New baby on the way-- looking for help!
I am due with my first child this July with DH, who has 2 girls that moved to a different state with their mother after they divorced. They are ages 7 & 4. They come to visit us a few times a year, and my husband flies to go visit them every few months. I have always tried my best to be supportive of helping my husband foster a relationship with his children despite the long distance. I typically never say much about when they come to visit or when he goes, as it has always been a priority for him to see his kids when he can.
That being said, I am due this July 11 with our first child. The older SD, who is 7, is excited to come meet her new half sibling and has asked her father if she can come to see him, which of course he (and I) replied yes to. I think it is important for the older children to meet their new brother that is on the way and to also help foster this connection.
My husband and his ex wife planned to have the kids fly up here to spend a little over a week about 3 weeks after my due date. I personally feel this seems a little rushed, and feel that I may need more time to adjust to being a new mom, and adjust to our family before they come. It can be very stressful having them with us as they are only here a few times a year, and are very needy when they are here as a result, which is usually fine, and moving forward will be, however, having just given birth I would feel more comfortable waiting at least a full month or ideally 2 months for them to come once things have settled down and i have gotten in to a better routine.
I understand that the timing previously planned by DH and ex wife works with the older child's school schedule, and i have always been accomodating to their wishes. HOWEVER, this feels very rushed for me as I am prone to depression and concerned about post partum, and generally would like more time to adjust before having the other 2 kids here.
Any thoughts or insight? This is my first child and so there are alot of unknowns for me, and I feel having more time and setting some boundaries for how I feel about this seems healthy, but this could also create alot of conflict between DH and ex-wife, as we are not on the best terms.
Thank you for your help.
You can not expect BM is going to let
SK miss school to see your child. BM doesn't care about the relationship between your child and hers, just try to push it to the last time it will work and SK can be at school the first day.
BM wants her children to be
BM wants her children to be happy, and wants to give them what they want. If they want to come and see thier new brother, she will also want that. I know that she also wouldn't want them to miss school, which I understand. Unfortunately, where they live, school starts in early August so the latest they could come over the summer would be the last week of July/First week of August to not miss school, which is only a few weeks after the due date. I am sure they will have a break from school in the fall sometime and feel it would be more appropriate to wait until that time for them to come. I don't see why the rush. Thank you for your insight.
I vote they can wait!
Full disclosure: I am not a mom.
But you will have just gone through a major physical and mental ordeal. 3 weeks doesn't sound long enough - especially if you have any unforeseen complications. The kids are 7 & 4. If they can't miss school to visit on a more appropriate time, then waiting for when you are ready is more important than what your DH and his Ex think. Skype the girls so they can meet the baby earlier, then they can see the baby in person On their next visit (fall break?)
Trust me, no one is more important here than you and the baby. Certainly not the fee fees of little kids that can be easily redirected.
Plus with Coronavirus, I would think waiting until the infection is under control before I'd be shipping kids anywhere. Right now we just don't know how this will all play out.
Thank you!!! Reading this
Thank you!!! Reading this felt very validating and on track with how I feel. It is refreshing to hear it coming from someone else. I don't see why they have to come so soon and can meet the baby on their next visit. I suspect the ex wife had a trip/vacation planned to have them come here for the summer visit which is why she has reacted so harshly about this request. Where the kids live, they reportedly start school very early in August, or else I would have been ok with the end of August. Fall break seems like a much more reasonable option. Plus, who knows what will happen as birth can be upredictable and cutting it so close just seems very impractical. And exposing a newborn to 2 kids who have just traveled via plane also does not seem wise! I do think that there are times when the kids needs can be considered and come as a priority, however, this situation it feels that my needs and the needs of my newborn child should come first. Thanks again.
First and foremost.. your
First and foremost.. your husband should be the one responsible for the care of his children when they come. So.. it shouldn't be "on you" at all
However, 3 weeks doesn't seem extraordinarily early. Barring a medical complication.. I would think that you, baby and your DH should be reasonably on your way to a routine by then. I understand that a stepsituation is different than bio family.. but most women would have had their own kids at home with them by then.. even if they had asked a relative to help with their older kids during the time surrounding the birth.
I would make it clear to your SO that he will be expected to do all care, feeding and entertainment of his two kids.. plus.. you will expect a hand with the new baby as well. As long as HE feels up to that challenge.. (which means he will not be working at that time).. then I would accomodate this time.
I am assuming he also has some family leave or vacation that he will be taking to bond with you and his new baby.. as well as care for his kids when they come. if he can't/won't.. then you get to set the time when you have the bandwidth to do "it all".
Thank you for your reply, it
Thank you for your reply, it is helpful to have some insight, and I can see how there are ways to set up some boundaries for if they do come at that time to help make it a smooth visit. My husband does plan to be off of work and is more than willing and able to do everything to care for his children and help with the newborn, so it could be ok. Thank you.
Honestly I think you will be
Honestly I think you will be fine after 3 weeks. By 3 weeks with both of mine I was ready to climb the walls if I couldn't get out of the house.
The thing is, if you set yourself up to be pre-stressed, pre-depressed and pre-annoyed -- you will be! Spend the first few weeks in your little bubble with your DH and the new baby and enjoy the time when your SD's come out. Just make sure that you and your DH have a signal of when it it's time to take the girls out of the house so you can rest if you need it and that he will follow through with doing that and that he will shoulder the burden of their care while they are there.
Thank you for your insight--
Thank you for your insight-- it is helpful to hear from an experiened mother about the recovery time. I also get what you are saying about setting myself up for this or that-- I do agree that mindest does determine alot of the outcomes for different siutations. It is helpful to think positive and keep an open mind. Thanks.
I have a young baby and 2 SDs
I have a young baby and 2 SDs who are 4 and 7, but the SDs are with us 50/50 (2/2/5/5). Mercifully BM kept them for our days when I was in the hospital, and then had them for her 5 days, so I had 5 days with just my DH and my baby (with one quick half hour visit from skids the day we got home). Those first days at home were such a transition, and I am so grateful the timing worked out as it did.
I am lucky in that my baby is easy and content and I had no complications, so for me, having the skids around has been ok. But I'm used to them being around; they're not guests in my home expecting to be entertained. I suspect it will be different with your SDs who aren't around much.
Ideally, they would push the visit back or miss school, because you have no idea what those first few weeks will be like. If your DH allows a visit at the end of July, let him know that he will be fully responsible for the SDs - all cooking, cleaning, laundry, baths, entertainment -meaning he will need to be off from work for those weeks. Let him know you will still expect help with the baby during that time as well.
If you get lucky like I was, you'll be fully recovered and in a groove by late July. If not, you've made it clear what the expectations are and can focus on your baby and not do anything you don't want to for and with the skids. Maybe your husband will understand why you objected to a visit at that time and perhaps will be more understanding in the future.
If your husband is not planning to be off from work and fully available for the entire skid visit, put your foot down now, draw your line in the sand and fight it.
ETA: Don't forget that babies don't automatically arrive on their due dates and many doctors will let you go up to 2 weeks past the due date. There's a huge difference between 1 week postpartum and 3 weeks postpartum.
Thanks so much for your reply
Thanks so much for your reply. I have thought about how different it would be if we had them 50/50 regularly where there would be more of an existing schedule/expectations in place. Because they visit so infrequently, it is much more of a "vacation time" for them and very focused and centered around them in all of the ways, which can be a bit chaotic. Due to the new situation, especially during the adjustment period, I have been a little concerned about how that is going to go so early on. Luckly DH is very attentive and takes full responsibilty for his kids when they are here and is prepared to take time off of work and handle the load. I will consider being ok with them coming after 3 weeks with some baseline understandings of how things will go when they are here. thank you!!
Have you discussed with your
Have you discussed with your H your feelings on the matter? Did you communiccate with him that you would prefer the step kids come during their next visit for the Fall? Would your H be open to this?
Yes I have, he is supportive
Yes I have, he is supportive and considerate of my needs and how I am feeling. If it were up to him he would have them there very soon after, but understandably so as they are his children. The issue comes with him communicating to his ex wife that I am asking for more time before they come, and how she reacts to that, which did not go well so far. She is very concerned about her children coming second now as he does not live with them full time and has a new baby coming with his new wife who he lives with full time. She is very bitter about the divorce and angry towards him, and gets very mean and nasty when things like this come up.
Maybe he should tell her he's
Maybe he should tell her he's trying to make it a better experience for them by having them come at a time when you'll all be able to do things together and it won't be all about the baby. Are the visitation times set in a court order?
yes that is what i was
yes that is what i was thinking as well, which is very true. I think they would enjoy it more visiting when we are a little more equipped and the baby is big enough to do some outings, etc. A new new baby is just so much work/fragile/needy that I am also concerned that after the excitment wears off they may not be having the greatest time as the baby will need alot of attention, and less focus on them. No visitaiton times are set in court, it is completly up to them to determine.
You are absolutely right
You are absolutely right about the excitement wearing off. When I was pregnant, my SD4 was soooo excited about the new baby, and SD7 not so much so. After baby was born, SD4 was no longer so thrilled - she saw that the attention I could pay to her dropped sharply and there wasn't a lot she could do with a baby that didn't do much other than sleep, eat and fill her diaper. We didn't go on the outings we previously had, I couldn't drop everything and play with her as I sometimes did before, and she just wasn't getting the one-on-one time she'd been used to. When DH was home he tried to spend time with everyone, but his time was split more, too. SD7, on the other hand, took to the big sister role. She always wants to hold the baby, all of her school-required reading is done with the baby, and she's quite helpful when asked. Bottom line, I would not be at all surprised if after the first hour, the baby loses his luster with the SDs.
Thanks for sharing--with how
Thanks for sharing--with how needy/attention seeking especially SD7 is right now, i can only imagine the excitement will wear off very quickly!
I had my kids 2 weeks after
I had my kids 2 weeks after my due date, which means you may only be home a week when they get there. My concern wouldn't with the kids being there, but how they get there. Will your DH leave you to get them? What if you are 2 weeks "late" and have a c-section. You won't be able to drive yet.
Yes, these have been some of
Yes, these have been some of my concerns about cutting it so close to the due date due to the unpredictable nature and seeing how the baby could come late. And those logistics are also something to think about, he would have to leave to get them from the airport, etc. I have many hesitations about them coming so soon, some of these logisitcal/practical things to consider and also how i might be feeling in general at that time. Thank you for this reply.
I see and can imagine how
I see and can imagine how difficult it must be for him to have to deal with the XW's bitterness. My hope is that she doesn't make this about her and "H placing their children second" but can empathize as a mother who has given birth to 2 children, that all you want is time & space to bond with your newborn. I'm sure that's a lot to ask from someone with her lack of awareness.
Congratulations on your bundle of joy and may you enjoy every moment!
Thank you so much, these
Thank you so much, these words mean alot to me. I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness!
I had a baby 6 months ago and
I had a baby 6 months ago and I would recommend a weekend visit rather than a week. The kids are going to get bored with a newborn and then your husband is going to he entertaining them rather than helping you.
By 3 weeks you will be past the normal baby blues but will be at risk for post partum depression or anxiety. I personally was so nervous even taking a shower and leaving my baby with my husband. It would have made me super anxious to even take a shower and be away from the baby to leave her with my DH and SD.
Thanks for your reply-- this
Thanks for your reply-- this makes alot of sense!
As a mom of 4....3 teens and
As a mom of 4....3 teens and my shared 2 year old with 2 teen skids...
a week will be fine 3 weeks post due date. It’s actually quite will have had at least a week probably more with baby will all still be new when skids get there.....then they are gone and you can begin to establish a routine..
Let me add this.....because
Let me add this.....because this was so important to me.
tell your DH that YOUR bedroom is 100 percent off limits to the skids during their visit. Not even a head in the door.....that way you know you have a place to escape with baby if needed and to do all the “stuff” that comes with recovering from child birth.
we had a house full the day I came 3 kids plus 2 step grandma and MIL. DH told everyone to NOT come near our room.....
Yes i totally agree it is so
Yes i totally agree it is so important to set boundaries when it comes to this stuff! It also sounds like you are a very experienced mother-- this is my first go-around-- so that comes with a bit more unknowns! I Appreciate your take on this. Everyone is so different and needs different things at different times-- i know for myself i can get easily overwhelmed with alot of people around, especially when i am going through something difficult! Which is why i was concerned to begin with. Birth can be upredictable and there is now knowing exactly how it will go, which is why i thought it would be better to have more time before they come! Since they only stay with us a few times throuhgout the year, it is very "high energy" when they are here and they expect alot of attention.
DH got custody of SD a month
DH got custody of SD a month before I gave birth to our first boy. They are 23 and 17 respectively. I ended up with an emergency c-section but things went well for a while with SD being in the transition phase. In fact, there were no problems until we moved BS into his own room at 3 months.
I agree with some of the other posters. At 3 weeks you start to go a bit stir crazy. Just make sure to set clear boundaries about the baby rules. Washing hands with soap and water, no walking about with the baby etc.
If it really makes you uncomfortable, tell your DH. Be firm. This is your child and your body. Everyone is different and has differing levels of tolerance.
Thank you for the input--
Thank you for the input-- appreciated!!
I didn’t read all the replies
I didn’t read all the replies so apologies if this was covered already, but what struck me was that your DH planned all this with BM.... were you not included in the discussion? If my DH made plans with Bm for the skids without consulting me when I’m the one going through labour & delivery, I’d have laid an egg. Seriously.
Also, this is your first kid. It’s completely understandable you want time to bond with the little one, and while you might be ok at the 3 week point, it’s understandable to be nervous about them visiting as well. Especially if you go overdue. On the flip side, maybe you’ll go early & you’ll have more than 3 weeks with the bubs anyways.
Either way, have a conversation with your DH. He 100% should NOT be making plans with the BM without consulting you about it. And don’t be afraid to be mama bear with your LO if the skids are being rough/you’re not comfortable. You can’t parent them but you have full say on what happens with yours, so don’t let your DH steamroll you if he thinks it’s ‘cute’ one of his girls is doing something you’re not ok with. I had this conversation with my DH with our LO and I told him point blank that SS’s comfort level with our baby will never trump mine as her mother. I don’t care if SS thinks he can take care of our kid, I’m not ok with it so it’s not happening. Deal with it. I highly recommend this approach!
You are so totally right. And
You are so totally right. And I am very upset that plans were not "okay'd" by me in a more definite way before it was decided by DH and BM. We discussed the idea of it and I am of course ok with them coming at a time that I feel is right for me. I feel hurt and uncomfortable about the situation. DH is usually very understanding and supportive so I will just need to have more talks with him about this once I am cooled off. Thank you for your insight!
I was sort of thinking the
I was sort of thinking the same. I would be hurt if my DH made these plans without my input BUT....I’m sure he feels guilty about it all like they all do....and is trying to appease BM and skids to ease his guilt.
i would be thanking my lucky stars that the skids don’t come around often!!!!! You are very very lucky for that.
but at the end of the opinion on anything related to child birth....the weeks leading up and the weeks following....mother is 100 percent the boss no matter matter how crazy or odd or is boss....period and everyone else needs to take a seat and yes ma”am to whatever mom says and do not for one second feel worry only about you...your baby and Dh....all else are not important during this small and important time frame.
Yes--- you are so spot on
Yes--- you are so spot on about the guilt, and being lucky about sks not being around all of the time. And I agree that I should be the priority and make the calls about the time around my birth! It is so refreshing to be comforted by these words and understood by someone who gets it-- thank you so much :)
I thought the same thing! BM
I thought the same thing! BM should NOT get more of a say on what happens in OP's house!
Do NOT let your husband get used to getting his/Bm's way "for his kids". YOUR shared child is ALSO one of his kids and needs to be considered as well. BM can pound rocks to sand if she wants.
I agree!!! I used to always
I agree!!! I used to always put their needs first but I am learning that I need to prioritize my needs and set firm boundaries when it is appropriate.
YES! It’s easy to put their
YES! It’s easy to put their needs first when you first get into a relationship with a guy with kids, because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do. ‘Kids come first’ is a really popular mantra in today’s society. But they don’t, and they shouldn’t.
BM has zero rights to make plans for your home. She can provide your DH with their schedules and work with him to find a time that works, but YOU should be the one DH consults with about what works for YOUR home. Who gives a flying fig what she thinks.
BM here has tried to dictate DH’s summer schedule with the boys, let’s just say it didn’t end the way she’d planned. It was cute she thought she could slip back into dictator mode but not on my watch b*tch.
Your needs are important too, and your son is not and will never be less important than his daughters. While adjustments will be made when they visit, your LO should not constantly take the backseat to them just because your DH sees them less. That was your DH’s choice, it’s not on your LO to shoulder any kind of burden from your DH’s divorce (also something I’ve told my DH).
yes--- this is all so true..
yes--- this is all so true.. it is SO important I am finding to be a STRONG advocate for my needs and the need of my LO. Even though DH is suppportive and doing his best, he has other things that drive his focus-- I am the one who needs to be strong when it comes to prioritizing OUR family, myself, my LO. BM is such a controlling and overbearing force, and I cannot let that take over what is most important to me! DH needs to work on being stronger when it comes to dealing with her and having guilt be the driving force for decision making! I have my work cut out for me. Even though i feel our situation is much less intense than it could be, even the most "ideal" of these situations is SO challening and at times all consuming. Its good to take a step back and get some support here to reground myself-- nobody really understands what its like to be a SM in these situations and we have to stick together and support each other!!!
I would also keep in mind
I would also keep in mind that your newborn will not get his first set of vaccinations until 1 to 2 months old (it may have changed) so be wary of how easy your newborn can be exposed to any sickness they may have or come in contact with during their flight. Anything as simple as a cough, be on guard with their interactions with your new baby.
Oh yeah you could totally use
Oh yeah you could totally use the corona virus as a way to get them to stay away if you really wanted to. Who would argue?
I have also totally thought
I have also totally thought about this! Even using it As an example for one of the many risks involved with shipping them up here at such an unpredictable time!
Was totally thinking of this
Was totally thinking of this too as one of many reasons why it is not a good idea for them to come right away
I may be overreacting, but I
I may be overreacting, but I would 100% NOT allow anyone to fly in to see my newborn during these coronavirus outbreaks. Absolutely not. No way in hell.
My son was sick with meningitis as I mentioned in another comment. There is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING more traumatizing and horrendous than watching your baby struggle to live through something.
It's not worth it. Please tell your DH you'd rather them come later when everything dies down a bit.
YES-- you are so right. thank
YES-- you are so right. thank you for this.. SO important!
Babies don’t get into a routine by week 2 or 3 after birth
If we’re meaning that they’re sleeping through the night and gone through those initial growth spurts of feeding what feels like 24/7, you will find even with breastfed kids this can be more like 12 weeks and formula fed could be aroud the 7-8 week mark where bubs should be sleeping through the night so no more middle of the night wake ups.
2-4 weeks after birth bubs is still full on and you’re probably only just managinng to find a bit of time yourself to catch up on sleep. Whilst skids happiness is important, so too is yours
that is what i was thinking--
that is what i was thinking--- i am new to this, having never experienced giving birth before, so it is helpful to have this feedback! Thank you!
My breastfed baby didn't
My breastfed baby didn't sleep through the night until recently... at 2.5 YEARS OLD lol he woke hourly for the first two years. Don't have high expectations for "returning to normal" very quickly. I didn't figure out a routine where I ate regularly and got dressed everyday until closer to 3-4 months old lol.
I honestly don't get why
I honestly don't get why people are so caught up in "fostering" a relationship between half-related kids. Especially in your case, where they are so far away, and they'll see eachother so infrequently that, similar to their genetic makeup, they'll be less involved with than a cousin that lives closeby.
Why trouble yourself with it? Why trouble your children with it? The baby in your belly has a shot at a completely normal nuclear life (minus the rare occassions that your DH's kids come into the picture, which is rare.) Give it to him. From my experiences, interactions with the skids and step-parents only create a rift in families, and only serve to create more problems in the future (if the stepkids have problems, which in our cases, they do.)
That's my opinion on the matter, though I've been biased by a rabid stepkid, and an equally worse bio-dad.
I see what you are saying--
I see what you are saying-- and LOVE that you pointed out "the baby in your belly has a shot at a completely normal nuclear life (minus the rare occassions that your DH's kids come into the picture, which is rare.) Give it to him." That is what I am trying to do. If it is important to DH for his kids to have some sort of relationship that is fine, but does not need to be forced or pushed/rushed in a way that is causing me or my child unnecessary stress. Thank you for your feedback!
The SD7 probably wants to see
The SD7 probably wants to see the baby when she is "new". I think it's awesome! Use this time to stregthen your relationship with your SD. And after 3 weeks, you will appreicate the extra set of hands
Congrats and good luck!
I have my SD full-time and
I have my SD full-time and she was about 6 years old when her baby brother was born. BM agreed to take her for a week after the birth. That was it. I did have post-partum, my son ended up sick with meningitis, and it was difficult. SD went for the week and we ended up shipping her out again a few days after she got home because our son got sick and needed to be in the hospital and neither of us was able to care for SD while he was. I had to stay at the hospital and DH had to work.
Anyways, when she got back, honestly, I just kind of ignored her... It's not the nicest, but I expressed that I was going to focus on bonding and recovering and that's what I did. She was 6... Perfectly capable of entertaining herself and grabbing fruit/snacks when she needed them. I told DH ahead of time that he'd have to handle cooking for her, cleaning up after her, etc. because I would be focused on baby.
It was fine. I tried to include SD but I didn't worry if I wanted to stay in my bedroom with my son a lot of the time. I was breastfeeding and newborns clusterfeed quite a bit, so nobody really cared anyway. DH dealt with SD and brought me snacks/cooked dinner and such.
You'll probably be fine. Just don't put pressure on yourself to entertain, feed, etc. the older kids. Hide out in your room if you're feeling overwhelmed and snuggle your sweet baby.
the only way I would consent
the only way I would consent to this is if DH is going to be home and understand that HE will be on the cuff for meeting the needs of the kids AND you while he is there.
I would not be able to say no
I would not be able to say no to this for many reasons. That being said, I would discuss in detail strict rules about when the skids visit, including that he would be caregiver, and I would ask him to shorten their stay at the house. Perhaps he can take them away days 3-4-5 out of 7 for a family getaway (fun hotel in the area, skiing, etc...). I would also ask a friend or family member to be secondary support while you are alone, if you feel you need it.
We never allowed SS to miss
We never allowed SS to miss school for SpermLand visitation. The CO was clear. Visitation was during non school time over Summer, Winter and Spring break. He did not go to see his three younger also out of wedlock SpermIdiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas. Not for his Aunts wedding, greatgrandparent birthdays or funerals. Nothing.
So, if your SD's are going to meet their brother before school starts, you don't have many otptions on timing. A short visit 3wks after he is born may not be too bad. But, as a man I have zero clue if that position is reasonable or not.
Congratulations on the baby.
Take care of you.