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update to ehy is this bothering me

purpledaisies's picture

To refresh everyone ss16 doesnt want me around when he sees dh. He was to meet up tonight instead.

Well tonight is ss13 last game and dh already told him he would be at this game. So that means that ss16 will not be seeing dh alone tonight and it was requested i come too.

So i think ss16 has a problem with me and i want to know what it is.


stormabruin's picture

At 16yo, it's normal for a boy to want to spend some "guy time" with his when teenage girls want to spend a day doing girl-stuff with their moms. It doesn't have to mean that something is wrong.

It isn't rude & it isn't something to be taken so personally. Maybe there are things he wants to talk to his dad about that he's not comfortable talking about with his stepmom present.

Go to the game tonight, like you'd planned to do. Let them have their time together while you're at work.

purpledaisies's picture

It is not about tge alone time geez how many times do i need to say that??? It was about HOW ss16 went about it!!!

Yes im going to ask him when i see him. I have a feeling he is pissed at me for not letting him drive back to him moms on no slerp for over 24 hours. He was pissed beyond pissed that night and i havent seen him since.

I dont mind 1 on 1 time it was what he said and how he said it and it was that he reusef to have dinner with us last night.

stormabruin's picture

I guess maybe I missed something somewhere. What happened with you not letting him drive back home to his mom's?

purpledaisies's picture

Storm e stayed up.for over 24 over hours. He had no sleep. He had also has a bad wreak a few weeks before that totalled his car. Then got a wrecklesd druving ticket and a speeding ticket. All at different times including one on the way to our house for tgat weekend
His excuse was that it was the governments fault. He still wont take respondibity. He was to drive his brothers home over an hour away.

I couldnt let him drive them with no slerp. Their mom agreed and s16 threw the biggest fit ever and was so very pissef at me.

stormabruin's picture

What was your DH's take on it? Was it you that told him he couldn't go or his dad? Not that he should've been allowed to go, but why did you have to be the one to say no & not his dad?

purpledaisies's picture

I didnt give dh a chance to say anything. I just stepped in the and took the keys. Dh agreed with me and called bm. Bm agreed as well and they stayed the night. But ss16 blames me. Which is fine i dont care.

However ss16 threw a fit for hours and even tried to get his aunt to pick them up. He went behind all our backs and told aunt that it was bullshit he couldnt drive home. Sorry ss but i was not willing to have tuat on my hands if he had a wreak and killed or hurt them. He would have been driving his brothers too.

The ting is that botj thier parents were in agreement woth me but im to blame. Oh well he can hate on me for that of he wants it called PARENTING and i did my job! Yes im not disengaged it works for us my dh backs me up.

stormabruin's picture

I agree he shouldn't have been allowed to drive, but simply because steps are already an easy target, I'd have let DH be the one to take the keys.

It takes so little to have blame fingers pointing at us just because we're steps. I find that I fare better if I let DH be the one to call the shots out loud. He's the parent. He's willing to parent. That way, I'm clear.

purpledaisies's picture

Storm you are rifht. However i knew dh would back me up and i dont care if ss is mad at me for that. I did what i felt i should have done and i domt regret it. Both bm and dh backed me up and will continue to do so.

I just want to know if this is why he dont want me around since i havent seen him since then. If so then it can be addressed and hopefully it will be worked out.

They are for the most part good kids mainly b/c dh is on top of things and never let tjem disrepect adults. Which is why dh will have a talk with ss.