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Am I being petty about Xmas gift???

Sarahsteal's picture

DH took SS13 shopping last weekend for a Christmas gift for me. Now if DH did not basically twist SS13 arm to get me a gift it would have never happened. Personally I could care less but what happened next has me highly irritated. SS13 insisted on getting bio hag a Xmas gift too AND insisted DH buy him a fancy new Electronic. I'm more pissed at DH for not saying no. Now number one bio hag has made our life a living hell from day one and she has never took SS13 shopping for a gift for DH. I feel DH should have told SS no as SS knows how nasty bio hag is to us. Second money is very tight right now and SS13 will be getting hundreds of dollars in Presents from us in just a couple of weeks. I feel DH should have told SS13 if he wants to buy a toy for himself then HE needs to pay for it and NOT DH. Same for the gift for bio hag BUT DH did not. 

So is this something I should hold a grudge on or just let it go?? Please be honest if I'm overreacting as it's really bothering me. Again not so much what SS did BUT the fact DH went along with it 

PokaDotty's picture

I can respect your feelings on the BM gift but I would let that go. 

The toy, I would be very ticked.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I would be F*ck that! 13 years old is plenty old enough to buy a gift for the mommy dearest himself. An electronic toy just before Christmas HELL NO! 

ESMOD's picture

I would make your DH return (or allow you to return) one of the gifts that were supposed to be for Christmas for him.

I would be mad if my DH spent money on an item when we were broke like an on the spot electronic for him.  

I don't have as much problem with the kid wanting to get his mom a present... whatever the relationship is between the adults..she is his mom.  Now, your DH doesn't have to bankroll some diamond pendant for the lady.. but a small amount for the kid to buy his mom a gift.. I wouldn't be super upset at that.. unless we were otherwise eating beans every night for dinner.


Harry's picture

That is crossing the line in the sand.

Time for DH to get a second job to pay for this.  And exter money for me to get what I want.  Week in some fancy resort like Adult only resort.  With All The bells. 

queensway's picture

If SS wants to buy his Mum a christmas gift he can pay for it. Over and done. A 13 year old can shop on his own. This is somehing that you should never even know about.

Peach's picture

I would discuss it with DH and let him know how you feel.  It sounds like he just messed up.  It is easy to do.  My DH did similar with my step daughter years ago.  He would take her to buy a Christmas gift for me, and it would be more about going out and buying gifts for all of her friends for Christmas.  We stopped doing it.  It isn't worth it.  Neither one of them give us a dang thing - not even a Christmas card.  I haven't see SD in months and months.  She is just coming over to do the Christmas grab - not even staying long enough to eat dinner. lol  

Sandybeaches's picture

BM caused nothing but problems.... still does for that matter however, I would not be mad if DH took the SK's to buy their mother a present.  It's not about BM it's about the kids.  We always did it before the kids were old enough to do it themselves.  I even helped SD make a birthday card for her mother.  It is about the kids not BM

As far as the electronic game or whatever it was, that would be part of his Christmas Present.   It is not fair to the other kids if he gets something extra.  I would tell DH not to buy close to Christmas again and let it all go ..