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I am not going to say a single word to DH...

giveitago's picture

Since the dishes incident DH chose to clean up after SS's disrespectful, lazy, ass. It is three days hence and dishes are still in the sink, DH is washing, rinsing and draining them at a snail's pace! Now, I am a tad cynical at the best of times and I believe DH is crawling along with them to see if I will just say 'get out of the way and I'll do them!' DH is passive by nature and I am a 'git 'er done' sort. This time around it's going to be MUCH different. There's no food or waste matter in the sink so I really do not care how long it takes for DH to do the dishes. Book is open for what happens next time SS leaves a shitload of stuff in the sink? What's the betting that DH will make the boy clean up??
I can use the bathroom sink to rinse coffee filter and a spoon or a fork that I migh tuse. Eating out, or a TV dinner means NO dishes for me! I am not stubborn, I am resolute!


elle94's picture

giveitago, you and i are a lot alike. i get tired of having to take the bull by the horns when dirty dishes and bath towels start getting piled up and nobody seems to think about cleaning. skids 15 and 17 act as if some magic cleaning fairy is supposed to come down and *poof*....everything is taken care of. i got tired of the towel situation, so i separated mine & DH's towels. as a result, i don't give a crap anymore when they run out of towels. i also stopped making dinner when i knew skids were coming over. DH now cooks for everybody. i also stopped cleaning up after dinner. i figure he's the dumbass if he decides to clean everything himself and not ask them to help out. it took a long time for DH to figure out the cleaning up after the skids thing cuz as hard as it was for me NOT to clean, i left the damn dishes in the sink for almost 2 weeks. OMG, drove me up a wall cuz i do not keep my house like that.

giveitago's picture

Don't get me started on the towels! LOL The dishwasher is out of commission so sink it has to be. I usually do not have an issue doing dishes by hand but when SS abandons his culinary efforts to the sink along with his dishes then phukk that!! DH did instruct SS what to do next time, if that fails then DH will take action...I disengaged, you see. It's up to DH. I really do not know the threshold for tolerance with such a martyr as DH? It's gone way beyond what I am willing to tolerate but the stuff is getting DH...who is on chemo? What's wrong with this picture...anyone? I am damned if I'll pick up after a 19 year old, disrespectful little sociopath!

elle94's picture

it's hard enuf being a stepmom, but the chemo thing must be so tough on all of you. I can't believe your SS is that much of a turd to do that to his own dad. NOT COOL AT ALL. putting all that aside, i hope your DH is coping well with his treatments. i've had so many friends go thru that and my heart goes out to you.

giveitago's picture

I thank you for your well wishes, so far so good with chemo. DH has lost a lot of weight and looks very drawn in his face but it will all come back again. He was not heavy to begin with! We'll make it!

notagain2012's picture

There has actually been a simple solution to this issue for me. Esp when it comes to kids (even though SS isn't really at my place much, or SO)

Learning how to change the wireless password is, awesome. It pretty much cripples everything, and everyone in the house, including cell phones since without the internet boost, the service sucks inside. Once everything is done, to my liking, boom, magically, netflix (we don't have cable) and xbox live ( sometimes includes taking xbox power cord). And even internet radio are all back online.

It was suggested to me by a friend not too long ago, and I tell you, it has become my best asset.

If changing the password is tiresome, or I can't get to a computer and take the time to change it, taking the power cord to the uverse modem, works just as well, if not better.

giveitago's picture

On DH's computer, password protected, there's a way to disable the wireless connection, yet another password! Yes, that's what we did with the twins when they were younger. Elder SS is no trouble at all, in fact he was an asset when he lived here, had a hardwired cable direct to the modem in his room. He would work with us too and deny the twins access via a router...LOL