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Uhhhgggg... getting along with his ex is beginning to become annoying.

lostmommy's picture

So we have been getting "along" for about a year now, with the exception of her Facebook nosiness. DH doesn't want me to delete her form my friends in fear of her lashing out and taking it out on DH and SD. (I guess I'm the one keeping her sane O.o) In my last post, I ranted about DH's ex wife calling him and giving him the "oh OUR daughter has issues and needs you" spill, seconds after I posted a picture of our newborn on our Facebook page with the title "Daddy's little girl". Well, I am now here to confirm my thoughts as to her making sure that I know that my kids and I are second place.
Yesterday, I posted another picture of DH holding our newborn and they both had fallen asleep. (aren't those the sweetest pics ever?!?!?!?) The ex wife comments: "Awww how cute! I have a one of him holding (SD)at that age." UMMMM O...K...? why else would anyone say anything like that than to make the other person feel second???? I replied to her comment (which I probably shouldn't have) " Thanks, we have a picture of him holding SD also on our nightstand." She followed that with telling me that I'm such a good SM. MALARKY!!!!
OOOO she makes me sick! I should be able to post whatever the hell I want about my kids without her trying to get under my skin. I don't understand why it is such a big deal to her, she is remarried and they have their own kid and shes currently pregnant. Why the hell can't we just be civil for the kids without the jabbing and backstabbing and the jealousy? GAWD!!! I'm not a mean person, so my first instinct is to get along, but If she's gonna always compare daughters, and do the whole "well OUR daughter..." thing, then I might have to tell DH that I can't take it and I'm deleting her and blocking her.


BSgoinon's picture

Is there a chance, and you cn tell me no way... I don't know your situation, but is there a chance that she is being sincere?

Newstep's picture

I blocked BM from both of our accounts so not worth the hassle to me. She did the same stuff always posting on my pics. So annoying

lostmommy's picture

Is there a setting to allow me to block her from my posts without deleting her? Because that way she wouldn't get a hair up her ass thinking I didn't like her. I just don't want her taking it out on DH and SD since the only way he can see her is via the internet anyway because they live out of state. It's been a long hard road to get her THIS calm.

@BSgoingon, For a while I wanted to believe that she was being sincere, but since we have had our DD, it feels like she has been a little paranoid about DH forgetting that he has an older daughter. It's almost every post that I make about our DD, she does something or says something that draws attention to SD.

I'm sick of it, sometimes it feels like shes smearing my nose in the fact that DH has a daughter already... like she doesn't understand the fact that WE are a family, and although we are living our lives with OUR family, we still love SD all the same. I don't need to be reminded in every post I make.

xtina's picture

I would delete her if I were you. Despite whether or not she was sincere, you shouldn't have to stress yourself out over here just so she doesn't lash out at your DH. The two things have nothing to do with each other. Just tell your husband you are not comfortable with her being able to see your posts. I would be furious if I were you!

Cocoa's picture

excellent advice. we had to dis-able our facebook because of bm, and i am much happier now, too. she was "friending" all my dh's relatives once she saw that she was blocked from our accounts and fishing using her son wasn't working. no biggie, thats why god invented e-mail, telephone, etc...