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why would BM refuse more money?

Belinda33's picture

Curious to know why BM doesn’t want to go through CSA and get single parenting payments. She doesn’t work. (New BF has a job though) Has hit DH up for more money on several occasions to increase amounts that gets paid direct to her in cash. As soon as we mention to go through CSA and let them decide figures BM decides she no longer needs the extra cash and backs down. What good reason is there for this? Why wouldn’t she want single parenting benefits? In order to get them you have to go through CSA so she would be better off. Something tells me she is hiding something but I don’t know what! Anyone else had this happen or know why she might be doing this? 

Survivingstephell's picture

There would be no paper trail and she could file herself, at a later date an claim she never recieved any money at all and DH could have to pay all over again, possibly with fines.  

Does she have a record that might get her thrown in jail if they find her? 

Doesn't want BF to have access to money coming her way or she can't bilk him out of more?  

You can go crazy trying to figure out crazy people.  

ESMOD's picture

maybe she has a boyfriend living with her?  Maybe she makes more money than you think.. or under the table.  maybe she has other legal issues that would emerge.

Belinda33's picture

thabk you for commenting. It’s weird. In Australia a new BF living doesn’t reduce payments (from white i have looked into) they only take onboard the biological parents combined incomes. Hmmm

STaround's picture

I am guessing she gets some type of government benefit that she would be disqualified from


susanm's picture

^^THIS.  If someone collects CS then their govt benefits are reduced by that amount.  They are required to apply for CS in order to receive them but if they are willing to say that they have no idea who the father is and game the system then the govt will eventually leave the woman alone.  If there is a formal CS calculation they will run her name for receipt of benefits and that amount will be included as her income balanced against your DH's.  And depending on how long this has been going on and how much she has received, she could owe your state a decent amount to be repaid with interest.  I know someone who discovered their BM doing this scam and they lived in a state that allowed either party to file for a support determination.  I don't know if the BM was actually criminally charged but I know it was a possibility.

Notup4it's picture

She would be cut off something else she is receiving? Her boyfriend living with her would disqualify her? She plans to go back and get a lump sum? Your DH actually pays more than he has to?

hereiam's picture

Is your BF sure that the kid is his? Maybe BM is worried that a paternity test will be required.

I agree that it probably has to do with other benefits that she is receiving.