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SD18 acting out again

Tiger7's picture

She's a huge disappointment to her dad.  She's admitted to him that while she's not "trying" to get pregnant, she's not doing anything to prevent it either.  To me that means she's trying.  She's supposed to be going to this alternative school to finish and get her GED - we found out she didn't go on Monday.  She didn't go back to the group home she lives at last Sat - she didn't have permission for an overnight but did it anyway.  She's back to her same old behavior.  We try to be there for her.  We have her over on weekends (when she feels like coming over), take her places, spend time with her.  He just told her if that's the path she's going down, he will not support or help her while she continues to make these bad choices.  I know he will if she calls, but that's another discussion.  I told him though, that if she has a baby, I will under no circumstances babysit while she's out running the streets, partying.   

She was at our house last weekend and my (adult) kids were there too.  My daughters talked about the trips they'll be taking this year (Macedonia, Boston, Equador - Amazon rain forest) and my son talked about being accepted to grad school and a new car he just bought.  I was really hoping it would spark her interests knowing these things are attainable.  But no - she wants to chase behind her unemployed bum of a bf (he's 23), get pregnant and live off of social services.   SO's family is filled with strong woman who have careers, homes, families.  She's not listening to anyone.  She really is a bright girl and she can do any of these things but she rather act "hood" and sound ignorant and live the same life her mother did.  SMH

How do you get through to a kid like this?  I think he's going to have to let her "hit bottom".  Things will certainly get worse before they get better.  I hope he's prepared.



I love dogs's picture

I had high school friends who thought it was more important to become unwed teen moms with no plan and no support from the baby's fathers than go to college and be able to be self sufficient, working toward a career. We are no longer friends. I will not support someone who thinks that living on assistance and crying "poor me" their whole life is acceptable.

You can't do anything for her if she won't do it herself. She is an adult and needs to learn to act accordingly. It took me until I was 25 to decide I needed a career and not just a job so I went back to school. But DH and I have prevented pregnancy thus far because we know a baby shouldn't be added to our to-do list for now.

Tiger7's picture

BM loves to play the blame game - nothing is her fault, its everyone else who's done her wrong.  And I believe SD18 is going to do the same.  I'm not falling for that bull.  I can't stand when people feel sorry for themselves but won't do anything to help themselves either

hereiam's picture

My SD is also a great disappointment. Got pregnant at 17 (on purpose), quit school, got married, had another kid a year after the first.

She is now 26, lives off of social services (in a crappy, crappy apt. complex), was left by the husband, who sometimes pays CS and sometimes doesn't, and she is pregnant with her loser criminal boyfriend's baby. She thinks her life is great. It's really sad.

My DH has tried getting through to her, we have tried to help her and guide her in the right direction but it has been pointless. She is lazy and just refuses to work, and has refused our help to help her get a job.

So, I just wonder what, exactly, is "the bottom" for her? She's always broke, won't get a job, but wishes she had a house and a nice car and all of the things that DH and I WORK for. I guess she's just waiting for us to die, as she thinks she will get our house and everything else. DH pretty much laughed at her when she told him that.

Her BF is a bigger loser than she is and treats her like crap, but she has no desire to do better in that respect, either.

I just sit back, shake my head, and sigh. I do feel bad for DH, though.

Tiger7's picture

Yep - your SD sounds just like mine.  Ugh.  I feel sorry for SO too - I know he's embarrassed about her and so disappointed.

secret's picture

I have a HUGE soapbox about people who purposely try to live off social assistance.

Sorry, but a portion of MY HARD-EARNED MONEY gets taken AWAY FROM ME and put towards supporting these lowlifes.... so d@mn straight I have a right to be upset about it...

You need social assistance? Fine. Use it. That's what it's there for.

Living off Social assistance shouldn't be a d@mn CHOICE, it should be a temporary last resort. Social assistance isn't there as a career choice.

People who make a living being on social assistance (as opposed to going out and supporting themselves) are the lowest of the low, with parents using it instead of working not too far behind. A support system system shouldn't be used due to a person's choice to have a child.... if they can't afford to have a child, perhaps they shouldn't have one.

Tiger7's picture

and so does SO - he's told her that too.  But its how her mother lived so I guess she thinks its ok.  I hope they don't give it to her - she's a young able bodied person who can work.  I find it disgusting too

Thumper's picture

Tiger in your last paragraph you asked 'how do you get through to a kid like this".  

I will be blunt.....everyone must stop trying to make her do 'anything'. It is clear she has made decisions all on her own in spite of solid advisement and guidance from level headed loving adults.

SHE has good role models in you and dh as well as your kids who are jetting off around the world this summer.  By the way traveling is  going to be wonderful for them. We fully support traveling here in this home. ITS" GREAT!!!!

On ST I refer once in awhile to Dr. Laura--- She  gets enough phone calls from parents just like you who are trying to make an adult kid turn it around. 

"WHAT can I do,,what can WE do". It is easy to hear the distress in the parents voices.

Dr. Laura tells them.........LET HER GO. She is 18, she is an adult LET HER GO and LET her alone. Don't give her money...don't give her a place to live...and DO not let her work in the family business (if applicable)

If she becomes pregnant...wants to move to your house. The answer is NO--NO NO NO...(you do not tell a adult kid why you said no either) HERE is what we will do for you missy, here is the phone number for social services, want adds for jobs and want adds for rentals. Also tiger,  Don't co-sign for loans and don't co-sign for rental leases.  BIG no no.

When she decides to use her baby as a pawn and bargaining chip "Since you wont give me money OR let me move in you will never EVER see your Grand child'.....Your reply is: OK, I hate that for the innocent baby.---- Turn around and Walk away. And never let anyone abuse you and dh like that,,,never never never. IF you do, you will be 6ft under, broke and with broken hearts.

IF she wants to get married to the dude you don't like, wants daddy'o to help pay.  Say sorry I can not attend a wedding for a marriage I do not support. Nor will I help pay for it.  Send a toaster to her, or coffee maker. Or 100.00 if you can afford it. 

A few years ago Tiger we became Grandparents. Bio married the best in-law kid ever. 

I don't look OR feel like one, but my bio tried to pull the 'if you don't want to a babysitter for us I GUESS you wont see your Grandchild ever again".... It took a blink of my eye  for me to say: "OK I guess we wont see our Grandchild ever again". CRICKETS on the other line.

Bio expected me to melt and cave into their  demands.  Total silence on bio's end. Before I hung up I told my bio- don't you ever EVER say that again.

LOVE LOVE LOVE our Grandchild---tons of fun. best part is we give the Grandchild back.  Adult BIO has total respect for our GRANNY and GRANDPA role that would have been out the door IF I didnt say: OK, guess we wont see our Grandchild ever again.

Bring this full circle can not make her do anything. SHE has to make that decision. 

Hope it helps just a little...


Tiger7's picture

I agree with your advice 100%.  I told SO that I will not be helping her out and he claims to be on board.  I will let him know this too - we have to let go!  We can't make her do anything she doesn't want to.  And I do believe she will try to use emotional blackmail on him but I got his back!  Thank you thank you

momjeans's picture

I agree. In some instances you just have to let go of the rope and hope she comes around to her senses.


Powerfamily's picture

I blame shows like Teen mom, who encourage this behaviour by showing a 'celebrity'  lifestyle rather then actually showing what having babies is really like.

But having said that I would stop doing anything for her, if she decides to visit then do normal things.  Don't give her treats by going places.  What incentive does she have to improve when can misbehave then still get treats from dad when she see him.

Tiger7's picture

No more anything.   I can't stop him from doing but I don't have to participate