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How does everyone handle "fairness"

Thisisnotus's picture

I am going with "fairness" because I'm not sure what to call it.

Both DH and I have ex spouses and children with ex spouses. DH pays a hefty CS amount and I receive a hefty CS amount. DH also sends BM extra money for 1/2 of pretty much everything else on earth....driving school, after school care, activities, etc. That extra is not court ordered...only 1/2 medical. Basically after that, and after he then buys his kids (11 & 16) clothes or whatever else and hands over checks when they are with us for school fees, or sports payments, lunch accounts, or whatever.....he is left with very little. DH's mom buys his kids most of everything else they basically I think the CS he pays (1k) just pays BM's bills...which I totally would  undersand except for the fact we have them half the time and buy them everything they need/want. And she makes way more money than DH.

Here is the problem, if I take my kids (11 & 14) shopping or buy them anything at all, his older daughter assumes the moment that she arrives my DH has to take her shopping and buy something also. It is driving me INSANE. But we do take them ALL shopping, this is just extra becaue sometimes I like to spend time and money on just MY kids, using the CS I'm given to do so.

DH and I also have a shared 1 year old. I am just so over it all. I'm tired of playing the "fairness" game. As far as the kids go, we don't have alot of issues and all get along wonderfully. Should I bring this up? DH's kids don't know that he pays CS, so how does one approach this? We have separate bank accounts....when he asked me for a $100 check to give his daughter out of my account last week....I thought I was going to lose it.

Monkeysee's picture

Why is the 16yo ‘owed’ anything just because you bought something for your kids. From the sounds of it the only person who ‘owes’ her anything is her mother.

Your DH needs to grow a spine & learn to use the word NO. Why is he putting himself at such a disadvantage to pay for his kids when BM is contributing nothing? Where is the ‘fairness’ in that?

Also, ‘fairness’ between children is a wonderful way to raise spoilt, entitled little brats who only ever learn to stick their hands in other people’s pockets & never learn the words ‘thank you’ for what they’ve got. 

We’ve told my SS’s plenty of times, just because one of you gets x, doesn’t mean the other one of you also gets x or gets y in it’s stead. That’s life. 

Your SD won’t just magically grow out of this either. She’ll be in her mid-twenties & thirties with a life of her own yet still holding her hand out every time you purchase something for the now 1yo, because that’s what’s ‘fair’. 

No. Your DH needs a spine, stat.

Thisisnotus's picture

Oh I am totally with you. I don't think my DH will get a spine, unfortunately he does this all out of guilt. Thank you for the reply, I am so happy to find this forum where people don't bash me for my thoughts on the horrible life that is blended families.

Jcksjj's picture

Also, ‘fairness’ between children is a wonderful way to raise spoilt, entitled little brats who only ever learn to stick their hands in other people’s pockets & never learn the words ‘thank you’ for what they’ve got. 

^this. We started out trying to make everything fair and it's just not possible. SD ended up thinking she was entitled to 2 of everything that the other kids have. For example on valentines days last year she was at our house that week and she left her candy and school to bring to her moms house and then demanded she get half of my sons bag of valentines. Clever, but no. Not how it works. And there was alot of rubbing in my sons face all the stuff she got from her moms family that he didnt and then sticking her nose up at anything "equal" that came from us because DS also got one so it wasnt good enough for her. It just doesnt work...we do holidays pretty equal but that's it. I buy for my own kids and her mom buys for her on most other things...clothes etc. Unless of course she actually needs something then we will buy it.

It was also hard because my side of the family was very careful about being equal at first and MIL wanted to make sure that SD had more and would bring her tons of stuff and give it to her in front of DS with nothing for him - now my mom mostly buys my kids stuff and occasionally stuff for SD and MIL gets to continue with her only buying for SD like she wants. We cant make it totally fair but at the same time we dont want to have one kid constantly favored in all directions either.

hereiam's picture

I would not go for this, at all.

First of all, he should stop giving BM extra money that is not court ordered. If he wants to do extra for his kids, he can do it on his time (which it sounds like he does that, anyway) not give that money to BM.

His kids needs to realize that what you do for your kids, has nothing to do with them and your husband just needs to say, "No."

Why was he asking YOU for $100.00  to give to his daughter?

His kids are old enough to know about child support. And old enough to learn that money doesn't fall from the sky and needs to be budgeted.

I never gave much thought to my SD knowing about CS until one day she was over when she was about 22, and it came up (she was getting a divorce and had 2 kids). She was shocked to learn that her dad had payed CS all of those years! Her BM had told her that DH paid for NOTHING.

Thisisnotus's picture

I have a check book for my account, he does not. She needed money that BM was supposed to give her to purchase something for her sports team she is on but did not, so he asked me for a check one morning before school about 2 weeks ago.

I have no idea why they don't know about the CS, it's so so weird. But they do treat the 11 and 16 year like they are 5 year olds, so.....I don't think they will ever know until a situation like yours presents itself.

hereiam's picture

Right, but why would he expect you to give him $100.00 out of YOUR account?

He needs to rein in the guilt, parenting from guilt is useless, not to mention, harmful.

beebeel's picture

Why in the world do they not know about CS? At their ages, they are capable of understanding the concept and situation. 

Stop enabling your DH to spend himself penniless. No more $100 checks from you to cover his guilt-enduced generosity.

Thisisnotus's picture

It won't happen. BM had his DD call later that day to tell DH she'd send over $50 for her half, of course she didn't. This was over 2 weeks ago and oddly the check hasn't even been cashed.

Notup4it's picture

Put a stop payment on the cheque!!  Just go in to the bank and tell them that you need to stop the cheque and let them know the cheque number. Smile

STaround's picture

Unless he is paying more than his share of household expenses.  Need to know more about that.  

I do not understand why he is paying child support if he has the kids half the time and his ex earns more.   Makes no sense. 

CS can be spent on food, and a share of rent/mortgage, imho, without the recipient being regarded as sleezy.  $1,000 is not that much for two teens. 

beebeel's picture

$1K is more than enough when you have two kids for half of the month.

Makes no sense? Yeah...welcome to family court in the U.S. If you have a penis, you will pay, pay, pay! Even if it doesn't make any damn sense.

tog redux's picture

Seriously.  BM in our situation gets over 1K for one 19-year-old, and she makes more than DH. 

And by the way STaround, the WOMAN is supposed to help support the kids too. The 1K is to supplement what she provides.

HowLongIsForever's picture

This is the part everyone in our situation seems to forget - BM is still responsible for her share.  Income shares state so at 50/50 SO still pays CS and his percentage of extracurriculars.  That means BM is supposed to be covering her over 45% share of the income total.  Ha ha ha ha! What?! Nope.

Poor wounded, vulnerable, lonely, disenfranchised BM.  Let's keep enabling her inability to adult, be a responsible parent, be a decent co-parent and grow as a person. 

It's enough that she "allows" (because the court told her to) their father to spend time with HER babies.  None of this is the direct result of her torpedoing her marriage.  There is no such thing as consequences for the wounded bird.  She shouldn't have to exert any more effort, financially or otherwise.

Thisisnotus's picture

Mostly because she lied on her financials in court and DH never pushed it.

He pays a share of our bills, I pay much more of our shared bills. Our house is paid for, so that is probably the only thing saving this from complete disaster. lol

Winterglow's picture

I hope he remembers that he'll want to retire one day and that he needs to plan for that...

Thisisnotus's picture

She didn't bring her finanical records to court...his attorney asked if he wanted to postpone until she brought them in. He said no because he just wanted the divorce to be final. He was willing to give anything and pay anything to have it be over.

She basically ommited her rental property income and her hefty commissions she makes at her job. So the CS was based stricly her hourly wage...that doesn't really matter to me so much but DH got royall screwed as most men do I suppose.

Lndsy747's picture

Having it cover the mortgage is iffy. If the kids are there half the month I'm sure they have a room at Dad's house BM doesn't have to pay part of that. even step kids that come over every other weekend usually have a room of their own at the non-custodial parents. So 1k a month is going to what, food and clothes, for 15 days.

Rags's picture

$1000/mo is not that much for 2 teens?  Really?  For a year my Skid's spermIdiot was ordered to pay $110/mo, for 9 years he was ordered to pay $133/mo, for  a year he was ordered to pay $785/mo and for 6 years he was ordered to pay $385/mo.  He actually never paid a penny.  His mommy, SpermGrandHag, paid it for him.

Compared to what the SpermIdiot was supposed to have paid $1000/mo for two teens is downright excessive.

Now, I actually agree that CS in far too many cases is pathetically low.  And in others it is insanely excessive.  When, according to the USDA, it takes ~$260+K to raise a child from birth to age 18 $1000/mo for two kids qualifies as pathetically low.


tog redux's picture

First off, 16 is plenty old enough to learn about CS.

DH can say, "DD - I pay your mother money to take care of you and your sister/brother - she buys you clothes, pays for activities, Etc.  The father of your stepsiblings pays SM money to do the same thing for them - she buys their clothes, activities, etc, and their father doesn't.  It's called Child Support, and that's how it often works after a divorce."

BUT, he won't say that, because he's a guilty daddy who feels like he has to hand over his entire paycheck and his testicles to his ex and his kids.

Secondly, there is no such thing as fair, and the sooner she learns that, the better.

I wouldn't put up with what your DH is doing.  He needs to spend money on his current marriage, not his past one.  Child support is fine, some extras are even fine.  But he shouldn't be buying them what Child Support is meant to buy them. And he needs to pull his weight in your home. After all of your bills are paid (including vacation plans, house remodeling, etc), then he can buy extras for his kids.

I do know that clothes at your house might have to purchased by him.  But probably not every time she comes over.

tog redux's picture

She sure does. And clothes too. You do know that the mother is supposed to help contribute to the kid's welfare, too, right?

beebeel's picture

Huh? Do I need more coffee, or do you need to share your medical grade cannabis with the class?

tog redux's picture

Right? OP said she gets hefty CS, but STaround always focuses herself on what's "fair" when there are stepsiblings in the home. 

beebeel's picture

Another emotionally stunted adult still fuming over the trauma of having stepsiblings as a child?

STaround's picture

I dont rub their noses in stuff.  I have asked my kids grandparents to go easy on presents, and instead give to college funds.  No way would I do a lot of trips to the mall.  

Thisisnotus's picture

I totally agree!

He has a huge case of guilty daddy. It's a shame.You summed it up perfectly

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

"Life isn't fair, then you die."

That about sums it up. We really don't [lay the "fairness" game. I think it's beyond stupid that your SD is acting entitled. Her BM has CS that she can spend on her, same as you have it to spend on your own kids. So "fair" in that situation would technically be BM taking her out shopping to since you're taking your kiddos out. Not your DH throwing more money at the skids. That doesn't say anywhere near fair to me.

sunshinex's picture

What ProbablyAlready said. 

Tell her that you're taking your kids out with some CS money/some of your own money. Her mother is welcome to do the same with her. This is exactly what is "fair" if you're looking to be fair. But dad paying CS/extras than getting guilted into shopping trips on top of that? Not fair at all. 

For what it's worth, I don't believe in "fair" when situations are like this. 50/50 means that child is essentially in two seperate homes and stepparents have very, very minimal obligations. You are mom to YOUR kids, not your stepkids. If they live with you full-time and look at you as a mother figure, it might be different, but that's not the case here. 

And because of that, SD can be told to mind her own business and not tally what YOU spend on YOUR kids because it's rude. FYI, my SD is here full-time and sees me as a mother, but when her brother was born and needed all sorts of things (babies need beds, clothes, etc.) and she was trying to ask for things or say "but why did he get that" and stuff, I told her to mind her own. I reminded her that what I spend on, buy for, or need for my son is none of her business as it's MY money I'm spending. 

I do try to keep things "fair" between the two because they're both here full-time and her mother practically abandoned her, so she does see me as a mother, but I have no problem reminding her who's money she's whining about when she feels injustice. I do my best to spend equally but my son DOES get more because he's growing fast and needs more. Plus, at the end of the day, anything I buy SD should be taken as a gift as it's not my responsibility to provide for her. 

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

ha, you were typing as I was about the same thing basically-- babies need so much stuff it is impossible to keep it fair when you have such a huge age gap between a 16, 11 year old and a baby.

Thisisnotus's picture

Babies need alot, but we have tried to do pretty good about not creating a gap between baby and my two older kids and his 2 older kids. There is never and has never been any "fairness" issues regarding baby so far.....just between the big kids.

Babies are WAY cheaper than middle schoolers HAHA With that being said, I do choose to buy my kids nice and namebrand I could probably spend less on them but I like them to have the things I had growing up because my mom was awesome.

Thisisnotus's picture

Thank you for the reply. All of us go shopping every other weekend to the mall and everyone gets stuff.

On top of that every other weekend trip to the mall, I like to take just my kids shopping and THAT is the problem. It's this trip that causes SDD to come over and ask to go to a store...any doesn't even matter what she gets as long as she gets something.

We were just at the mall this weekend and SDD has $200 cash in her wallet and asked to go to the mall, I assumed to spend her money ( I knew it was there from her B-day) but DH didn't know. So he paid for everything......I was going to kill him.Then her little sister told DH that she had money in her then she started having to pay for her stuff. I over hear SDD yelling at her little sister that she ratted her out to dad for having money and now she has to pay for her own stuff.....

I'm just venting right now thanks everyone for listening. Good days and bad days, I guess. Today I want to go to the aiport and take off.

sunshinex's picture

May I ask, why do you need to shop for materialistic things every other weekend? I don't mean any offense, but my mom raised me doing this - constant trips to the mall - and I really, really struggled with budgeting/shopping addiction throughout my early years. In fact, sometimes I still struggle. It creates a very materialistic outlook. We know shopping creates a "high" in a sense and if it's normalized to shop for the purpose of shopping constantly, it's no doubt going to become a problem for all the kids. Again, I really don't want you to take offense here, just offering insight you might not have thought about. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Because my mom did the same thing for me, sigh, and you are so right it has created just what you said. I was once really bad...its not the same as when my older kids were little thankfully. At the kids ages, when asked what they want to do for the weekend....they answer "the mall". Sometimes we shop shop and sometimes we give them each $20 and they walk it's not always a big buying trip.

I probably do need to put it in check, so thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

How does he handle the finances and financial burden of the "ours" baby between you two if he is shelling out tons of cash on his oldest two kids? That, to me, is where the flames would shoot out of the ears. Sounds like he is one of those dads that is going to try and buy their kids' love and try to win a popularity contest with mom,

So no, that would not fly with me. 

As for the CS debate on how it should be spent once it is out of the door in your house. Well, none of us can know for certain. I think most of us here either pay CS, receive CS or both. And for each person who gets or receives-- you'll get just as many answers on how it is spent and what they think it is being spent on. IMO, I don't think it's wise to dwell on that... because it always leads to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. We live in a very pro-mom state and like another poster said-- if you are the father, you will PAY. Dearly. My husband has never missed a CS payment, goes to every school event, is a WONDERFUL father who is equal parts love and tough love to his child... yet if you'd ask BM, she'd paint him as a deadbeat. It is what it is, I don't think about what she does with the money because thats just a waste of energy at this point. I just count down the years we have left paying for it and smile knowing we will eventually stop paying for her lifestyle and she'll have to figure it out right at retirement age.

For that reason, we do not give a penny extra TO HER outside of CS. We pay our court ordered share and leave it at that. Now, any extras that we decide to spend are just that-- extras. It's not demanded, it's not assumed it has to be equal and it can't be.

We have an ours baby and there was some jealousy at first (babies have sooo much stuff, as you know!)-- but we just explained that it was for the baby and not for them and they've got x,y and z that the baby doesn't have and left it at that.



Thisisnotus's picture

My DH is like yours, he attends everything. Plays games with them, colors with them, he gives them the money and buys stuff but not to "buy popularity" if that makes. It is simply becaue he cant say no. He is not happy about it at all, he hates giving all his money away...he just can't stop.

We don't struggle, I mean of course from time to time like anyone else and baby has everything she needs and more. It's more about the principal.

I don't dwell on how BM spends the money, I do stay OUT of that comletely but she does need to foot the bill for some of their extra expenses. And I only say that because of me having an ExH and I wouldn't dream of asking him for more than he alreayd pays. She will ask DH for $7 or $8 as half of is insane. I realize that is my DH's issue....but it feels good to vent.

I posted this before on some other "forum" and people basically told me to rot in hell. HAHA

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

It's hard with a DH who can't say no. Mine started down that path when we were dating but I'd read enough horror stories online that I basically told him if he was going to be a Disney Dad, he could! But that we were not meant to be if that meant he was going to be a pushover--- it wasn't a step-dynamic I wanted. He's worked really hard over the years to be the steady, consistent parent that is fair, loving and also knows when to say no and when to let loose and spoil a little. So, I know it is possible that they can stop this behavior BUT my SK is still young so it will def be different with older kids. We have our own issues trying to blend with a new baby, but thats a separate issue haha

Definitely vent here, most people understand! It's hard watching finances go flying out the window. We've had our fair share of financial issues crop up due to being a blended family and it's hard. 

Jcksjj's picture

Is she just looking for an argument? BM once got into a day long argument with DH over $2 a month. Not exaggerating. Shes that obsessed with being "fair." I think she just really wants something to fight about because she has convinced herself shes such a victim and doesn't get as many opportunities to rage at DH as she would like. 

SteppedOut's picture

1. How do his kids know you took your kids shopping and how much was spent?

2. Did I read correctly that you pay a greater amount of your household expenses because he "runs out" of money after paying far above what is court ordered PLUS extras for skids? If this is the case, he is making you subsidize him giving his ex-wife money. That needs to be reigned in, that is not right at all.

Thisisnotus's picture

1. We have a family app that shows where everyone is at all times and we can all see it (well shows where the phones are) so they know if we are at the mall, outlets, or where ever we may be. And my kids and his kids are totally BFF's, they love each other and get along amazing so they tell each other everything.

2. I pay a greater amount, yes. He's a rug we almost never talk about money or any of these issues. I keep my horrible thoughts to myself 90% of the

Thisisnotus's picture

Sorry I must have missed that question. House is paid's mine.

Yeah I have been thinking the mall trips need to cease. I think I will just start taking my kids shopping 1 Saturday a month, and he can do whatever he thinks with his kids or they can have their mom take them.

SteppedOut's picture

Shoot, you subsidizing his exwife at the detriment of your retirement, children and just because you shouldn't have to needs to stop. Before you stop going on mall trips with your children, using your money! 

Honestly, because you have a paid off house and make a decent wage he thinks that means he can give his exwife extra? WTF

Seriously, if you weren't his wife....if he was single, what would he do? 

SteppedOut's picture

Also, he is literally contributing less to your shared life so he can give his exwife more. 

Seriously let that sink in. He wants you to support him, so he can support her. 

Thisisnotus's picture

He couldn't make it without having a roomate, and even then he'd struggle and there would be ZERO extra to give BM or his Kids.

I guess I just need to voice my concerns.

Pregnantwithquestions's picture

I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around his financial plan of attack.


1) The house is paid off

2) He pays CS + "Extras" each month

3) You have separate finances, you receiving CS

4) He needs help financially at times to make ends meet

So, for entertainment, is mall shopping trips multiple tomes a month? That sounds really great for all involved, except for you :/ 

Someone here needs to put their foot down. There's no way / reason a handful of teenagers needs hundreds shelled out each month in just meandering entertainment. Even if you're handing 4 kids $20 a pop twice a month, that is $160 a month for them just to walk around a mall. That is almost 2k a year you're paying kids to walk around and purchase crap aimlessly. Surely there's another activity everyone can agree on! Cooking together, bike riding as a family, going to a sporting event or movie or play-- something that builds experiences versus mindless shopping. And I have nothing against shopping. I love it! But it's a bad habit to get into as an every weekend activity.

Thisisnotus's picture

The mall works just because we have an almost one year old, so some of the other things are a little more difficult right now. One because of baby, and two because the kids won't get off their phones to enjoy anything and just complain. TEENS!! LOL

But I agree with you, I can't even wrap my head around his/mine/ours financial plan. We don't have one. It has been a huge mess since day 1.

SteppedOut's picture

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you are being used! 

Seriously, I've been there too... but DEFINITELY speak up and put a stop to this. Your husband is being a jackass. And if he "gets mad" or shuts down because (cry me a river) you make more than he does and won't talk about it, I hope that offers you some clarity. 

There is NO WAY he should be giving his ex wife more than is ordered, while making you shoulder more of the financial burden. 

tog redux's picture

OMG, that app would put me in the psychiatric unit. Why does everyone need to know where everyone else is all the time?

shamds's picture

for starters money has to come from somewhere and they must know their mum constantly contacting their dad for money or his share etc...

my hubby tried to do the so called fair card except what he was providing his adult kids with ex was never gonna be provided to our kids. So i laid down the facts and figures, hubby couldn’t contradict it anymore and after 2 days of sulking admitted how unfair he’d been. I don’t expect things to be 100% equal because say if you have a baby/toddler and an adult or say 17 yr old perfectly capable of working, well it’s understandable the baby and toddler needs clothes, formula, nappies, baby wipes, baby powder and toiletries etc when the older teen or adult skid is capable of getting a job and financially supporting themself so baby in reality needs more things and costs more

my eldest sd23 tried lecturing her daddy to continue paying child support to her (allowance sent to her acct monthly) despite graduating from university and having a job and told daddy that she and her mum cover expenses for the sister. WRONG!! Your dad pays child support to cover expenses for your sister, bm pays nothing out of her own pocket as she hasn’t worked in the past 25/26 years..

so i told hubby if he is giving allowance money to adult kids then i want a savings acct started for our toddlers for their education costs etc. Hubby felt i was being greedy, so i repeated the above facts, he saw how unfair he had been and whilst he has a good income, he is capable of putting money aside for our kids instead of waiting for the future when something could happen like he loses his job and money

i asked him then all that money you gave to adult skids, do you think they’d care about our kids (their half siblings?). Well of course not...

the result we have are 3 skids who are so self centred and guilt daddy for everything

Thisisnotus's picture

It's exausting isn't it?! This well runs dry when his kids turn 18. There is plenty of finanical aid and jobs out there to get through school. BM can handle it from that point since she is the big shot caller'll be that or my marriage will likely end because I am not doing it for the rest of my life.

STaround's picture

Most kids get help from parents for college, even if only living at home while going to community college.   Minimum wage has not kept up with college costs.  You may be fine with pushing all costs on the mom, but if she wont pay, dad may want to step in. 

Thisisnotus's picture

Yeah I totally get that. I was an only child on full scholarship and my parents still gave me money during college but I couldn't work because of athletics taking up all my free time....but there are 4 kids in this situation all college aged at a similar time plus the baby....I just don't know it will be possible to help everyone and I fully plan to put my 2 kids first as far as my money is concerned at that point. I know that my ex DH and his EVIL  wife will send my kids packing when they turn my life is fun. lol

Monkeysee's picture

Dad doesn’t have the money to step in because he’s been giving it all to BM & OP has said she’s not bankrolling him once skids are past 18 (and she shouldn’t).

It’s not OP’s responsibility to pay for her skids college, so if any parent is going to pay it will have to be BM. Thems the breaks. 

tog redux's picture

Oh no it doesn't! Not typically.  Read on here for lots of stories of these men supporting their kids well into their SIXTIES, and I'm not kidding.  Guilt doesn't dissipate because the child turned 18.  Have it out with DH now, or this will go on forever. 

shamds's picture

bio mum guilting exhubby or using the kids to manipulate dad into giving more money because they don’t wanna get a job.

my mum gave me 2 choices when finishing highschool: fulltime job or fulltime university and if i chose university i’d still have to get a casual job to self support myself.

the extent of their generosity was putting a roof over my head living in family home and food.... but oh the poor kids today so incapable of doing the same and I’m entitled to mummy and daddy paying for everything to be easy but never appreciative of all they do!!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Quick thought - do you think your check has gone uncashed because BM saw it was from you? 

 As a woman and a mother, you have an obligation to manage and protect your assets. Second marriages are a whole different animal when it comes to finances, and you need to be both savvy and assertive concerning that. Resolve to do better. There are financial self help books written for women, so maybe do some reading to get the ball rolling.

Then, create a monthly budget just for yourself and your bios. Start by taking the c.s. you receive completely out. Pretend it doesn't exist, bank it for your kids. Next, create an imaginary morgage. Now figure out how to make ends meet. That's the budget you should be trying to live on, and it likely doesn't leave any extra for entertainment shopping or giving to BM.

Once you've done this and recovered from the shock,  you and your H really need to get some joint financial counseling so you can get on the same page and come up with a plan that includes funding retirement and your joint child.

Be prepared for some pushback from your H. As someone else pointed out, you've been subsidizing him and BM, so he likely won't enjoy 1) having to face that, and 2) seeing the gravy train end.

Rags's picture

CS is all your DH should be contributing to raise his elder two.  If the CO stipulates that he also pay for half of medi cal expenses not covered by insurance then or course he should also be covering that. But beyond that... "I already gave that money to  your mom. Talk to her."

Your DH is apparently contributing nothing to your marriage and household.  Why would you tolerate that?

You are the one who is supporting your DH, his X and their greedy spawn.  Without you... he could not be pushing all of his income to his X, etc...

Boot his useless ass.

I would if I were you.

Dogmom1321's picture

We have a baby OTW. SD10 constantly complains that "you buy too much stuff for him." She says this to ME, not even DH. I have been extremely blunt and just told her "It doesn't concern you what I buy my son. I don't tell you what your BM should/shouldn't be buying you. I can't control what she decides to spend her money on." 

DH and I keep our finances separate and pull money together to pay the bills. If he wants to buy something for his daughter, go for it, but it's not the SMs responsibility to be buying kids clothes, toys, extracurriculars, etc. They have two parents already. 

MissK03's picture

At 16 is she working? She can start contributing to herself.   My SS17 and SS16 both work and both provide themselves with things. They want to order food, buy themselves some new clothes, extras out with friends/gfs...comes from their bank accounts. SO does provide them with things too but, because you bought your 11 year old something (who is growing) your 16 year old SD doesn't need it too. But, small extras she can start providing herself. 

Skids live with us 100% full time and BM doesn't pay  a penny into them. No nothing. I do not pay for any bills on the house (it's his house), no medical for skids etc. I pay for everyone's phones, I help provide groceries, BUT I buy SD pretty much all her clothes and random things. SO provides her with big gifts but, I do the rest. That's pretty much my payment to SO because I don't pay any bills for the house. 

She is also old enough to know about CS and that dad doesn't need to go above and beyond when she is with him. 

Rags's picture

Time to instruct your DH to find his balls, they are in BM's purse if he has trouble remembering where they are.

"I have given your mom money for that. Ask her for it."  Lather............. rinse .............. repeat.

CS and half of Med bills, PERIOD!  He pays BM to raise and care for his kids when they are with her.  The NCP should demand service for the money they pay and not supplement the CP's life style beyond CS and anything else the CO calls for them to support.

Not ................. one .............................. penny!

IMHO of course.