OT - Is your DH Amazing?
Didn’t want to derail another post, but the premise was posted that people are not “amazing”.
Amazing: causing great surprise or wonder. Niagara falls is considered “Amazing”. Why? It’s a big cliff, surely there are thousands of cliffs, many larger. It is a waterfall. So? There are many of those too. But when you combine those things, add some remarkable trees with fall colour, a breeze that makes the droplets fly into a perfect rainbow? I can admire the wonderous beauty of a pile of rocks with some water. Things that exist all over the world, but to appear in my space… in this combination …yes I can pause and be amazed. And as the seasons change and it moves and flows differently as well, that amazement can continue for years.
My DH is amazing. And yes I do wake up early some mornings and see him sleeping beside me after all these years and marvel with wonder at the man and the fact that he is my DH. Is he kind? Of course. Handsome (incredibly). Successful, funny, honest, hardworking. Check. An excellent parent (according to our children, that opinion is unanimous, and according to their bosses and teachers reviews, it seems borne out). But add to all of that – the things about me that might make other people crazy (my ADD, my need for order and tidiness, my general intolerance for procrastination) genuinely don’t phase him. When I lost my keys in my first marriage my ex HATED it. How could a grown woman repeatedly do something so stupid? My parents sighed – I’d been doing it my whole life, it bothered them, but they had learned to tolerate it. My DH – mentally noticed where I left them but DIDN’T move them. He didn’t enable me by fixing the problem, but he took the stress out of the day by often noticing where they were. Until magically one day, after doing this all my life, I figured out a system to beat my brain (and I haven’t lost them since!). The point isn’t that he puts up with my particular pile of quirks – it’s that he genuinely adores me quirks and all. And I found him!!! And in his words, I adore him quirks and all too. But I don’t “tolerate” his quirks. They are genuinely a part of him that make him the sweet sensitive man he is. So yes. I love him deeply. And in a world so large, especially with one failed relationship in my life, I take the time to marvel at the blessings we have simply in having found each other and (15 years later) loving each other even more than we did years ago. This is not a blessing to be taken for granted. And I hope that I pause with wonder to appreciate it and him for the rest of my life. Perhaps you find the grand canyon or its discovery “amazing”, I can’t say that I do, but accept that to you, it is! But I certainly find that the combination of traits that make up my husband and my discovery of him fits the word amazing quite perfectly.
- Mominit's blog
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My SO is far from amazing. My
My SO is far from amazing. My "amazing goggles" came off a long time ago and I see him for a man who has many positives but also negatives, just like me. I would not want it any other way. To have the pressure to be with an "amazing" man, while myself I am flawed, would be too much for me.
I have to say I am right
I have to say I am right there with you. My DH is the best man there is for me. I always call him the calm to my crazy. After being in one physically abusive relationship and one that was emotionally I have issues. The one that was physical would fall asleep on the couch all the time. If I dared to disturb him he would come at me swinging. The yelling and belittling that would happen after... I still want to cry thinking about it.
DH feel asleep on the couch once when we were still dating. I wanted to wake him to go to bed. I got close and then I wound up breaking down in this sobbing mess on the floor. He woke up immediately and just sat and "pet my hair" for about an half an hour. He didn't need to know what happened. He was just there for me. I still have panic attacks, sometimes for no reason at all. He still will sit with me on the floor petting my hair until I am ok.
It's little things like that... he simple understanding. His never ending support. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me (minus my kids). So, yeah. My DH is AMAZING. He isn't perfect. He is a human. He tries though. He is always striving for our relationship, for our kids, for our life. If a man like that can't be considered amazing, I don't know what is.
Yes! You put it perfectly! The best thing that has ever happened "to me". I think that's possibly the key? Each of us have our own circumstances. It's lovely to have found the "amazing" that fits ours!
Lol. Some people like
Lol. Some people like hyperbole, I guess. What they consider “amazing” I consider standard qualities for me to be with someone.
Laugh if you want, but after
Laugh if you want, but after being in a long term abusive relationship, I'm still amazed by kindness every single day. I don't ever want to stop.
I felt that way after leaving
I felt that way after leaving a long term abusive relationship too... in daily life I was shocked when pretty much any man acted kindly since I was so used to the ex and pretty much kept in his bubble away from anyone decent. BUT at this point I would say I expect decency and appreciate kindness...I am not amazed by it.
To be taken literally
Hyperbole - an exaggerated claim; not meant to be taken literally. I have not exaggerated in my description of him or of events, and I mean the word in the most literal fashion.
Perhaps it comes from an attitude of gratitude? When you live in a country with clean water it is not "amazing" that the water we have in our taps (and that we flush our toilets with!) is pure and clean. When you consider that you are deserving of "standard qualities" you may just take them for granted as the very basic that you deserve, and that everyone has them. But how many people live "contentedly" instead of joyously because that's all they have the option to do? Whether finances, geography or life partner available to them has been limited by conincidence or ability - the best they can have is "good enough". And if I had that, I would probably be happy and content!
My ex was a lovely man, not a good match for me. But all the qualities of a good man that make his (now) wife a happy woman. Not "amazing" to me, just a good man. My DH - how on earth a combination of all the right virtues with all the foibles that fit me best not only exists, but that I chanced to meet him, in this city at this time through an amazing coincidence - and that he holds me just as dear. How can we not be amazed at the symmetry? I could easily have found somone "nice", or "easy to live with". And my DH may not be amazing to others, but he's my cup of tea!
But - "good match", "good
But - "good match", "good symmetry" and "my cup of tea" are reasonable ways to label your spouse and aren't the same as amazing.
Sorry, I just don't see that word as you do, and I don't think you are applying it the way I do.
Just definition
It's a word that has a definition. Is he amazing every minute of every day? No. I'd have to walk around the world in wide eyed wonder and that's not a healthy every minute mindset. But does HE amaze me regularly on an ongoing basis. Yes! Not his individual traits. The combination of all of them together in one person, who is my spouse. Yes, I am thrilled to be regularly amazed by my spouse.
I dunno. Sounds like romantic
I dunno. Sounds like romantic BS to me, but I am the least romantic person on the planet. I'd be freaked out if my DH walked around "amazed" by me all the time. I'd be afraid I'd let him down big time when I act like the human being that I am.
Wide eyed wonder - that would
Wide eyed wonder - that would not be good. Your eyes would dry out rather painfully.
LOL that was funny!
LOL that was funny!
I still think my DH is amazing and awesome and Super Sexy... can we add that to the list of discussion?
LOL! That WAS funny. OK....new topic...How super sexy is JMTB's DH
My Kind of Amazing
Sorry to take it down an OT road a bit, but this song is too excellent to NOT share:
George Michael - Amazing (Official Video) on YouTube:
RIP George.
My kind too
That was good! I've never heard that song! Celebrate the love of the one you're with! (Ok, now that's going to be in my head all morning....)
Glad you enjoyed
I KNOW. I love that song and keep on loving it even when it gets stuck in my head!
Very happy to share with my ST peeps. Hope ya'll have a great and AMAZING day!
I wouldn't call a person
I wouldn't call a person "amazing", but I may consider certain aspects of them to be. And "amazing" isn't always a good thing.
I can be equally amazed by someone's kindness or cruelty. I can be equally amazed by someone's parental skills or lack thereof. I can be amazed by someone's ability to overcome adversity or to play into the challenges they face.
My DH has many "good amazing" qualities, and a couple "bad amazing" ones (like how he knows BM is conniving, but from time to time falls into the same trap, or can't see her motive).
I personally would never call someone, as a person, "amazing". It's too definitive of them being "good" or "bad". It also doesn't offer any room for growth or deterioration.
Exactly! Calling someone "An
Exactly! Calling someone "An amazing man" is putting them on a pedestal that no one can live up to forever.
To me, it's romantic nonsense.
LOL....then I heartily wish you a double dose of romantic nonsense sometime in the very near future. Recuring moments with someone you love who sweeps you off your feet and makes you smile ear to ear in wonder and amazement.
They don't have to stay on the pedestal every minute of every day....but they show up there regularly!
Sorry - I think romance is
Sorry - I think romance is for little girls, at least the type where an amazing prince sweeps you off your feet.
I hope your amazing man on his pedestal doesn't disappoint you.
You consider someone who
You consider someone who sweeps you off your feet to be amazing. I call that being a good partner, or lover. For me, making me smile ear to ear is a basic qualifier for being my mate.
Amazing, in a good way, would require work that goes above and beyond expectation. I EXPECT my DH to make me smile. I DON'T expect my DH to be able to decipher my crazy talk (I am awful at getting a thought out in a coherrent fashion when talking flippantly), but he manages to not only understand, but translate. That, to me, is amazing.
This is all personal perception of the word and how it is applied. You see amazing as an all-encompassing term. I see it as a descriptor.
I'm just going to follow you
I'm just going to follow you around and say "Exactly!" I'm too practical ever describe any other human in their entirety as "amazing".
If DH pushed me out of the way of a bus and saved my life, I'd say, "That was an amazing thing to do!" not "He is an amazing person!"
I'd say, "We have a great relationship, " not "He is an amazing person".
I think people's standards on here must be very low if being kind, smart, funny and a good partner is AMAZING.
When I was 23 and fresh out
When I was 23 and fresh out of a physically abusive relationship, sure. I thought my DH was "amazing!!!" That was 14 years ago. He's a good man. A hard worker. A good provider and a halfway decent parent at least. He's not amazing. He's never put his hands on me, but that doesn't make him amazing. He can be a selfish ass. He snores so loud the windows shake. He ignores and avoids conflict like it's a skill he's trying to perfect.
I love him to bits, but he's flawed and human and effs up just like the rest of us. I love him despite knowing and acknowledging his flaws. And that's what makes a marriage last. It was a rough few years for us when the "amazing!!!" filter wore off and we started seeing each other for who we really were and who we've become over the years.
He is equally my greatest love and my greatest frustration. He is good and bad.
Yes, sometimes I'm still amazed at the things he does...like leave every freaking light on in the basement for 14 hours while he's gone for work. That shit leaves me freaking speechless.
Nope. He's a good fit for me
Nope. He's a good fit for me, but he's not objectively amazing. In fact, I marvel more often at how amazingly boneheaded some of the stuff he does is than at how amazingly awesome he is. Fortunately, my standards are well below the "amazing" level and I love him anyway.
I don't think that any person
I don't think that any person is, in their entirety, amazing. My DH is perfect. For ME. There are aspects about him that *I* find amazing. He has faults and flaws. He can be curmudgeony and cranky. He can be fun and funny. He is too bloody smart, but can miss double entendres and subtle innuendo. He's not GQ material, but I find him handsome. His hands are often grimy despite vigorous scrubbing, frequently bruised and scabbed, and very scarred. I think his hands are beautiful and he thinks I'm crazy. But they are the hands of a hardworking man and that, in itself, is something I find beautiful. I wouldn't have him any other way.
I do think people can be
I do think people can be amazing and I don't think the definition of awesome and amazing are really all that different, in fact they're often listed as synonyms. I think my son is amazing. (I know the rest of y'all wouldn't but that's ok). I also think people can be amazing and be really messed up. Picasso, Einstein, Newton, Kahlo, Curie - all amazing. All pretty flawed. And many, many other people are amazing in less flashy ways. Amazing does not equal perfect. Perfect would indeed be a pedestal too far. My SO sometimes calls me 'perfect' but I'm very, very, very clearly not. I'll raise my eyebrow and he'll say "perfect for me" - and that may be true. I hope so.
Is he perfect - oh no. Perfect for me? Quite possibly. Does he flaws? Yes. I just choose not to dwell on them.
I'm very happy to be in an amazing relationship. I did a lot of thinking about my minimum standards this time around and this one exceeds them all. I'm happy to wake up and feel lucky every day.
I find this thread funny.
I find this thread funny.
That is all. LOL
I am AMAZED that some have
I am AMAZED that some have taken this nice post about a woman that loves her husband and turned it into this ugly hot mess. Sorry but it sounds like a few jealous people here.
Amazing / Awesome = Tomato / Tomato.
Congrats for those of you that think you have an amazing man in your life! Sorry for those of you that don’t think you do and don’t’ think romance is a good thing for an adult.
OP asked a question. Some of
OP asked a question. Some of us disagree with the word usage. Pointing out other people's snark by being snarky yourself kind of perpetuates the perceived problem, don't ya think?
I have a husband that I love
I have a husband that I love dearly and have a great relationship with. I don't find him AMAZING because he's just an ordinary man. I think it's silly to say a PERSON is a amazing, it makes no sense to me. And I don't think that grown-ups should live in romantic fantasies about being swept off their feet. A romantic action such as a nice dinner, etc, that's nice - but the idea of soulmates and "amazing" partners is a fantasy IMO.
And this woman ASKED if we found our DH amazing. So I'm not sure why you had to swoop in here with your jealousy theory. I'm one of the few people on here who never complains about my DH.
Actually that's a good point Willow. Because it seems more than perception, it's an unwillingness to refuse to believe it exists even as a concept. Congrats to those who think/believe they have an amazing man in their life. And I am slightly saddened that more people don't think their spouse is amazing (and that you never outgrow romance!). I think I'll give you the last word on it! (from me at least...discount my reply which is agreeing with you, so is that still the last word to you?
Oh please, no need to be
Oh please, no need to be condescending. I'm very happy in my marriage, just as happy as you are. I just don't need to swoon and live in a romantic fantasy where he found me in a sea of DNA and we are soulmates. Just because I don't wake up and sigh in pleasure that I found my Prince Charming, doesn't mean I'm not happy.
I think your way of thinking is every bit as silly as you think mine is.
Potato - Potato
I'm pretty amazed at this thread. lol.
*ahem* I believe my SO is the
*ahem* I believe my SO is the amazing one spawning this debate. I may or may not have ever referred to someone as an a$$hole in the past. Is it necessary decide whether that is objectively true about them? This debate is philosophical now. Everyone "is" really only themselves and can be described quantitatively or qualitatively. Only quantitative metrics are objective: numerical values such as weight, height, etc. All qualitative descriptions are subjective. I'm amazing and I have blue hair. Except my hair is NOT blue, I can't call it blue. Fine whatever. Unless I call it whatever I want, and I can prove it using a color wavelength metric. Oops, turn out it's more of what you call brown but now we have a numerical objective definition.
"Amazing." All we have to go on is a definition, consisting of an endless recursion of subjective definitions. Trying to prove "he is not amazing [ever]" as an objective always truth using this subjective evidence is contradictory. Therefore, it's not possible make that point. (This is not a response trying to seriously argue using these points, although I do stand behind them)
It spurred it because you
It spurred it because you said he was an "AMAZING PERSON" at the same time you said he drove his 9-year-old's bedtime rattle toy across town to be sure his barely potty trained kid had Mr. Rattles before bed - which made many of us think he had a long way to go to be AMAZING.
And this is a silly nonsensical argument you are making here to defend your use of the term "amazing person". Just subjectively, of course.
I have a coworker who is in
I have a coworker who is in abusive marriage with alcoholic who hasn’t worked for 5 years. She described him on the work website where we introduce ourselves: as the greatest or the most wonderful or some other over the top crap, but she knows we all know the truth
i am suspicious of people using over the top descriptions of their spouse.
DH and I are very happy together, he is a kind and good man and we match well. My mother recently passed away and my DH was such a big help, my brother said thaf he is so glad I married such supportive and kind hearted man. And it is very true. Granted my first husband is also very supportive and helpful to people but we didn’t match well. I am a great match with DH
Me too, it makes me
Me too, it makes me suspicious about how they think - just like it does when people say someone is their "soul mate".
Now I'm really going to stir
Now I'm really going to stir some people up. On some other boards that I participate on people often add a signature giving the ages of their children. And they often say things like I have 3 AMAZING children. Really?
These children may be wonderful little paragons of beauty and virtue - but I could pretty much guarantee that maybe 1 in 100,000 might be truly amazing. I'll bet many of the bio parents of the horrid skids written about here describe their offspring as "amazing". Barf.
Eh.. amazing kids... I have a
Eh.. amazing kids... I have a couple of those ;)
Of course parents think their kids, especially younger than high school kids, are amazing. It's that memory of the amazingly sweet baby and toddler that used to feed you invisible food for hours and fit just right on your chest as they fell asleep and smelled like heaven that keeps you from killing them as teenagers.
We are supposed to think our kids are amazingly awesome wonderful little beings. If we didn't we would probably be some really shitty parents. HOWEVER-- Just like with my awesome/amazing husband, my kids are flawed. They are human. They make mistakes. They are learning their way in this world. But man... somedays... They are pretty fantastic. Like when my son actually made a home project of a working Telsa Coil. Or when I come home after a brutal day at year end and my 11 yr old has cleaned the kitchen spotless and made us all dinner. Those days... yeah.. they are amazing.
I'm with you. Sorry, your
I'm with you. Sorry, your kids aren't amazing, either. They're just kids.
How many of these crap DH's on here claim their kids are amazing while the SM is pulling her hair out?
Awww - last night as we
Awww - last night as we drifted off to sleep - my SO told me he thinks I'm amazing and thanked me for a wonderful evening spent entertaining one of his science friends. Granted he had had a lot of wine at dinner.
Awww... that is the stuff
Awww... that is the stuff that gets us through all the craziness of this step world.
On my wedding day, I told my
On my wedding day, I told my mom I couldn't believe I was going to marry someone who would make me laugh every single day for the rest of my life. That is the thing I looked forward to most, and it's true, we've been married almost 3 years, together almost 7, and he's made me laugh every day regardless of what other awful things are happening. He certainly has flaws and so do I, but our relationship is pretty amazing in that we work through challenges as they come up, we're honest with each other, and we don't let little things keep us down.
Now - "our relationship is
Now - "our relationship is amazing" is a totally different statement than HE is amazing. That I can get behind.
Dunno. I grew up with unkind
Dunno. I grew up with unkind parents and kissed a lot of frogs before I found DH. DH is very kind, which can be both a blessing and a curse, but I do enjoy his kindness very much. He and I are very compatible and I don't think I'd be compatible with many others. I'm an introvert so my close relationships are very important to me. I'm grateful every day that I finally found him, a little frustrated that it took me so long, and very sad that I will most likely outlive him by many years. I do stare at his beautiful face while he's sleeping. I've never thought of using the word "amazing". Up until now, if I had to use one word to describe him, it would be "cuddly".
The concept of ideal love has its roots in narcissism. DH does not believe in the concept of Soul Mate. While I agree with him intellectually, it sure feels like we are it. He says we are all compatible with a lot of people. I think I'm too weird to be likeable to anyone but him.
I read somewhere that the feeling of Soul Mate is what keeps some people trapped in abusive relationships.
I don't believe in pre
I don't believe in pre-ordained soul mates a One True SoulMate TM. I do think that finding a super-compatible mate is statistically tricky but not impossible.
What I have found is an easy-going, kind, giver who has a 'meh' attitude to most of the small stuff. And that's me, too. We have the same undergrad degree and it's one that makes you look at the big, big, big perspective. Having both been with takers and people who did get worked up about the small stuff, we have a profound sense of relief. There are other givers out there. There are other people with the same degree. There are other people I can laugh with. There are even other people who are as deeply sexually compatible with me as he is. There are people who probably would have been kind to my son or had my back as a step-parent. I don't know about finding them all in one package and within a short bus ride.
So yeah, that's pretty amazing.
I think the idea of a soul
I think the idea of a soul mate is a little crushing. What if you search your whole life only to have had your only "soul mate" born on a different country to a poor family and you never find eachother. What if your soul mate was died before you met? Will you never be happy? Never know true love?
I don't believe in soul mates but I believe that there are people that connect on deep levels. Life experiences shape us and to find someone who can connect and understand you is important. Maybe it isn't the person that is amazing/awesome/whatever but the way you feel knowing you have your person sure feels that way. DH is my person.
I agree with your DH. There
I agree with your DH. There are 6 billion people on the globe, certainly there is more than one person that you can build a deep relationship with. So you kissed 5 or 6 or even 20 frogs first, that's a drop in the bucket of all the available men in your area, or nowadays, with the internet, the available men in the whole world.