Aaaand enter Disney Daddy
When DH and I were having breakfast, he said that he thinks he should "get something" for SD after yelling at her this morning. I told him he needs to give her a kick in the ass! She wasn't even with BM for 12 hours and WW3 erupted!
He says "nothing crazy, maybe just a card saying I love her". Ok DH, whatever floats your boat, but SD was being a straight up brat this morning and she needs to learn to act right without arguing with her mother every single day. Yes, BM is a difficult person, but she's still "mom" and doesn't need a 12 year old whining about freaking sex ed! Every other kid in her class has to attend, and I doubt very seriously that they threw a fit this morning.
I basically told DH this and that if he gets one more call from BM over something so stupid, there needs to be consequences for SD. His life shouldn't be interrupted (especially his day off) for something so stupid that could've been avoided all together. I know BM isn't the best parent, but for SD to make a mountain out of a molehill needs to be shut down.. And quickly! Also, he needs to tell BM to not call him over her non-parenting issues, but I know that won't happen, sadly.
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So are you starting to see
So are you starting to see the light...?
SD was great this last week
SD was great this last week with us! She didn't argue once (not that I heard, anyway). She cleaned her room and put away her laundry before she left and at drop off, she was specifically told to NOT give BM or SF ahard time for the 6 days that she was with them. Not even 12 hours later (11.5), they are already at it again and DH had to come to the rescue. I told DH he better not apologize to SD for putting her in her place.
Don’t you think it would be
Don’t you think it would be wise for your DH to shift communication from calls to email? Texts for time sensitive issues and real emergencies. That way your DH can decide when and what he responds to?
This is ridiculous. He’s allowing BM a lot of space, time, in his daily life.
I forget... Is there not a court order? Or is this one of those messy situations where they’ve tried to work things out amongst themselves to “save money” by not going to court?
Regardless, your DH should start there. He needs to put some boundaries in place with BM - and maintain them.
If he’s adamant about stroking SD’s feefees, I’d recommend that he just sits down with her, face-to-face, and just talk to her.
Yes, there is a CO which
Yes, there is a CO which allows DH EOWE. Recently, BM finally agreed to 50/50 and it has been 55/45 with DH having had SD the greater amount this past month. This is a verbal arrangement. I agree that communication needs to be email, but I know that'll never happen. DH thinks BM is slowly allowing SD more time with us so that she will live with us full-time soon. I don't mind, SD is a much better kid with us than she will ever be for BM. I'm sure BM's week was peaceful without SD last week, and I'm sure she's already dreading the week to come with SD until Saturday when she comes back to our house.
Oh, yes. Let's REWARD SD's
Oh, yes. Let's REWARD SD's crap behavior. It will not, in any way, show her that being a little shi'thead gets her stuff. SMDH
This is what I told him!
This is what I told him!
HUH? Your DH feels like he
HUH? Your DH feels like he needs to get SD a card for disrespecting her mother and acting like a spoiled rotten baby brat, about sitting in a sex ed class for one hour of her life?? Does Hallmark even make a card for this???
"Sorry for being a parent, even though you were acting aberrant. Love Disney Daddy"
"Congrats on disprecting your mom, having her call and wake me up was the bomb! Love Disfunctional Daddy"
"Happy Brat Day! Hope your day is as annoying as you are! Love Daddy Dearest"
"Not sure where I misplaced my balls, but thanks for contributing to my amazing parental shortfalls! Love Daddykins"
Ok, you actually made me
Ok, you actually made me laugh. "Happy Brat Day!" oh my goodness, I'm dying! I told him that SD thinks that her manipulations will work and he could tell that they had already been arguing for sometime by the time he was called, but that only shows that SD wouldn't just suck it up and not complain about the class that literally EVERYONE is required to take! Guess what? She'll have health class again in 9th grade and it's the exact same thing! If I hear about it in 2 years, I swear I'll blow a freaking fuse!
OMG, I wish there was a love
OMG, I wish there was a love button for this DaizyDuke! Maybe you can start your own line of hallmark cards. I know a lot of Disney Dads that will love it! LOL
Daisy can I please be your
Daisy can I please be your agent. I see big bucks in your future! These type of cards would sell in a heartbeat.
In the early days, when we
In the early days, when we still lived in the same city as BM and skid, DH used to engage in this cute (not!) behavior he called “damage control,” whenever BM acted a fool in front of skid.
“Sorry, momjeans. You’re going to have to eat alone tonight. I’m going to take skid out to eat and do a little damage control.”
All - the - eyerolls.
It was some Disney Dad + poor COD BS that’s for sure.
DH told me he thinks BM is
DH told me he thinks BM is behind all of the hype and to not worry about it too much. I just told him to call her tonight and tell her this morning was unnecessary and he needs to know if something is wrong.
She'll only stop when BM
She'll only stop when BM makes her stop. DH can't fix this. He needs to stop answering his phone.
I don't know why calling him
I don't know why calling him was necessary? BM should've just told her to get her arse out of the car instead of feeding into the arguement!
WTH!?!? I mean really, these
Reminds me of the time SD (about 9 at the time) threw such a big fit at the dr office about not wanting to go back to her gparents after the appointment that the dr made BM leave the room. BM was supposed to go back to work but called SO worried about them calling CPS b/c SD was being so awful but she didn't want SO to yell at her or make her feel bad...just gently talk to SD about it! Guess what....a year later and SD did the same thing at the dr office! Imagine that!
SD hadn't even been on BM's
SD hadn't even been on BM's time for 12 hours and that happened! Something is very wrong. The freak out wouldn't have ever happened on DH's watch, but if it was his time, I'm sure SD would've called BM "sick" because BM always gives into that crap.
I get it. We don't have a
I get it. We don't have a lot of problems with SD at our house but anytime BM has a problem with SD at her house she blames it on us. It is actually comical at this point. She even set up counseling, SO went as well, in the session the BM tried to blame SD's behavior on us again. After talking to both BM and SO and SD the counselor determined that the problem was in BM's house alone and tried to work with her on ways to fix it, lol! Guess who quit going to the counselor almost immediately after that?!?!
I love dogs, I really hope
I love dogs, I really hope for your sake that DH changes his ways with SD. It is only going to be worse when she gets older. The older they get the more entitled they become.
That's what I told him. He's
That's what I told him. He's raising her to be a responsible adult, not a whiny, teenage girl! I also told him that he needs to call her tonight and tell her no more BS calls about throwing a fit over a health class and that she better obey her mother this week!
Love the greeting cards
There are some like that out there:
I especially like the "safety first" card: