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Why do I have to pay for everything????

Momof4MA's picture

Ok so my husband works a salary job and a great one. He pays $1200 in CS each month. Before we purchased our home we received a bill from a collector from a bank account that he had with his ex-wife. WE could not close on our home until it was paid. We also had a few of her bill to pay as well. When I found out about this almost $700 bill I asked for a print out of what it was from. Well it was her account that she used while they were separated so it was purchases that she made.....none were his. So since we paid it in order to sign for our house I think we should bill her for it. I just got another collection notice for it ...meaning they have not been notified that it has been paid off....Im so frustrated because it seems we pay for everything including her bills...what gives????

Orange County Ca's picture

Having voluntarily paid the bill your husband accepted responsibility that is was a valid bill and he was responsible. No court is going to make her pay him back. Deducting it from child support could bring down the full wrath of the District Attorneys child support division upon him if she complains.

He can simply ask her to reimburse him. Good luck with that right?

One alternative might work - tell the collection agency that its her responsibility. Give them her address, phone, place of work, everything you got. If she pays up one of you will get a refund of the overpayment. Don't count on it.

Your husband makes pretty good money so my advise to you is just accept the seven hundred as a cost of purchasing a home.

Momof4MA's picture

They were from 2006-2007. I told him he needed to get her to pay them. Never happened. Then when we got down to thw last minute stuff the day before closing the mortgage person and the lawyer doing the closing said we had to pay it. This was a woman (ex) that had tons of unpaid CCs that he only for d out about when they got divorced. This was supposed to be paid by her at the time of thw divorce... Never got done. So it cropped up in August when we bought out house.
There was also two or three $150.00 charges for medical bills for their son . because she uses the ER like a doctors office.

Ugh .

Justme54's picture

If I read it was HER account after they were seperated. In order to put closer on buying your house, it was easier to pay the bill rather than demand BM to pay it.

If it was her account, I would think you could take her to small claims court. If you win, no sure thing she will pay her for it. You could ask nicely. Plan B...tell you are taking her to small claims court. Plan C...LET GO and LET they say. I know $700 is not pocket change. Try to be glad it was $700 and not $7000.

I understand your anger. We have pissed over $25,000 to entitled MIL and entitled adult stepkids. Yet, DH had no asset for housing, we live in my home that was paid for. I guess he thought he was entitled as he talked me into being a housewife. We had a COME TO JESUS TALK. I told him to move out and I was filing for a divorced. I stated just because you bullshit me into being a think you can control all the money. NOT! He got the meassage. He has been kissing my butt on home improvements. I am not impressed.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

we've lost probably close to 15k+ to BM's debt... Her car (she was supposed to refinance and got repossesed), two military credit cards, taken out in DH's name while he was deployed, that caused a complete loss of tax returns last year... Two other credit cards, two loans she defaulted on... Nothing quite like magically missing 2k form DH's account last year because she defaulted on something we didn't even know about... Everything she took out in DH's name while he was deployed... The decree even says debt is a 50/50 thing... BUT since it's in his name, the lawyer basically said, the best we could do was pay it off, and then go for restitutions later. (Which I doubt we'll do... She gets fired every other week... And does drugs... So she doens't have a penny, and you can't get what's not there... No matter how much that sucks...)... I know it sucks... I think a LOT of us SMs end of facing financial issues thanks to the first disaster... Sad I'm so sorry!

Coco72's picture

My thought was small claims court too. Have you looked into that possibility?

I understand your frustration, we are paying off credit cards that she used to buy things that she has, even her bed!!!! 

Most days I just let Karma do it's thing.........