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too tired's picture

I have a simple question... I am very confused of if I should ignore this behavior.

BM sleeps naked with her naked son that is 8 years old every night in the same bed. Is this normal behavior?

caitlinj's picture

No it’s not normal. My feelings about cosleeping are that you shouldn’t do it. The child (8) is too old to be sleeping with his parent(s) and needs to be in his own bed. If he has a nightmare, trouble sleeping etc he can come get his parents and they can go back to his room and accompany him in his bedroom (on the floor while he is in bed) until he falls back to sleep. Cosleeping is a big no no especially at his age. Don’t even get me started about the naked part. 

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

People have different ideas on "normal", co-sleeping and nudity.

On this one, if it isn't criminal (even if outside of what you consider "normal") it is none of your business. What BM does in her house is her business. How she chooses to raise her son, outside of criminal, endangerment, damaging, etc, is her choice.

You would do well not to push your views, opinions or prejudices on a child that is not yours - even if it seems weird to you.

(Personally,  co-sleeping is not something I ever liked or did. BS went straight into his own crib then own room. And no he isnt emotionally stunted or damaged by this. I find co-sleeping "lazy-parenting" if the child is NOT pre-mature. But that is MY opinion. Nudity - to each his own. I find Americans pretty prudish about it. Some Brits too. I have European family and they let it all hang out - no problem. But it is usually at the beach or in the sunshine.) 


Rags's picture

Nope, not normal.

Maybe with an infant. But a pubescent age child?.... Nope.