O/T- Anyone here live/ed in VA? Moving there next summer and would like real answers from real people :)
Most of my family is in VA and most of DH's family is as well. I visited VA a couple summers ago and I loved it. The people are friendly and it seems like a great place to raise a family. But, when I was there, I thought I was going to die! It's hot! Not just hot, I mean almost unbearable. Sooo humid and sticky lol..Being born and raised in WA. I'm used to cool weather, cloudy gray days and lots of rain and I LOVE rain!!! I'm used to the cold and freezing rain. My family loves it in VA, and my grandma said that she lives here in WA because she can't handle the heat. Here if it hits 75-80 everyone is like "omg its soooo hot, can't handle it" and I'm one of those people lol
It's hard to get an honest answer because everyone is biased on their state I've tried looking up VA's climate online,but a real answer from a real person would be helpful.
Anyone here live or lived in VA? Is it really that hot all the time? Does VA have real seasons? (WA doesn't have "real" seasons anymore it's either rainy and cold or hot and dry now)
I know..it seems like a dumb question, but I can't get honest answers from my family since all they know is VA.
- LaMareOssa's blog
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Well, I live in FL and don't
Well, I live in FL and don't mind the heat, so take this with a grain of salt, lol.
I've never lived in VA, but I have visited. The only thing that stuck out to me the most was the racial tension. It was something I wasn't used to and I did not like it. I am sure that the whole state wasn't like that, but the area when my ex-bf's family lived was. To the point where they had to tell us which gas station we could use and which were off limits.... Because things were so divided that if you went to the wrong one you would get harassed. Everyone there also smoked a ton....like everyone.
But climate wise I think its not bad. Seasons, but not extreme. Mild winters, and mild summers.
I have heard that racisim is
I have heard that racisim is still very much alive in VA, which is very sad. I have never experienced it and it's not something I'm used to at all.
I haven't recognized
I haven't recognized differences in race much as I have the differences between the north & south. A lot of people carry strong confederate pride. There are people quick to label anyone who comes from North of the Mason-Dixon line a "Yankee".
When I hear it mentioned I simply point out that by definition a Yankee is someone from New England. I'm from the midwest.
I won't say there isn't racism in VA, but I don't know that it's here more than anywhere else. It may just not be so prominent in the area I live in. It's hard to say.
I've lived there twice and
I've lived there twice and LOVED it and definitely want to move back. We're in Denver, CO now, so yeah, very low humidity, but I've also lived in FL and Hawaii, so I'm used to humid climates.
What part of VA are you looking at? I lived in Ashburn, Round Hill and Bluemont (all Northern VA, Loudoun County), North of D.C. but we're looking more toward the ocean if we move next year - Williamsburg/Norfolk/VA Beach area.
Yes, it gets hot and humid in the summer. Depending on where you're at in VA, there's definitely 4 seasons. Northern VA where I lived - yeah, we got snowed in several times during the winter. And it got into the 90's during summer.
I NEVER had any racial tension like Peanut experienced, but then again, I haven't visited the entire state. I had more racial tension in Hawaii than anywhere else and I grew up a blonde white girl in Detroit!
So, which part of VA are you considering? I also have buddies all over the state so once I get the general area down, I can hopefully help you further!
Va Beach. I think DH was
Va Beach. I think DH was saying it's really close to the beach, maybe a 20 minute drive, I believe. Most of my family is in Windsor. When I visited, we didn't go far from Windsor(Isle of Wight?)
I did visit ocean view beach...I think that was in Norfolk. Other than that, I have no idea what I'm getting myself into :?
Same area we're looking into.
Same area we're looking into. I've only been there once and it was just driving through so I can't say what it's like there all year round, but from all the research I've been doing, it's "temperate" and "mild". Every season, just a milder winter than higher up. And yes, summers are hot but if you end up closer to the shore, you'll get wind off the ocean.
I'm comparing it to the heat and humidity in Florida here - so I'm thinking that it's going to be a lot milder than that.
If you enjoy the climate of WA, you're not likely going to enjoy the climate of southern VA...at least not in the summertime! Sorry honey. Get used to using lots of frizz-fighting serums/lotions in your hair and your flat iron will be your best friend (if you use one now anyway).
I will say that I'll miss the dry climate of Colorado when we do move east. Maybe one of these days, we'll be neighbors?????
Ohh, I hate humidity lol But,
Ohh, I hate humidity lol But, VA is beautiful and I'm sure I will get used to the heat....eventually..I hope
We could end up neighbors 
I live in Southwest VA. I
I live in Southwest VA. I grew up in MN & spent a couple of years in Arizona.
There are things I love about every place I've lived. I loved MN, as it's my home state. It's where I grew up & I miss it for that. I hated the winters there. I'm not cut out for cold weather, & that's what you get 6 months out of the year there.
I loved the heat in Arizona, but it was dry. There was no humidity. I can't help but feel like my hate for MN winters helped nurture my love for the desert heat.
I moved to VA in 1996, when I married my first husband. When we divorced, despite the fact that all of my family is midwest & west, I chose to stay. I love it here. It does get hot in the summer & it does get humid, though it isn't as buggy as MN was. The winters get cold, but nothing close to a MN winter. We do get snow several times each winter, but it doesn't usually stick around long.
VA is scenic. We've got lakes & rivers, rolling hills, flat areas & mountain areas. Aside from it being so far from my family, it's my favorite place.
I've lived in 11 states in my
I've lived in 11 states in my 40 yrs and Virginia is my ultimate FAVORITE.
The rundown:
Michigan (born and raised in Detroit, lived there till age 18)
Bettendorf, IA (was a kid, only lived there a year)
Fort Drum, NY (when 1st hubby was stationed in military - hated it!)
Nashville, TN (LOVED it)
Raleigh, NC (ok)
Daytona Beach, FL & Holiday, FL (Loved them but hot and lots of bugs)
Honolulu, Kahala, Kailua, Hawaii Kai on O'ahu (loved the scenery but isolated, no sports, expensive, racist)
Denver, CO (Love but hate being so landlocked)
Henderson, NV (Didn't enjoy at all, but did like seeing the Vegas strip a lot)
Ashburn, Round Hill, Bluemont, VA (ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT)
I live in central MD and I
I live in central MD and I love the weather here! Today is a breezy sunny 70 degree day. Our winters tend to be mild (hopefully) and our summers can get warm but generally its a great weather wise place to be! We travel to VA Beach during the summer for a getaway and I love the laid back attitude there. Good Luck with your move!!
I'm in WV, not the same but
I'm in WV, not the same but here is what I'd say the weather is. Summer - hot and humid....record breaking June with 90+ degree days and high humidity and I'm closer to Pittsburgh than VA. Now in WV, we are cooler than VA but you are going to have humidity in the summer and yes it will be unbearable at times.
Depending on what part of the state - beach vs. mountains. Mountains you are going to have 4 seasons. Nice cool crisp fall days and nice warm spring days. Winters are milder from what I hear but you do have freezing temps with ice and snow in the mountain (western areas).