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Alone time

Drkrissy's picture

Okay posting twice in a row really soon, but I'm alone for the first time In a month so I'm basking in it. The boys are at their BM's for the weekend and my husband had to work an extra day to clean the shop. I don't have work or school to do today. I havn't gotten out of bed other than to get a handful of Oreos and a glass of milk. The house is already clean... my cats are in my bed giving cuddles, and everything is quiet. I think I am enjoying it too much... I feel bad because I love the Step Sons, but honestly I don't even miss them or my husband. I love the feeling of everything being done and nobody is home. Is it bad to enjoy it this much?


JRI's picture

Here's a quote from Co-dependent No More: "There is little in our lives we need to do that we cannot do better if we are peaceful".

Rest well.

Thumper's picture

Of course it is not wrong to enjoy being by yourself. 

IF you decide to have babies of your own, there is also nothing wrong with enjoying your time when they sleep OR having your time when you get up early and sip coffee watching the sun rise before they wake up. OR when they are entertaining themselves with toys.

Enjoy!! Smile

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Not at all. From your previous blog, you are doing way too much and accepting way too much. Enjoy whatever alone time you get and if, after some time passes, you start to feel like you want things to change, do not feel bad at all!

Winterglow's picture

OK, here it is, straight from the shoulder ... You should get to feel like this much more often! You are not getting enough alone time if you feel guilty about it.