Already dreading the weekend
Last year DH and I bought a small cabin not far from his work. DH works weekends so he is able to come to the cabin after work and enjoy himself. It's a small one bedroom place but we love it. We have great neighbors and friends all close by.'s a one bedroom so when we have YSS (who is larger than most grown men) sleeps on the pull out bed from the sofa. Which is in the middle of the cabin....which makes it hard to enjoy my day when his butt is sleeping until 3:00 pm. And it's awkward because he doesn't speak to me. He isn't a bad kid, just odd and even after all these years, he doesn't speak to me unless spoken to.
I am not in the mood to tip toe around YSS this weekend. DH will be working Saturday and I'm stuck in a small cabin with his man child sleeping in the main area of the cabin. It's annoying. And no amount of noise will make him get up. Ughhh
i thought it was going to rain all weekend which I was going to use as an excuse to stay home. Nope the weather changed and now DH wants to go.
I am NOT looking forward to this. I honestly think I have decided to just get up in the morning and drive home for the day (leaving YSS at the cabin) to sleep. YSS won't care and he is old enough to be alone. I will get a break from YSS and DH will have no idea.
Because DH has zero relationship with then older two SSs he really pushes the interaction and family time with YSS. YSS and I could really care less about spending time alone with each other. But there is NO way DH would agree to letting YSS stay with his BM while DH works.
The older I get the more I day dream about picking up and moving away and not dealing with stephell....
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Why let him sleep to 3 PM
At 8 AM the radio goes on loud. Pots get bang. Making thing got dinner. Screams about that bear in the back yard or was that a dog ?
Oh I’ve tried
We have two dogs who i let walk all over him, I've made noise, slammed doors, stomped....nothing works.
Sad part is, I really don't want him awake either because then it is just awkward silence. Ughh. It just isn't fun when he is there.
I think me slipping out and going home is the best plan so I can relax, shower, get a few things done at home and maybe catch up on some shows I like.
Why even entertain this
Why even entertain this "Well DH you and preciouSS have fun at the cabin this weekend, I have stuff planned here around the house to get taken care of. I'll come over in the evenings to see you and I'm sure preciouSS won't be bothered since he will be asleep the whole day."
There has to be some common
There has to be some common ground here. It's not fair to you to have to "tip toe" with him lazing about all day.
I think you and your husband should be able to reach "some" compromise here. I mean, yeah.. maybe he doesn't need to be blasted out of bed at the A$$crack of dawn, but he certainly should be expected to be up, dressed and doing something by 9 or 10AM. I don't have a huge problem with people, even kids wanting to sleep in a little.. but holding the rest of the household hostage to their schedule isn't fair either. So, perhaps that's the compromise.. he can sleep till 9 and needs to be out of the cabin doing out of the cabin stuff until dad comes home... I'm assuming he is old enough to be responsible for himself???
You would think
But DH and BM think a kid should
sleep as long as they want. I've actually seen DH sit around on his day off waiting for YSS to wake up so they could go do things. Any suggestion for DH to actually wake him up was unthinkable
Same here! I gave up on it a
Same here! I gave up on it a long time ago - I'm not waiting around for a skid to get out of bed around 11:00 am (note get out of bed - when they've been awake since around 9:00 am, reading, laying there, etc - I know this because I've got them out of bed myself at times due to necessity) THEN have a long breakfast then it's 12:30 before we do anything, at the earliest. I just started leaving them all out of my plans.
Today YSD left her bedroom around 11:30 (she'd been up since 9 - she sets an alarm but doesn't move until late) got something to eat, told her dad she was tired and went back to her room. The ususal. No chores, no activities, nothing.
NOT my kid so I say NOTHING.
However: new thing! YSD constantly leaves her dishes throughout the day in the sink, not in the dishwasher. I refuse to do anyone else's dishes unless I haven't cooked dinner. I noticed DH took care of all HIS dishes this morning, leaving all of YSDs still in the sink. He's never, ever done this before. Curious about conversation later.....
I wouldn't go.
I wouldn't go.
DH can take YSS up there when he gets off work, and they can spend the night there. You stay home. It's a silly arrangement, especially if DH won't wake the kid up, or go make him sleep on the bedroom on the floor or something.