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Holidays are rough...

MammyO’Hara's picture

First time posting. Thought I'd try this because I don't know anyone in even a remotely similar situation. All these women give me advice, but they are actual mothers.  We have my boyfriend's special needs son full time. His mother is a drug addict. 

As soon as I moved in, it seems as though she took that as her cue to "be free" of her son. Idk if that's true, but I perceive it that way, I can't imagine how this child must feel. Holidays are rough for him. He has two maternal half-siblings (she doesn't have custody of them), who he misses terribly. He misses his mother terribly. The last time he talked to her, she cried to him and told him all about her problems. She didn't call for thanksgiving. His birthday was a few weeks ago, and the most she could do was send a text to his father from a random number at like midnight. The kid never heard from her. On his birthday.


He's been throwing tantrums (at school he threw a chair and hit another kid). He's destroyed the house in a fit of rage. And my boyfriend works long hours, so I am left alone with him a lot. 

I lost a pregnancy this year, and my daughter was supposed to be born on my step son's birthday. It's just been an emotional wreck of a time. I've spent a lot of time beating myself up for not being one of those women who loves my stepson "like he's my own." But when I saw that little boy hurting and missing his mom, I went into a blind rage and wanted to rip her freaking face off. 

idk if I want advice, or just a place to vent. Idk. Lately he's been confiding in me that he can't sleep because he's afraid his mom is going to die. He has nightmares constantly. And over the last few weeks, when it's just he and I in the house, he's taken to yelling out "mommy" when he wants something. Like, I don't even know how to respond to that. 

And honestly, I'm a bit afraid of getting too attached to this kid because his dad and I aren't married. Though we have a great relationship. And, honestly, sometimes I worry he's going to grow up to be a serial killer. 

im just trying to work on compassion for his mother and getting past my anger and resentment that I lost a child and here she has three and is too busy getting high to even call on their birthday. (Also, I've been clean for 9 years, so I totally understand what being a junkie is like, but just not how you blow off your kids for it). 


BlueEyez's picture

Wow you have a full plate. I appreciate your saying you're not sure if you're seeking advice or just venting; likewise, I'm not sure if I'm giving advice or just responding. From both extreme opposite ends of the spectrum, I offer my sympathy on the loss of your pregnancy and heartfelt congratulations on your nine years of sobriety.

Of course you don't love him as if he's your own, so stop beating yourself up for that. I would have a better perspective knowing how long you have been in his life and how old he is.


You seem to be extremely empathetic, which has incredible advantages and drawbacks.

This child's BM has the maternal instincts of a sea turtle. You're seeing a child in pain and reacting. It's of great concern that he doesn't know or never learned how to control his anger. This is the "red flag" in your post that caught my attention.  He has a lot to be angry about! If you can contribute anything to him in the immediate, foreseeable future, seeking ways to address healthy ways for him to express his anger could be the best thing you could contribute to his life.

His sleeping problems and dreams of his sea-turtle-BM's death sound like abandonment issues peeking out of his psyche, but I'm no professional.


Lastly and most importantly, take care of you. Oftentimes, people with your level of empathy get turned inside-out from giving so much of themselves without getting the proper replenishment. Eh, I'm probably projecting on that issue, but the sentiment remains! All my best...

MammyO’Hara's picture

Thank you so much for your response. It's nice to know others see the red flags as well. He is 11 and I've been with my SO for 3 years (we've been friends much longer, but only known the kiddo about 2.5). 

He desperately needs counseling, I've been begging his dad to do so. Even BM suggested as much once. I am focusing all my energy into helping him cope. I think you are right, definitely I have a lot of empathy and it affects the way I handle things. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

The child needs therapy. In addition to dealing with his previous issues, he is now dealing with being abandoned by his mother. Your SO needs to change his work hours so he can stay with his son. It is not your responsibility to be the boy's primary caretaker - it is his father's. What would SO do if you were not around?

What you are doing is admirable - but you need to always remember that he has a mother and it will never be you. If you read around this site, you will se story after story about kids with abusive mothers and the step mothers who end up parenting them who end up getting their hearts broken when the kids end up preferring their biological mothers.

MammyO’Hara's picture

I think the hardest part is loving him and doing all the things I can for him, but knowing I will never matter to him like mom. Trying to accept that. 

SecondGeneration's picture

You need to take some time to care for yourself. You have had a devastating loss. 

Let me just say my SD9 is an angel child. Shes well mannered, mild tempered, beautifully behaved and I have built a strong bond with her over the years. But when I was pregnant? Theres something primal going on then, there were moments I really struggled with her presence. There were moments I was jealous of her existence, this kid that was so excited to meet her baby brother or sister, there were moments it was really tough not to hate her. Why? Hormones. Humans are animals and theres a primal survival instinct going on. You want to protect your own blood, your own genetics, even at the cost of doing another harm (when your normal clear minded self would have no such feeling). Fortunately, communication was very open between DH and me and we were able to navigate it. 

You have sufferer a terrible loss and all the time you are being forced to see this child who is essentially abandoned by his mother. It's no surprise you flew into a rage. How dare she turn her back on her own child? How dare she not realise what harm she is doing to him and how dare she (and to an extend your partner) leave you to deal with his issues when you should have been pampering your own babe. 

Those are some very intense feelings but you need to allow yourself to feel them to be able to heal. It wont go away, itll be something you carry forever but you can make it so it doesn't destroy the other relationships around you. If that is what you want. 

You have my utmost sympathy for your loss. 


Your partner needs to have a reshuffle, he needs to be arranging or taking on the brunt of the care of his own child. Particularly at this delicate time. He would have to do it without you if you weren't together so it's not fair for you to be baring the brunt of it.

The child needs therapy, hes going to have alot of anger, alot of feelings of low worth and you will be the target of that, as is the natural way. You are, ultimately, the outsider. Especially if BM abandons him and then his dad is away with work, hes going to feel like neither parent cares. Now obviously as adults we appreciate things like Bill's and having to make the best decision at the time. But kids dont see it that way, they see time. 


MammyO’Hara's picture

Thank you, I needed to hear that. It is very primal. Yes, he needs counseling Soooo badly. Am trying to work on that without seeming like a nag. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Welcome to the group!

I have  a SS19 who is Autistic, Bi-polar, ADHD, Anxiety Disorder and more. 

I have him full time. His mother is a junkie who has 9 kids total and custody of none. My SS is the oldest. BM1 also had a few miscarriages and still births that we know about. 

My SS used to act like yours and comments on things like "serial killer" came out of more than one person's mouth. It took my SS until he was 16/17 to figure out his mom wasn't ever going to get better and actually be a mom.

I will say that once we got his meds worked out he was able to get through high school. He is working 2 jobs right now. He is also going to welding school at night. He is doing really well and I don't have a single worry about him being a good, kind, and caring person. He won't likely ever live on his own, but that is ok. We have plans in place for him to keep gradually gaining more autonomy. 

Sure there are days where he isn't connecting with people and he comes off as a giant A-hole. I have the relationship with him where I tell him I love him, but he is being an A-hole and knock it off, check his tone and try again because I don't tolerate disrespect. He always apologizes and tries better. I am not perfect with him, I have moments where I feel like I am going to lose my mind with him over stupid things like waking up or cleaning his room. However, he knows that he is safe with me, that he always has a good home and family with us. He never worries that his dad or I won't be there. 

MammyO’Hara's picture

It is nice to hear from someone in a similar situation, though, I hate that anyone is in this situation. 

The meds and mental health are a huge issue right now. Dad is in a bit of denial, I think. His pediatrician is just doping him up on adderall, when I'm not even sure he has true adhd. He has horrible side effects from the meds. He's waaaay underweight, has excruciating headaches which make him vomit, and the comedown from the meds is apparent and brutal. I've been begging my SO to get him to a specialist. But when the pediatrician suggested a "therapist" would be the only specialist to treat him, SO was completely turned off by it. SS grandma is also against "therapy" for him (she's super old school) and often uses it as a threat when he is misbehaving "I'll video you acting like this and send it to a psychiatrist so they can lock you up." It's infuriating. 

He had a meltdown tonight, talking about wanting to kill himself (he's 11) and trying to choke and kick the dogs. He's such a sweet kid normally, but it's like Jekle & Hyde. He just flips. I'm hoping we can save him before those teenage hormones kick in, but am worried that's not possible. 

id be interested to know more about your history.