Split with my partner because of the step child
Ok so my ex (as of tonight) has a daughter to a previous relationship. I also have children to a previous relationship but we have two children together. His child (12) put a peedofiles phone number and a dating app into my daughters phone (9) . The peedofile face timed my daughter. His daughter also cuts herself. Now then, to safe guard my children I told him his daughter can not be in our home (she lives with her mum) until she had seen a doctor and had been properly assessed. He says he has sorted her the help but can not provide proof. And that her counsellor is saying I have no right keeping our youngest two children away from her till the assessment is complete. He, his family and his friends are saying I am over exaggerating because she’s only 12. He basically said this evening that I was in the wrong. He said because I wouldn’t allow her near them we was over! I feel like I’m a horrible person for doing that but all I keep coming back to is the fact she put a peedofiles number into my daughters phone. I’m so angry. Please tell me what I’ve done wrong. Really upset. Not over him but thinking am I being nasty to a child? Help!
You are not wrong. You are a
You are not wrong. You are a GOOD parent; he is NOT.
Be glad it's over. His kid will only get worse.
You are absolutly doing the
You are absolutly doing the right thing. YOU duty and obligation is to protect your kids.
In time, hopefully his daughter will have proper assestment, that leads to proper treatment. In the meantime, do not make your kids become part of the solution to help his daughter because 'family is family"..... NO NO NO.
Dont budge on this.
Good Job Mom!!
Thank you that makes me feel
Thank you that makes me feel better.
Hang in there, Mom
You are a hero.
Thank you everyone
Thank you everyone
Kudos to you for doing what
Kudos to you for doing what is RIGHT!
He and his family say you are overreacting... right....
They won’t be overreacting when she is raped by this paedophile and worser things happen to her... what will they say then??
she endangered your kids life by having a paedophile’s number in her phone and him FaceTime her. Plenty of people know paedophiles stalk. You don’t know sd might have told the paedophile what school she goes to and where she lives and now he has your daughters face to keep track of and keep an eye out for...
thats why you lost it and your husband is useless worthless piece of shut dad to dump you for protecting your kids. Apparently they aren’t as important as precious poopsie
Thank you.
Thank you.
You dodged
a rather large bullet there. Thank goodness he is out of your children's life.
Please do not go back!
How did a 12 year old come to
How did a 12 year old come to have a paedophile's phone number ...?
His child lies a lot but she
His child lies a lot but she has said that he was messaging her friend so she wanted to message him of my daughters phone to tell him to leave her friend alone. Her dad believed her
I hope to goodness he told
I hope to goodness he told her that she should have alerted an adult.
Another thing that's
Another thing that's bothering me ... You didn't mention police involvement - how is that possible? There's an active paedophile out there, trawling for new victims, you have a moral duty to alert the police.
The police where involved
Absolutely! The police where involved within 15minutes of my child coming and alerting me to what was happening. I would of done that regardless of what the law states. I felt I had to protect all children not just mine , ours and his .
100% you've done the right
100% you've done the right thing, this is not right & it is not right for her immediate family around her to say that you are over reacting, they are the problem, not you. Alert the police to stop this disgusting cretin from harming any children.
Yes I rang them immediately.
Yes I rang them immediately. They had someone ring me. I also involved the school because I don’t know how much information he has about my daughter . The school have been amazing .
His daughter
His daughter deliberately put yours in real danger. Unless you are willing to continue exposing your daughter to danger he is unwilling to continue dating you. I think the phrase you are looking for is "lose my number and forget that you ever knew me - thank you for showing me who you are before it was too late."
So it looks like he was so embarassEd the school knows
His daughter has a thing for paedophiles and it ruins his perfect parenting image, your conscience is clean hun, your ex isn’t and he knows it but he’s trying to blame you
You definitely did the right
You definitely did the right thing. Don't put your child or yourself through that. It will only get worse.
You are leaving this circus
Think that good. It's not going to get any better. Ex DH. Is a bad parent, because he is not parenting at all. Just has his head in the sand, hopping one day everything is going to change. It's not! You must protect your kids. Because you are there parent. And nobody else is going to do it.
You know as time goes on. The police will be involved, CPS may be involved. You do not need this.
Makes you wonder why he split with his ex. Maybe the ex saw the light !
Protect your babies at all
Protect your babies at all cost , even from a negligent father like him.
No, you have not done
No, you have not done anything wrong. Other than you waited to boot this POS and his toxic spawn out of your life and the lives of your own young children.
Move, far away, NOW! and make sure that your thankfully STBX has zero exposure to your children if his toxic pervy spawn is around.
Don't blame yourself for his crappy performance as a man, a father and a husband.... and do not even think about giving credence to anything his POS friends and family may say or think.
Great job mom.
Thank you so much everyone.
Thank you so much everyone. You have all made me feel so much better. Tbh the SD’s mother is also not innocent as she doesn’t seem to think it’s a big issue. My family have been 1000% behind me which is great. Because since it happpened I have felt really down and alone. It’s not like I can just nip and get a hug from my parents! They have health issues and have been told not to have visitors and not to leave the house because of them being at high risk from covid 19. All I can say is if it wasn’t for you people on here I would of still been in bits. Honestly, I can’t thank you all enough. I have found strength from your messages xxxx