OMG Can't wait for SD to go back to BM's...
This girl canNOT sing. She thinks she can. Her father tells her she can. He oozes adulation on her - egging her on. "Oh honey, you sound so great!" as he moons over her like she is going to be the next Brittney Spears.
But OMG this girl sounds like a dying cat. I am NOT exaggerating. She canNOT carry a tune. She is not even in the realm of being able to sing. I, literally, want to stab a screwdriver into my eardrums so that I don't have to hear her sing.
I cannot wait for her to leave to go back to her mothers house - 2 long-ass hours - because I can't wait until I do not have to listen to her DRONING on and on and on. She sounds so freaking horrible. I can hear her through the walls and through the floors as I am in the basement.
2 long-ass more hours.
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SD just left! 5 hours early!
SD just left! 5 hours early! DH said he had some errands to run and told her to bring her stuff cause she was supposed to go home 3 hours early anyway, but this is an extra bonus!!
LOL---- Sorry---you can't ask
LOL---- Sorry---you can't ask your SO to have her calm down? or sing outside..or only sing during a specific time frame?
I wish. My H thinks she is
I wish. My H thinks she is just absolutely AMAZING... :sick:
Yeah, well, I'm "looking
Yeah, well, I'm "looking forward" to whatever type of ass she is going to make of herself when my dad and my son show up. She has no manners at all (looks at people like they have 5 heads, ignores, and walks away without saying a word when they address her) AND she has been especially above and beyond "protective" of her time with her father this weekend. You know, the usual stuff: won't let us sit next to each other; can't have a 2 minute conversation without her butting in; everything is supposed to be all about her.
So I imagine when my son and dad gets here - she's going to show her ass.
And don't even get me started on the fact that my H is helping her do handstands in the living room. You know, where we have a glass encased book shelf, knick-knacks, picture frames, potted plants, etc all over. I looked at my H like he is a huge moron (because he is) then I put on The Walking Dead to clear the room since SD is afraid of zombies.
You should arrange to have
You should arrange to have your SD meet with a vocal coach in your area for an assessment to see if she should pursue singing lessons. Say you want to encourage her "talent" and this may help her realize her dreams. If she's really that bad, the coach will be up front about it. May give her a dose of reality.
^^^^^^^this!^^^^^^ They
They usually want the money,though, so might say she has potential....if so, drop some money n lessons, she will hate it and want to quit.
I wouldn't invest a dime on
I wouldn't invest a dime on that.
Oh goodness I can't stand
Oh goodness I can't stand parents like this. No offense to your DH because hes just being supportive of his kid but this annoys me to all hell.
Think of the sad pitiful little souls on American Idol every year that GENUINELY think they are the worlds greatest singers because NO ONE told them they SUCK. And they make complete fools of themselves on national television. Maybe tell your DH that hes not really doing her a kindness by pretending shes amazing?
I am a firm beleiver in the fact that we can't really be anything we want to be. I for one, will never be a model. No matter how pretty I am or how flawless my skin is, modeling will never happen. Because I am exactly 5 feet tall
I just think parents should be realistic with their kids about what they can and can not do...don't know if that rant made any sense so I'll stop now lol
But yay for you that she went home early! 
The people in American
The people in American Idol... OMG that is exactly what this situation is! She seriously thinks she's going to be some kind of pop star because her dad strokes her ego telling her how great she is, but I swear she canNOT sing AT ALL!!! It is HORRIBLE!! She will so be one of those people one day on American Idol - up there dancing and singing around, thinking she is just AMAZING, when everyone in the auditorium will be cringing and begging, begging, begging her to stop. Hahahaa.. I wonder what Simon would say to her???
Mind, she has a cousin (my H's brothers daughter) who really CAN sing and CAN dance and CAN act... that little girl really COULD be on Disney or a pop star. For real. She has that special something that is needed. And she is absolutely STUNNING to look at it.
My SD tries to compete with her.
Um, there is NO competition. NONE. :O