting your foot down about your bedroom. There is NOTHING in your bedroom that she might ever need. There is NO REASON for her to invade your privacy. This is not negotiable. So I suppose you never have sex when she's there? What on earth does he imagine she might need in your room. Please ignore him and, not only start keeping your door closed but also have a lock fitted on it and keep the only key. 


acef92's picture

I tried really hard. This girl is always in my room, ALWAYS, a few days ago I closed my door because I wanted to have a dirty moment with my husband. She was knocking on the door every two minutes WTF!!!! and my husband never tells anything to her, and I can't say a thing because I'm being mean or I'm against her, no kidding she is a pain. And she always make credible excuses to enter or being in my room.  

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Yeah, the bedroom thing is a hard stop for me. If i couldn't have at least one place in the house to have some privacy and peace i would lose my damn mind. Your SD is out of control. What do you have to lose by setting boundaries? You can't even change clothes or have sex in your own bedroom without her horning in! 

Survivingstephell's picture

He's treating you like a child and the child like his partner. Drastic measures are needed to get thru to him. I agree with moving out of the room while she is there. Claim that extra room as yours. You are an ADULT.  That means you are in charge of your life.  Children aren't sex partners. Until he treats you as an equal partner in your own home, you don't exist for him.  The most pita things that men hate to take care of solo is laundry, cooking and sex.  Use that to your advantage.  

24 years as a SM's picture

If you don't, you will have one hell of a ride, or you will slowly loose respect for your DH, until one day you have had enough and walk away or you put your foot down. I look back on all the crap I put up with my SD, when she was younger, and wonder why I did kick DAH out. Read all you can on this site, look up mini-wife, because that is what you have in your SD, and your DH is allowing it. Heck read my blogs and see what your future might be.

Rags's picture

Focus on behaviors. Since your DH is willfully clueless.... WEBCAMS!!!!  Play the footage of her being the little bitch that she is to you, and watch daddy squirm.  Then demand he deal with it firmly, repeatedly, and effectively.

Lather, rinse, repeat ... until he either fixes it or you have had enough and call the locksmith to rekey the locks.