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Feeling pressure to regularly attend functions, events and special occasions with adult stepchildren’s biological mother

BeautifulBird's picture

I am new here.  I’m feeling completely exhausted with regard to having to continually socialize with the biological mother of my adult step children.  Weddings, parties, showers, birthdays, etc!  It feels endless at times and highly uncomfortable for me.  Many occasions have been very small and intimate.  It’s not really even possible for me to just stay away from her.  She always comes up to me or my husband and wants to visit or laugh. Sometimes the conversations become very awkward for me when she jokes about personal things that were between them when she was married to my husband; such as who’s recipe it was for a particular dish, how the children behaved at a certain age, etc.  This has happened several times.  I am indifferent towards the biological mom, as I do not know her.  Their divorce was quite bitter and they did not even see each other until we met and his daughter got married.  I feel while it’s commendable that he has made strides to be polite, I feel as though it has gone way too far.  My stepdaughter seems to want both her mom and dad at every single event, rather than finding ways to take turns or make special arrangements sometimes when it is possible to do so.  Even though I know she likes me, it has caused some friction between the stepdaughter and I.  I know she is an integral part of their lives and my step grandchildren’s lives, and obviously rightly so.  I am grateful to have all the children in my life.  However, I just don’t find it necessary to attend so many functions together.  She would also like to spend holidays together as well and my stepdaughter even asked if she could come over to our house for a party we threw for her brother.  This pressure is very hard on me; especially because my husband wants us to go to every event. 

piegirl's picture

I think you are doing very well turning up to each event that BM is at. I also think that while there are some events where BM & BF attend, it doesn't need to be as frequent!

I think your first point of call should be your DH. Does he know that it makes you uncomfortable? He married you and as such you need to be his priority. He and BM got a divorce for a reason. Let him know how it makes you feel and let him speak to his adult kid about it, it sounds as though she is happy having mommy and daddy together at things, whether it's at your expense or not! Everyone - including you - needs to feel comfortable with the arrangments. 

Good luck Smile

BeautifulBird's picture

Thank you!!!  I am trying VERY hard for the sake of both my adult stepson and adult stepdaughter.  My stepson doesn’t really have much to do with the BM.  I have definitely discussed this many times with my husband and he just tells me to just continue to be polite and say hello and basically “go with the flow.”  I can handle SOME of that, but how many events should we really be obligated to attend with the BM???  In the last two years there have been about 10 events.  I almost feel like I’m forced to be around her and like it.  I am not a fake person.  I don’t like pretending..... but I have always said hello and been polite.  The truth is..... my SD thinks I don’t like her mom, when really it is her father and everyone else in his family. I just don’t want to be around her, except on those rare occasions when it’s absolutely necessary for the kids.  I feel my husband has a hard time saying no to his daughter and wants to do anything he can to please her.  I know he wants me to be comfortable, but he absolutely expects me to attend all these functions.  And..... to top it all off, my SD will be moving next door and will eventually have a mother-in-law apartment for her still single mother to possibly move into to watch her children for her to work.  Oh boy!! She’ll be around all the time!  

ldvilen's picture

You and your DH are going to have to set boundaries NOW (see below).  If he won't listen, see a counselor well-experienced in blended families on your own.

ESMOD's picture

Why TF.. is your SD moving in next door?  I would move.. seriously.. I would move to at least an hours drive away if my DH's EX was going to be next door every day watching the grandkids.  no thanks,

BeautifulBird's picture

The SD is buying property from us right next door and her and her husband are building a house.  At first this seemed terrific, and the DH is extremely happy, but I soon realized that they were first going to build a mother-in-law apartment above a garage and live in it for a few years before building their main house.  The mother-in-law apartment is not completed yet, but when it is..... I know that the BM will be over visiting and helping with the grandkids often.  My main worry is that once they complete the main house they plan on renting the mother-in-law apartment...... And will they rent it to the BM????  I know this hasn’t happened YET, but it doesn’t seem impossible, because my SD has already said the BM will be retiring next year and will watch the kids when she works.  And.... the BM currently lives in a very small apartment and it would be too hard to take the children to her home..... when all their things are there.  So...... I am pretty sure this is going to happen in the future.  I have told my husband that if ever the day comes that she actually MOVES into their mother-in-law apartment..... I will move.  He thinks that would not happen, but other people feel it is highly possible, like me.  It’s very worrisome.  Also..... moving is not an option, unless I left my husband.......

Rags's picture

Did  you own the property next door or did DH?  

It is the rare multigenerational family situation that can survive being that close.  Particularly when X's are next door neighbors.

I forecast that holidays will be next door and BM will be all up in it all.

Nope, time to move.

Whether that ends the marriage to DH or not.

IMHO of course.

skipit's picture

No way.  The stress of this situation will cause your divorce at best, and likely your mental breakdown  Literally the best time in my marriage was when his bd was incarcerated and I didnt need to attend any family events where bm would be present.  You will need to move to save yourself.  Most husbands are overflowing with guilt and will do anything for their adult daughters, this is no different.  Don't pay for his guilt.  You didn't marry him for that. MOVE.


ldvilen's picture

Is BM married again or does she have a serious SO (Oh, boy!  Just saw she is single)?  Although I do like the suggestion above--that you don't have to go to every social event with your DH regarding his initial family (I know I sure don't), this topic is more controversial than I think many realize.

Most wind up thinking that if the SM chooses not to go, then she needs to just let her DH go nilly-willy and hang out with the ol' gang any time he wants.  After all, it's "his" family.  Then, the thought usually follows that if SM objects to this, she is somehow controlling or jealous or doesn't get it, and so on.

But, all I know is every time I Google anything like "hanging out with the ex-," there are suggestions for setting limits, but there are also articles regarding 'Ex Sex' and 'Tips for Getting Back Together with your Ex.'  I find very very few of these articles or suggestions even take the many 'what ifs' into consideration, such as what if one of you is in another serious relationship?  In other words, these articles follow the fallacy of most: mom and dad get to get divorced and then go on to have their cake and eat it too, and, well, if any new partners, including spouses, object, then they just have to suck it up and take it.  

The reality is, borrowed from another aticle, "If someone refuses to create boundaries between them and their ex, especially at the request of a new love interest, it could definitely indicate that they aren't quite over their ex."  Not saying they necessarily want to get back together with, but saying "they aren't quite over."  So, you're going to have to deal with your DH on this one.  Rarely should BM and SM be going one-on-one at odds with the other, although it supposedly happens all the time.  Your relationship is as your husband's wife, and he should be treating you like a wife, AND he is responsible for assuring that others in his fold treat you like his wife. 

So, have a long discussion with him about how you feel.  For me, I know I decide personally when I want to go to these events, and my husband decides if he wants to go alone or just not go.  But, I also know for a fact he does not get along with BM that well, and he does not specifically seek her out.  I'm not worried about any passion between them flaring, BUT that is me.  I agree, with all the media out there that stokes the fantasy about BM and bio-dad getting back together, implying the Evil fiance or SM can go to hell, who wouldn't shudder at the thought of DH running wild with his ex.  And, again, BM and bio-dad always seem to get a pass to do whatever, together.  For some blank-blank reason everyone always seems to have the expectation that SM or step-dad has to suck it up every time, "for the sake of ?," despite the fact that mom and dad never really did so--after all, they divorced.

SO, you'll have to have a long talk with your DH and see what you can agree to, together, and what you can work out.  This is about you and your DH.  It should not be about you and BM.

BeautifulBird's picture

I definitely feel that sometimes the SM and SF have to compromise quite often for the sake of the kids and just accept certain things.  I want my SD and SS to be happy and healthy..... but I just don’t believe they need both mom and dad together all the time “for the sake of the kids.”  I DO agree that communication is critical between my husband and I, and he does seem to try his best.  I think it’s just hard for him to tell his daughter that we would rather celebrate an occasion separately sometimes.  He seems to not to want to disappoint her.  Again..... I feel this is catering to his daughter and her desires.  For example.  I know that my SD will have a party for her one year old son’s birthday soon.  She will invite both of us, the BM and friends.  The party seems more for the adults than our grandson.  I would rather do something separate with the SD and her husband and our grandson, without the BM mother. I will try to talk to my husband about this again, but I know he likes my SD friends and wants to be included.  As for my husband and the BM having any interest.... I can tell you that my husband absolutely has zero interest in the BM and that doesn’t worry me at all. I do feel SHE does enjoy being around him though, so not sure of her intentions.  He left her 10 years ago.  It’s just all highly awkward for me and I have let everyone know this.... but I feel like the “bad guy” because I don’t either want to go, or don’t want to be around the BM.  It sure gets complicated!! 

SteppedOut's picture

Ten events in two years? 

Are they all events being hosted by your husband's daughter? Is she coming to your husband's family gatherings? 

BeautifulBird's picture

Yes, these events have primarily been hosted by the SD and her husband..... OR her husband’s parents.  Her husband’s family knows I will not allow the BM over to our home, but they know that they can invite the BM to their home or their inlaw’s home..... or they meet at a public venue.  One time we did not attend an occasion and made special arrangements to have a private dinner occasion with the SD instead..... Wow!  You wouldn’t believe what happened!  I could not believe that the BM had the nerve to call the DH and tell him how disappointed the SD was because he wasn’t there.  She made him feel very guilty, even though we had already made separate arrangements ahead of time!  I feel as though he was upset with me because I really didn’t want us to attend.  So..... we haven’t missed an event since.  It’s quite distressing to me.  These is an ADULT SD!  Can’t she talk to her father herself, instead of the BM calling my DH???  The same thing happens whenever something is of concern with my SS..... Sometimes they have had to text, talk on the phone and even meet.  I don’t think that’s necessary for adult stepchildren!  The DH and I have really had a lot of discussions about all this and he knows exactly how I feel now, and it happens much less.  The BM is never invited to my DH family’s events.... They do not like her at all!  However..... if SD wanted the BM to attend and I felt comfortable with it..... she would be happy to go.  

ndc's picture

Ten events in two years seems excessive.  My DH's kids are minors, so you'd think there's even more reason to run into BM, but this was an area where I insisted on boundaries early on.  I will go to events where BM will be present.  A wedding, a funeral, a large birthday party for one of the kids - that's OK.  BM and DH have common friends, and the skids have family on both sides, so some of that is inevitable and acceptable to me because BM isn't high conflict.  I can be at a kid's sporting event where BM is also present, and I can attend a parent-teacher conference with DH, BM and her husband.  But I drew the line at getting together for holidays, which BM initially wanted to do and DH did before we got together.  We haven't run into things like showers and engagement parties yet, but frankly, we're working toward FEWER events together.  When DH and I first got together, all of the skid birthday parties were joint.  Now, we just do our own thing.  My DH knows that being around BM is not my favorite thing, so he tries to limit it.  The kids understand that their parents are divorced and that they have two separate families now, so they rarely suggest getting everyone together.  Your DH's ADULT children shouldn't need their parents hanging out together at every event, and he could put a stop to it if he wanted to.  Let him know he needs to institute better boundaries and consider YOUR needs.

BeautifulBird's picture

Everything you are saying makes complete sense to me and very reasonable, especially with SKids who are minors.  To me..... it seems very reasonable to begin to limit the amount of gatherings that you feel you need to attend when the SKids are adults (29 and 31).  This is why I am here..... I have even spoken to my DH’s family and they agree with me.  I feel it is my DH who is having a hard time telling his daughter no..... I am continuing to work with him on setting boundaries..... but he refuses to talk with the SD about it yet..... and she is the one who invites us all usually.  And I fear that when they move next door, it will happen even more...... Which is why I am trying my hardest to work with him NOW to make my feelings clear and set reasonable boundaries.  YES!!  The DH is absolutely the one person who could have a compassionate heart to heart conversation with his daughter to let her know first how important she and the GKids are and second that we want to spend as much time with them as possible..... but separately the majority of time.  I’m already worried about the one-year-old birthday party which I know is going to happen soon.  I would rather celebrate it separately without the BM, and let the SD do her own party with the BM.  To be determined..... 

shamds's picture

and demanded to be present at multiple events includong the bio mum/crazy exwife who hubby cant stand it would be “bahahaha FAT CHANCE IN HELL!!”

you don’t have to go to every event, you can do your own thing or say it makes you extremely uncomfortable.

also sd asking if her mum can come when its an event you are planning for ss during your time just needs a basic NO!! because her mum can do the same thing during her time and this is in your home etc and her bio mum should not be regularly attending your home at all... you don’t attend hers so she doesn’t need to attend yours

BeautifulBird's picture

Exactly!!!  I completely agree and know this is true!  I know my SD would LOVE to have BM over to our home for all the events we host with DH’s family or for SS...... I told SD kindly that I felt it would be best if she didn’t come over.  She did not argue, but I know she wants her mother around at these events we hold too!  It’s like she is almost just not comprehending the issue I have with it.....  and makes me feel like I am being really rude.  I am continuing to work with DH about the fact that we do NOT have to attend every event that the SD invites us to..... I wish he would speak to her about this fact, and I have suggested he try.  But so far, he won’t, because he WANTS to go to the special events.  So the real issue is for US to work together to identify what events seem reasonable and important to attend together and communicate those kinds of events to the SD.  So far, I haven’t been able to do that..... But after the last event not going so well...... I think he’s becoming quite clear that we need to set boundaries together.  I am trying..... although it is frustrating at times.  I know there are those occasions where it’s necessary to be altogether, or important to be..... Like the SD’s wedding!!  But..... I somehow am the one to blame (mostly by the SD) because after all..... in her own words.... “She’s my mother, and how would you feel?”  What the SD does not realize..... is that my parents were also divorced and they almost never went to  anything together!!  They went to my graduations (but separately) and to my wedding and to my grandparents funeral.  She just wants them together at these functions.  It’s hard being made out to be the “bad guy” who is causing problems because I don’t see the need to do so many things with the BM.  

Mandy45's picture

Least I know I'm not the only one now who has to front these painful events. Dh has told my SD28 that we dont want to hang around with BM but she will still plan things and there bm prancing around me me me. A lot of the time neither of us go to these things or we go for 1 or 2 hours just to say we made a effort. Like I'm all for everyone getting along for the kids but sometimes it can be a bit much. And you feel more like the stand in rather than the wife. So I understand and feel for you on this front. 

ldvilen's picture

And, to make matters worse, if dad doesn’t show up, even adult SKs will assume it is because, “SM won’t let him.”  Little do they realize that dad may want to go to these events even less than SM does.  The reality is, with an EOWE dad or similar, the dads and kids don’t really know each other that well, esp. if the kids were that young when the divorce occurred.  I’ve noticed with my DH and his now adult kids, that they more-so play roles, roles that in their mind embodies what a father-daughter relationship or father-son relationship should be like vs. having a genuine real relationship.

Like in my family and so many others, we don’t hesitate to tell each other how we truly feel about such-n-such, even tho. we may disagree.  But, I think with divorced dad and his kids, the bond they have just seems too fragile (it doesn't have to be), and they are more afraid to say what they are really thinking to each other.  They just go along and play these roles and let everything slide, which of course can cause issues down the road. 

SO, SKs go around thinking or just assuming dad wants to spend buckets of time with them and mom too, like the good ol’ days (which to the adults, they probably weren’t).  It never occurs to most of them that dad has a new life/wife or serious relationship, and he’s fine spending time with his adult kids along with his wife, but he doesn’t want to keep reliving things with BM, that, let’s face, probably got pretty ugly at times; thus, the divorce.  So, when dad doesn’t show up, they all just assume it is evil SM keeping him at bay and “threatening” him or putting mind-control dust on his cereal each am.  They don’t see the love between dad and SM.  They may see SM as more of a mere tenant that keeps their dad from them, and yes, this is even with adults.

All it would have taken is dad to have sat them down a time or two way back when and explain to them the above—he has new wife or serious SO, he loves his kids dearly, he loves his wife, of course; however, his wife is his wife and he and his kids are going to be around his wife way more than they are going to be around him and BM.  That’s just the way it is.  You spend more time with your spouse and someone you get along with vs. an ex-, boss, or pretty much anyone else.  But, again, lordy BM and wimpy DH = step hell.

BeautifulBird's picture

Yes.....These events ARE painful.  I feel SO uncomfortable that I can not enjoy them myself and that seems worse than doing them separately.  And I wish the SD would just begin to see just how uncomfortable it really is..... and mostly that we are there for her, her husband and kids!!  And that we want to be a major support and part of their lives..... and to be highly involved and helpful and celebrate whenever we can..... But really..... I don’t want to do most of these events with the BM too!  For example.... a birthday party!  Why can’t we have two? Or find ways to celebrate it separately?  I think DH is fine with being around the BM for his kids sake...... But since I don’t have any of my own biological children, he doesn’t have to be around my ex-husband.  I doubt he would like it either!  Especially if you feel forced to attend and socialize some with the BM!  It is a work in progress.....  But, I think I AM getting through...... I hope!!    And to address the second comment..... I agree with you as well.  I never knew how both incredibly wonderful it would be to be a stepmother/grandmother as well as at times a nightmare!!  I admit, I sometimes make excuses not to be around the adult  SKids.  But...... if I do that too often, my husband gets upset because he thinks I don’t want to be around them.  Which is not true.... there are just times when it feels awkward or I just can’t handle it...... So I try to politely refrain from an activity.  My husband is extremely family oriented..... which I LOVE.... be he also does not have to deal with anyone else’s children.  

tog redux's picture

BM isn't trying to be polite, she's pissing on her territory by reminscing about the time they were together. DH needs to not encourage that. "Oh yeah, right - excuse me, I have to go speak to Uncle Charlie ..."

It's good that they can get along, honestly, and not force separate events for every occasion, but that doesn't mean you always need to go. Pick the important ones and then put your foot down on the other ones.  Your opinion on how it should be is just as important as DH's.

And why do they have so many dang parties?

BeautifulBird's picture

You know.... You’re right.  The BM really seems to enjoy being around my DH!  And I feel she relishes the fact that because of SD they HAVE to attend functions together.  Her “needing” to approach me at these events seems strange.  Almost as if to further bother me.  I am sorry if this seems wrong, but I feel absolutely no need to say even one word to the BM.  I am uncomfortable anyway with the whole situation and the idea is to celebrate the children!!!  I just want to enjoy our time with all the kids and wish she’d just stay away from me and focus her attention on them!!  WHY do I have to go to such small and intimate parties!!  My SD and her husband have a lot of friends and they enjoy getting everyone together.... including her BM and DH!  This whole topic is making me feel like retreating more..... which is not what I want!  But.... I am becoming exhausted from it all.  

hereiam's picture

I think it’s just hard for him to tell his daughter that we would rather celebrate an occasion separately sometimes. He seems to not to want to disappoint her.

Life is full of disappointments, her parents are divorced, after all.

I just think that all of this togetherness, after a divorce and especially after new partners enter the equation, is a bit much. Certain events, such as weddings and graduations are one thing, but every little thing is unnecessary and I wouldn't do it.


ldvilen's picture

And, this IS NOT a daughter vs. SM deal, where poor DH has to choose or be put in the middle.  He needs to treat his wife like a wife and his daughter like a daughter.  Daughters don’t get to decide where their dad and mom’s events are held and when.  And, daughters don’t get to decide were their dad and SM’s events are held and when.  Period.  You’re his wife, and if you’re not sure, ask your DH or put it to him that way:  Who is more-so your wife?  Me?  Your ex-?  Your daughter?  Sounds creepy and weird, but you’d be surprised how many DHs seem to conveniently “forget” whom they are currently married to, especially when it makes things easier for them.

BeautifulBird's picture

Believe me, I am trying to show him that there are alternatives to celebrating special times, without having to do them with the BM at the same time.  He is just way too eager to do what SD wants.  He hasn’t even tried to talk to her about trying to do other things when it is possible. 

Dovina's picture

Your SD is moving next door and will have an in law suite where ex mommy dearest may move in? Pls tell me I didnt read that right.

You may not have control what others do, but if the parties are uncomfortable (I TOTALLY GET THAT!!!) I cannot imagine this scenario. This will NOT end up well. You will never get away from the ex who is still single. How far will your DH go to please his DD at your expense?? 

Best of luck

hereiam's picture

Your SD is moving next door and will have an in law suite where ex mommy dearest may move in? Pls tell me I didnt read that right.

Can you imagine? My DH doesn't want to be within a 10 mile radius of BM. SD is very dependent on BM (even at 28) so her living next door to us would be a no go.

Dovina's picture

YES, and what a nighmare for the OP (or any of us) !

Will her DH end up cutting their lawn, shovelling their snow, in need of a fix it man?...because dear old dad cannot disappoint his DD. It will become near to impossible to avoid "joint" birthday parties etc.

BeautifulBird's picture

My DH has absolutely nothing to do with BM for severe years, until recently after the SD married and started inviting ALL of us to things......At first I felt this was what I was supposed to do to be a good stepmother, and to attend for the sake of the adult kids and their children.  I now no longer feel this way.  I feel it is really strange and quite uncomfortable.  Just seeing the BM and DH together, so proud of SD and SKids is very hard.  I really DO understand that there are time when it is necessary to run in to her.  I am going to start refusing to go to events where we could make some compromises with and have separately.  

BeautifulBird's picture

I am trying to find a way to help him understand how uncomfortable all this is for me.  He’s lived here so long with them and obviously wants his biological children around as often as they are able.  I know he loves me and wants me to be happy as well.  I think the DH and SD really feel this is MY problem that I have to accept.  I don’t ever want the BM to be right next door.  She’s already living only two miles away!  The key is helping DH understand that it important for US to decide boundaries.  I have spoken to DH’s sister and she agrees with me.  This is a tough situation we are now in.  I really would move if the BM ever moves into the mother-in-law apartment next door!!  I have made that clear.  But..... sometimes I really do feel as though I moved into THEIR home.  

Merry's picture

There are times when the bios need to be together at the same function -- weddings, graduations, etc. I have seen the BM exactly one time, at a wedding, since I married DH 15 years ago. Ten times in two years is ridiculous if it makes you uncomfortable.

Your DH would much rather YOU be uncomfortable than HE be uncomfortable. It's as simple as that. So you must find your own voice and stop giving in to what everybody else wants. If YOU don't want to go, then don't go. ("DH, I am uncomfortable with these events, so I have decided not to go. You go ahead if you'd like, or suggest to SD that we have a separate celebration for xyz. Either is ok with me.")

Being told to just smile and endure is for the comfort of everyone but YOU, when YOU should be your DH's priority. It's not selfish to take care of yourself, especially when no one else is.

BeautifulBird's picture

The DH is not uncomfortable, I am.  I have not attended a couple of events, but I know he wants me to go with him and that I should go with him as his wife.  But, this has led to such awkwardness that it is becoming very tense and defeats the purpose of a special occasion. I agree with you!  For those times where it’s not absolutely necessary to go together as a couple to some event, am going to make it clear again to both the SD and DH that I will not be attending and why.  If he chooses to always go without me....... rather than sometimes making special arrangements..... after a while, that won’t work for me either. 

Merry's picture

Right, you are uncomfortable attending. This means that your DH doesn't have to be uncomfortable himself by telling SD that he won't attend if his exwife is there. That's what I meant. God forbid most of our DH's be uncomfortable by telliing a child, even an adult child, no. That's my DH all over the place.

The whole thing sounds so unhealthy for everybody -- separate events most of the time seems like a GOOD idea and that's what most people do. Sounds like SD and probably BM enjoy the fact that you don't like their game.

Dovina's picture

I'd bet the farm that SD and BM are loving every moment. Just knowing that DH is mad at the SM for not "sucking it up " (as Idvilen puts it)  will just amp up their need for joint events. Its so predictable! They love to cause discord in the marriage.

BeautifulBird's picture

While I am not so sure that they “love it,” I do feel that there may be some kind of satisfaction knowing that this whole issue is causing stress between the DH and I.  I really believe the BM is secretly happy about this for sure!!  Especially because after already disappointing the SD by not attending an event (we had made different plans with the SD ahead of time), that mom went out of her way to CALL my DH to tell him just how this upset his adult SD 28 at the time! So now...... He really seems to feel obligated and yes, this is not taking into account my feelings as his wife..... and it hurts.  I am completely stuck!  If he doesn’t come around..... I either have to “live with” socializing with the BM present whenever the SD wants us to.... Or I have to put my foot down, give an ultimatum (which I don’t want to do)...... and/or leave.  It’s very hard.  And I have no idea how many events each year the SD will want us all to attend together.....

Dovina's picture

That your DH does go to counselling with you. No one would feel happy or peaceful in your situation. Its just not healthy! Your SD moving in next door, a meddling BM, and a spineless DH. You really are living a step nightmare. Its ridiculous that BM had to call DH to let him know how their adult DD was upset. DH needs to shut this down!!!!

I cannot see a happy longterm marriage in this situation. To be clear its NOT you, your DH needs to set his boundaries and priorities straight. He has to decide who he is married to. With the SD being a neighbour and a frequent visiting BM, joint events will become the mainstream. 


BeautifulBird's picture

Thank you very much for validating that my feelings are not unreasonable.  Many of my friends feel the same way, as does some of DH own family.  My husband is not spineless, however, although I feel he is stubborn and set in his ways and has a hard time accepting that perhaps his views are not the best.  He usually comes around on most all other things..... His children are a tough one.  I am hoping that things will improve!  I have never been out to disrespect the BM or cause ANY stress to the SD..... But again, I feel she is somewhat spoiled and hasn’t had to deal with many difficulti situations in her own life.  

BeautifulBird's picture

That sounds terrible too!!  But at least now it appears that you don’t ever really have to “hang out” with the BM!  Because my husband’s ex is VERY willing and friendly and wants us to all be together....... everyone thinks I should feel the same way!  I really can honestly say that I believe she would have wanted to seriously be “friends” with me and would be fine with a lot of social gatherings, even possibly without the SD or SS or DH around!  I just can’t really read her very well, and honestly don’t care to.  What she had with my DH is the past and should be left there.  Yes.... there will be times where it’s unavoidable to attend the same functions..... But now I feel it has blown up to being all about ME not wanting to be around her because we didn’t take care of this issue as a couple and allowed the SD to have such authority over it all.  It really has made me feel like disengaging..... But again, I can NOT do that because DH gets very upset if I back off or don’t do things with him and his kids sometimes.  I feel somewhat angry with the SD still for telling me that she “questions my integrity” as if she is the best judge of character..... All because I don’t feel it’s necessary for us to associate/interact and have conversations with the BM! 

ldvilen's picture

Yes, THIS: "But now I feel it has blown up to being all about ME not wanting to be around her because we didn’t take care of this issue as a couple and allowed the SD to have such authority over it all."  Now you have to decide how you're going to tackle it.  Hopefully you and your DH.

Miss T's picture

They're trying to be one big, happy family! Isn't that sweet?

The first thing I thought when I stumbled across the geographic/neightborhood proximity piece was, He's trying to establish a harem, and she's Second Wife. That's right, everyone in this scenario is a character in his fantasy of having an old-fashioned harem with multiple wives and kiddos and everyone living cheek-by-jowl, together, harmoniously. Well ... not his problem if the silly women and kids don't get along. Let them work it out. Meanwhile, he gets what he needs, he has access to anyone--kids, women--any time he wants, and everyone else can suck hind tit.

Listen, chiquita. He--yes HE, not the steps, not the ex, but HE-- is trying to set up a plural marriage. I don't care who's playing along, and I don't care if it's happening in American Suburbia, rural Utah, the Sahara Desert or deepest, darkest Manchuria. This social arrangement is a disaster for a woman and her children. Every day of your life, you and your kids will be subject to the stress of competing for His Royal Highnass's (spelling intended) time and attention. This will wreak havoc on your mental and likely your physical health. Mr. Man's plans need to be stopped yesterday. If he won't respect your wishes and NEED to be far, far away from the First Family, get out now. Leave. Get off the bus, Gus. Make a new plan, Stan. No need to be coy, Roy. Just set yourself free. Of all the things you don't need in your life, this kind of exploitation is approximately Number One.

Best of luck to you. You don't say whether this lot are members of contemporary Western society, but regardless, they are proposing an ancient,  horrible social arrangement that is an exploitive disaster for women.

They sound like a bunch of loonies. Lose them.

skipit's picture

You are exactly correct!  There is a whole crazy underlying dynamic going on here.  Now it is overt.  She needs to get out now rather than try to please these crazy people.  Don't risk your sanity!  Wow, this situation is just plain insane.




MissTexas's picture

because very well into "adulthood kids" insisted on BM and DAAADDEEE being at every function. These people have been divorced for DECADES, but BM never moved on, and stayed single, while dad married (I am not the reason they divorced. They had been divorced for 30 years when we met.)

This went on and on. No matter how nasty things got, I tried to make my DH happy. It was very stressful and awkward. He and I agreed she would be permanently in the rear view mirror, then SK's would call wanting their "happy family" (who am I, their maid?) together. Dadddy would have to oblige and give in, though we had conversations about how nasty and offensive BM was at every opportunity. She was even allowed to stay at our place once all because the "ADULT KIDS" insisted on it and daddy couldn't find the key to his testicle lockbox (SK's had it well hidden). Finally, things came to a head and I refused to put his and his "kids'" happiness before my own. It caused such feelings of misery and angst when I knew I'd  have to be around her. I think the concept finally penetrated my DH's skull (think jaw breaker, and you finally get down to that tiny little bb in the middle, or the Tootsie Pop and how many licks to get to the middle...I am dating myself here) and he told one of his kids she can't be around us anymore, mind you, he did NOT TELL BM, but she got the message.

BM and SD are in alliance. They know exactly what they're doing, make NO mistake about it. Also, your husband sounds extremely enmeshed with his daughter, which has created the triangulation in your marriage. I'm not sure how long you've been married, but my guess is this was all happening before you married, and like most here, you think "it will get better after we are married." The opposite often proves true, it escalates. These emotionally stunted "girls" throw temper tantrums, manipulate their daddddeee's puppet strings and orchestrate a perfect emotional storm at every opportunity.

I personally do not agree with sending my husband out to mingle with his ex and their adult kids. I did not get married so that I could do things solo. One of the main reasons people marry is to present as a couple to society and to have COMPANIONSHIP. I told him, "BM is the EX, but I'm your upgrade. Appreciate it, or lose it." 

You have to take control of your marriage and tell your DH NO MORE, if this is to be a viable and thriving marriage.

Winterglow's picture

I'm afraid I'm the devious type - I'd have called the cops about the horn-honking and pretended I didn't know who it was but it was causing a disruption in my neighbourhood. It's worth a ticket (125 dollars n WA)  in many places Smile Oh, I am SO sorry, I didn't realize it was your ex, duh.

Then I'd see what else I could do to aggravate her ... in the nicest possible way, of course.

ldvilen's picture

And, as a SM you are told things all the time like, “Keep in mind that it can take years to establish proper boundaries following a divorce, particularly if two people were married a long time.”  Yeah, well, why do we have to “keep that in mind.”  It is their !#$!$ divorce, so they get a pass to play handsy any time they want, while GFs and future spouses have to eat it?  I mean, really.  And, then we are told we are overreacting or “hypersensitive to BM’s intrusions,” or view her as a threat.  All of these comments, I find quite sexist, by the way.

We are not tards, and we all know that co-parenting doesn’t end with divorce.  What we want is simply a husband and a marriage, as normal as possible.  We may not expect a 100% husband, but we expect as close to that as possible.  That’s not asking for much, esp. considering what most of us are giving up on our end.  Yet, if we don’t want to suck it up and take it, or bite our tongues every time BM is around, for whatever reason, we are overreacting and hypersensitive.  Very few women, other than a SM, have to deal with an ex- in the picture.  Yet, for some reason, every professional man and woman, under the sun, seems to think they can tell us how we should be thinking and feeling about “the other woman.”

Every time you are with your DH and he is hanging out with his ex-, he might as well be running around in a custom T-shirt she made for him in 2013.  Because, that is how everyone else will see them—as the ol’ couple and isn’t that nice.  SM, his wife, meanwhile, will be seen as, “Oh, this is your second wife.” There is just something you feel from people when they realize you are the second wife; like you are the consolation prize. For some reason, people are far less accepting of a second wife.  It’s not just about BM or DH; it’s about everyone.

No long-term SO or spouse should have to put up with that, period, and if she doesn’t want to put up with it, she isn’t overreacting or being hypertensive.  She just wants a 95% husband vs. a 65% one, and if avoiding a former GF or ex- will achieve that for her, then her OWN husband and ONLY husband needs to put that desire to the forefront vs. acting like too-bad, so-sad, Pfft.  Because, after all, who wants a 65% husband?  Not any woman that I know of.

And, you can try to tell SMs all day long that they shouldn’t feel that way.  But, yet, you and everyone around you, anytime they are around any SM, will act like she is sloppy seconds and BM is the primary wife.  So, SMs will stop feeling that way when everyone else gets their shiatsu together and accepts a husband and wife as a husband and wife, period.

Rags's picture

My GrandDad was married once before marrying Grandmother.  He always maintained that though he had been married before my GM was the only wife he had.  

That always struck me as odd though he was absolutely devoted to my GM.

Then I married my XW who was never in that marriage.

When I met and married my incredible bride GrandDad's perspective became clear to me.

Neither his first wife, nor mine were all in in the marriage.  His first was a bar fly who had a number of side pieces.  Mine was just a whore, no bar needed.  Her preferred though not only source of side pieces was to give them sponge baths in the hospital which I guess for an RN is an efficient way to size up the equipment.

GrandDad was devoted to my GM and did not allow his first marriage to interfere in his marriage to my GM.   I adopted the same model with my marriage to my DW.  The difference being that my GrandDad had a son with his first wife.  I have no BKs.


Miss T's picture

"... it can take years to establish proper boundaries following a divorce ... "

Should read, " ... it can take years to rip him a properly sized new one." It did in my case, anyhow. He just couldn't see that the passive aggressive messages the ex continually delivered [via SS(now26)] were attempts to undermine, insult, and just generally be a twunt. It took me several years to ... ah .. convince him that he needed to shut that sh!t down. It was not pretty. .

"All of these comments, I find quite sexist ... " Me too. In fact, I find them quite a bit worse than sexist, but right now will refrain from further observations on the matter. You're welcome.

BeautifulBird's picture

I’ve been reading ALL of your comments and I can say that it has been so very helpful to me.... and I am so very grateful for this forum to gain some new insights and perhaps learn new ways to deal with issues regarding my SD and SD and their BM, as well as my DH.  I know that everyone’s situation is different, and things can certainly become very complicated.  I am not willing to give up, but definitely have some real heartbreaks because I truly WANT better for my immediate family and think that developing positive relationships with my SS and SD are the best thing.... that does not necessarily mean close or anything “motherly” to them..... I am currently feeling like disengaging, but I know that this is not the answer...... and it would devastate my husband and ruin any chance of improving things.  Plus, I love my new SGrands and I don’t want to ever jeopardize those relationships.  Quite honestly, I’m just having such a hard time getting past the SD’s harsh words to me, her spoiled self and what I feel is her immaturity in understanding the entire situation.  I don’t really want to even be around her or have her over....  which right now I have no control of with her key access to our home.  I feel that I just want to have some space from her for a while...... and so I am hoping to figure out ways to do that.  In the meantime I’m going to look for a support group of some kind.....  in person.... to actually continue to deal with all of my concerns.  I know that many of these issues will be for my husband and I to work through..... as he is truly the ONE person who can help set boundaries.  I  plan to “fight hard” to make things as comfortable and happy as possible, for myself as well as all of us..... But I am also not naive and know that I may have to ultimately let my husband know what is acceptable to me and what is not...... and be prepared for the worst.  I feel it’s all so sad really..... because most of what I want is for my husband and I to not be around the BM anymore than is absolutely necessary!  With the SD moving next door in the next few months..... my fears have intensified.  Again..... thank you for all your input and advice!  :)

Winterglow's picture

Why the heck does she have a key to your home? Nobody who doesn't live there full-time should have a key! This is your home, you should be able to relax there, not wonder who is going to come wandering in and with whom! You should be able to leave your home and know that it will be in exactly the same state as when you left it! This is a hill to die on - your home is your castle! Change those locks today. Your husband may never want to move home but he sure as heck should be making it feel like it is your home too and not just a place where other people can walk in unannounced! Imagine how things will be when bm visits if SD has a key ...

Siemprematahari's picture

BeautifulBird~ all I want to add is that NO ONE is worth all this bullsh!t and aggravation. Your H is unreasonable and his expectations for you to just "suck it up" are unacceptable. You need to have a voice in all this. I'd be damned if I continue to do something that makes me uncomfortable and my H stands there ok because he chooses to please his daughter and exwife, no way in the world that would EVER go down. 

So for just a moment please place yourself, your wants and needs 1st and to hell with what everyone else thinks and if THEY are uncomfortable. Their emotions are not your responsibility and you shouldn't have to bend over backwards to please them. 

skipit's picture

I attended my husband's adult daughter's wedding with him yesterday.   After the wedding she invited us to have breakfast with her entire bm's side of the family and her bm., for the following morning.  My husband accepted.  This morning I told him we are not having breakfast with that group an he said he wants to have breakfast with his daughter.  I said breakfast with 10 people other than your daughter isn't breakfast with your daughter.  I told him we attended the wedding and I can see no reason to socialize with them because his daughter wants everyone together.  I told him to remember who he married.  We are skipping the breakfast.  Steps hold your ground.  Be respected and loved.  

sandye21's picture

I agree - there is no reason to be having breakfast with BM's family.  Good for you for standing your ground.  Have to tell you though, you will be having to stand your ground again.  I've been disengaged from SD for 9 years and there are still times I have to say, "Not going to happen."

Ozlady's picture

Hi, I read your original post and felt as though I was reading my own story.  I, however tried disengagement and it has made a difficult situation worse. When we were first together, 10 years ago, SD (the princess) was ok toward me until she got married and pregnant-then it became I need to spend time with just Daddy. I later became aware this meant time to have coffee with BM and daddy and if BM was not there to update DH on all her mother's goings on. I put up with lots until finally I found this group and started the process of disengaging.  And then it got ugly. I have been accused of being a family wrecker, a liar, unwelcoming, rude.....the list goes on and on. The process of disengaging I found relatively easy, I do not want to be step-GM to the brats and have no need to be involved in the princesses petty nonsense. But the loss of friendships in his family has been difficult, every time there is some event my DH gets anxious and this causes friction in our home and I know in his mind his perfect princess is being scorned by me!

I wish I had stayed in the loop, not disengaged. All it achieved was me on the outside.

If I had my time again, I would state clearly my issues with BM to SD and DH (together) and ask them to understand that I do not want to be subject to the BM all the time. I would go further and confront her directly and tell her myself that she is no longer married to my DH and that her behaviour is embarrassing and causes issues in OUR family. I would also be brutally honest with the princess about how I am the alpha woman in my DH life and she needs to accept that or she will be the cause of family issues. 


Good luck