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Staying in a hotel because SD16 threatened physical violence on me

Losingit90's picture

So as of right now im in a hotel WITH COVID because SD16 tried to threatened to physically assault me. It all began 2 years ago when SD moved in with me and SO because she wanted to live in the same state as her brothers and sisters. Her BM had brought her to vermont and she was apparently very sad there and when SO gave me a sob story i agreed to let her move in. Now this agreement came with some conditions. I knew she had a history of violence and fighting and i told him i would absolutely not tolerate any of that in the home or at school. Also she must clean up behind herself. Thats it thats ALL i requested.... Seems reasonable right? 

     So time goes on and im constantly cleaning up behind her. She leaves menstrual pads overflowing the trash bins im the bathroom, clothes piled so high that you cant see the floor after a couple days, trash every where all around the house. It is just aweful and ive addressed the issue over and over again with SO and he either cleans it after ive bugged him enough or it doesnt get done at all. 

      So the first time she threatened to hit me was about 6 months ago. I just went shopping and bought a brandnew bag of doritos. I had come out of my room to grab some when i watched her sit there with the open bag lick her fingers and stick her hands into the bag and get more chips. Im sorry this was so gross to me and i lost it. I was so upset that i threw away the bag of doritos when she was done with them right infront of her. When she asked why i did it i said because you ruined the bad licking your fngers and sticking them in the bag ovwr and over so i guess none od us get them now. She looked me dead in the face and said " Im finna slap you." I looked at so and said hello did yiu hear your daughter just threaten to hit me and he took her side about the chips. 

So ive since tried to get over that and just chalk it up to cabin fever from covid. But these past few weeks she has become more and more messy leaving me of course the house maid clean it up. I got upset 2 weeks ago and told SO im sixk of this im leaving and packed a night bag and went to my sisters. He begged me to return home and promised everything would change he talked to her and things will be better.

About 2 weeks ago SO and SD got covid and gave it to me. Now while they are at the tail end of the sickness and on the mend i however am in the deep throws of covid symptoms. So keep that in mind for the following events of today.

Well today the bathroom was exceptionally disgusting. Toothpaste all over the sink and mirror. Nyquil literally poured on the natural stone floor that left huge red stains. Toilet paper rolls, over flowing trash can, empty face mask wrappers, water bottles. I hadnt been to this bathroom in days since its upstairs and i am so so sick. But this is the only bathroom with tub so i take my baths in there. So i snap some pics start my shower and im pissed so i say do you have to be such a scrub cant you just clean up behind yourself and send it to her. No less then 2 seconds later shes smashing the door down telling me come out of the bathroom shes going to settle this now come out so she can beat my ass. So SO runs up the stairs and TAKES HER SIDE. Im done now he storms into the bathroom screaming at me didnt even here the story autoblames me and is yelling at me while im naked and shes standing at the door. So i throw on a towel go downstairs throw some clothes on and am about to get out of the house and go sit in my car because im not dealing with this level of crazy when i can barely breathe. She comes back down the stairs cornwrs me in my room and is trying to push my door in so i call the police. Her father did nothing and i had to. Cops come and they refuse to make them leave or do anything about this issue because they cant displace 2 people vs 1 so I HAD TO LEAVE. Im now in a hotel cant go to my families because i have covid and am so pissed i cant even control my anger. 

   Im so mad Im fuming. Tomorrow im going to go get my other car i let him drive. The rent is way beyond his means to pay on his own to so when rent day is due hes screwed. Im so pissed i cant help but wish all the worst for them because im displaced with covid paying for a hotel because his daughter is a juvenile delinquent and  her father just lets it happen and takes her side. My relationship ended today because of this aweful child.

Sorry for spelling errors i typed this fast and angry. Thankyou for reading.


tog redux's picture

Your relationship ended because of your SO. He could have set limits on her and sent her back to BM the first time she threatened you. Instead he made it so much worse by empowering her. 

Good for you for getting out so quickly and not staying to take further abuse. Please don't let him sweet-talk you back again. Even if this girl leaves, she will still be part of your life forever. 

PokaDotty's picture

First, take care of yourself. Get plenty of fluids in you and rest. Use this time to make a plan to surgically cut these poor excuses out of your life. Go radio silent while you make plans. Whatever you do, don't allow him to talk you into moving back and accepting an abusive enviornment.

AgedOut's picture

get healthy. Step two: find a new place to rent, maybe a studio apt. Contact your landlord to break your portion of the lease or if it is in your name, tell him to leave.  Step three: pack up and leave that mess behind you. You have to protect yourself and that is a toxic household for you. Now that she knows she can do as she pleases and Daddy and the police will do nothing, walk away. He can worry about his bills. 

ndc's picture

Your SO is a major loser and you will be fortunate to be rid of him.  Forget about the kid - she's a loser too but not the problem here. 

Whose name is the lease in?  If it's in your name or both of your names, how much longer does it have to run?  If he doesn't pay the rent and your name is on the lease, you will have a problem, too.  I'd try to get that resolved, either by having HIM leave if it's in your name only (not as easy as it would seem) or trying to negotiate something with your landlord (also not easy).  Regardless of the lease situation, I would never live with him again, with or without the daughter. 


CLove's picture

Im sending you digital hugs for your emotional health to return as well as your physical.

Glad you got out!

Please keep us posted on your progress.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Your SO and his daughter sound trashy. He sounds like he will always take his little poopsie's side over yours. Please take care of yourself and stay gone. Let the trash twins try to pay their bills together. If he chooses her over you as his "life partner", she can get a job and pay your share.