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donewithdrama35's picture

Well folks- FOUR more days to go with SD17 here. At the point I will have endured 15 days straight with her here. I told DH that she is absolutely positively going back to her Mother's on Sunday and I will say something if I have to.

She hasn't been that awful all things considered... just little things to drive me nuts.

Rewind to last Friday... work goes to remote only and we have absolutely no where to go. DH decides to ask SD to join us and watch a movie. Of course he asks me AFTER he already invited her. She comes out and stares at her phone the entire time. But for 2 hours straight she asked questions and then snapped at DH when he told her she needed to pay attention. She made comments throughout the whole thing and said the word "yikes" over a dozen times (I counted). I wanted to kill myself.

The garbage can in her bathroom. She fills it to the brim with her nasty tampons and bloody toilet paper (I'm sorry- probably TMI but it makes me want to scream). I empty it every time. I should say something but I don't. I don't want to deal with the attitude. I haven't even said anything to DH because I know it's a very uncomfortable topic for him. But COME ON! It's so gross- like what's wrong with you??

Had to watch another movie together Sunday... only said "yikes" about 10 times. She loves to take a word and just over use it in any possible scenario she can.

Made chicken steak grinders last night for dinner. They were delicious. Look over at her and she's picked all the chicken out and throws out the grinder roll. Apparently yesterday she "wasn't eating carbs".

GRRRRR! All relatively little things but just annoys the $hit out of me.

Oh and apparently quarantine and social distancing to apply to her. She had some boy over last night... and then goes out to see her friend today!? DH says something to her and she gives him this stupid look like he's a moron and being over-paranoid. She's a moron. And yes- I told DH that he's the parent and can tell her NO. But he makes a good point... then we're just stuck with her here super pissed off and more of a biotch than normal. I was actually kind of relived she left. But having the kid over our house- don't like it.

Positives- I'm working from my bedroom hiding out all by myself. My adorable kitty has been sleeping on the bed next to my "desk" all day. I've actually had time to work out in the mornings which has me feeling really good!!

I can make it... only 4 more days.


CLove's picture

I made certain to insist that SD13 wad up her bloddy things properly. No one wants to look at them. If they are left in there, DH takes the trash out - he can look at them.

Annoying movie-watching habits - yep -that darn phone. But mostly its the cracking of every knuckle 10 times over that REALLY gets on every nerve...

Luckiliy SD13 is on lockdown with her mother, Toxic Troll. Not sure when shes coming back over as we both work, so we have "germs".

donewithdrama35's picture

Omg! I forgot about the knuckle cracking!!! I finally said something on that Sunday! I just couldn't take anymore!! 

ndc's picture

If we were on lockdown or practicing safe social distancing and a skid wanted to see friends, I'd tell DH that if he let her go, she wouldn't be coming back. Why should you be put at risk due to her selfishness?

donewithdrama35's picture

I hear you. It's sad I'm almost willing to risk illness to have her leave the house! Even more reason not come within 6 feet of her! 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Since your SD has violated the quarantine, what's the point of keeping her there? She could be bringing the virus into your home. Your H would rather endanger you and him than parent his kid? Seriously?? He's a moron.

donewithdrama35's picture

I hear you. I would love any reason to get her out of here. I could put my foot down more on this… But sadly I honestly just appreciate any time she is out of the house while we are all stuck together even though it puts us at risk. My best hope… She gets sick when she goes back to her mothers and then we can say she can't come back here!

shamds's picture

Hubby should be made to clean it.

heck i made hubby smell ss20’s laundry that ss supposedly washed, it smelt if soury sweat from someone running a marathon, them letting those sweaty soaked clothes ferment for months. I was heavily pregnant with bubs #2 and gagging.

couldn’t stay in living area and actually had to lock me and my daughter in a spare bedroom. Hubby comes home and shouts for his son to come out immediately and right in front of me embarrassed the shit out of him.

never again has it happened

shamds's picture

Hubby should be made to clean it.

heck i made hubby smell ss20’s laundry that ss supposedly washed, it smelt if soury sweat from someone running a marathon, them letting those sweaty soaked clothes ferment for months. I was heavily pregnant with bubs #2 and gagging.

couldn’t stay in living area and actually had to lock me and my daughter in a spare bedroom. Hubby comes home and shouts for his son to come out immediately and right in front of me embarrassed the shit out of him.

never again has it happened