Need advice...
So my step daughters mom is recently single and the little one is having issues acting out and what not.... so my man wants to go up to visit his daughter which is a 3 hour drive and he's planning on staying at his ex's place because he can't afford a hotel.... (she slept with someone else which is why they broke .. up her and my man , so she's a bit scandalous I have to add) I am completely understanding that his daughter needs him but i am not okay with him staying there all weekend just the three of them... does this make me crazy, or un-reasonable.... it's not that I don't trust him but it just makes me feel uncomfortable and the thought of it makes me heart jump into my throat .... he keeps saying he's going to see his daughter that's it but obviously if he's at their hour they're all spending all day together and every meal and doing bed times with her together idk I don't like it... would it be completely crazy if me to pay for the hotel myself for him... I meen if he wants one on one time with his daughter then that's the best way and I would feel better knowing he's not with his ex and sleeping under the same room all weekend ... HELP PLEASE I NEED ADVICE!!!
Um - no, you aren't
Um - no, you aren't unreasonable for not wanting him to stay at his ex-wife's house for the weekend by himself. Why does he even want to? Why isn't he asking to borrow money for a hotel? He doesn't have a credit card?
Do you trust him? This sounds very fishy to me. Even if he's just being a clueless dolt and not planning to cheat on you, BM is scheming to get him into her house for the weekend and that spells bad news, to me.
I'm not a jealous person at all, but I'd be WTF to this one.
Not no but hell no! That he
Not no but hell no! That he even is considering this makes him a write off in my world.
Good luck.
My H would have slept in his
My H would have slept in his truck, or even on the cold hard ground rather than be near his ex.
Doesn't your SO have a CO (custody order) that gives him specific visitation?
This is a huge red flag. A
This is a huge red flag. A man if he cared for you would know better than to spend the night at his ex's home. That shouldn't even be an option.
I definatley needed to hear
I definatley needed to hear all this I am about ready to flip my lid... i knew I signed up to be in a relationship with him and his little girl but after this many years and this to even come up as an option in his head I definatley didn't sign up for this stress
not fair at all ...