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Please help me get a life!

hismineandours's picture

Seriously. I know this is pathetic, but I need some hobbies. My dh gets o wrapped up in his hobbies he could easily spend 12 hours a day or more engrossed in them. While I think that is seriously unbalanced I thought if perhaps I could establish some independent hobbies of my own then this wouldn't really be as big of an issue for me. My kids are all getting older and love being with my friends so that leaves me twiddling my thumbs a lot. So what are everybodys hobbies.? I love to read and o a lot of that already- looking for something a bit more active. I used to scrapbook, but I don't know kinda lst interest. I have thought about going back to working out- I used to work out 5-6 times a week and lord knows I could stand to get in shape, but it just doesn't sound fun to me. Please give me lots of ideas. Also maybe one things h and I could do together


luchay's picture

Well, I would go back to working out but perhaps a little less - maybe 3 times a week.

I do cake decorating, it's fun and I earn money from it too (always a bonus LOL) I also sew when I can be bothered getting it all set up (would LOVE a dedicated sewing space! - one day, when all the kids move out)

Do a cooking course? Something different than you normally eat?



Life art!!!!!!!! Wink

herewegoagain's picture

Well, if you like to read, you could write book reviews and recommend the latest books here Then, you could sell some items that are related to books, reading, etc. and make some money while you are at it. The site is truly addicting.

If you are creative, you can also make things here... You would be amazed the things that sell.

Both are lots of work, but great hobbies. Nothing like a hobby that can make you money. I started earning about 25USD every two months two years ago...I am now up to about 700-800USD a month on average between the two. And, I get to write, recommend, etc. things that I enjoy.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I bead, which I really enjoy, and I bake.

I have a dog, and doing athletic stuff like hiking or taking her to the lake to throw the tennis ball are both good exercise.

Other than that, I don't really have any hobbies. I have teens but I also have littles, so sitting down is kind of a joke around here.

Most Evil's picture

I like dance classes - not that I am any good! but have been taking bellydance classes for a while now, it is the funnest thing I have ever done!! It takes a lot of time and effort I don't have because you have to practice your technique, form, strength, etc. which is why I am not any better at it.

I am interested in any form of dance, that don't require a partner, ex. hip hop, flamenco, etc, but don't have any more money right now to take more. You can learn from dvds if you are not in an area that has teachers, for cheap.

I also am a compulsive reader. I have a dog too that I don't get to see enough lately, but keeping her poopied and exercised takes up a lot of my energy!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I took Karate a few years ago with the skids.. when they quit, I did too, but want to start again in the next 6 months when BS2 turns 3 and we can do it together. I really enjoyed it, it's a good work out and I thought it was fun. I am 1/2 way to my black belt.

I also love horses and love to ride. Maybe you could take lessons somewhere? I can tell you that I could be having the worst day ever and the minute I walk into the barn it all goes away. I don't know though if you don't like horses or are scared of them, then I guess it wouldn't be a fun hobby.. but it could be worth a try.

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!

IronRose's picture

I suggest a dance class for you & DH. Ballroom, perhaps?

Buy a beta (Siamese Fighting Fish) for the fish tank therapy, on a smaller scale.

Volunteer @ the local library to get you out of the house.

Kickboxing to blow off some steam?

Jewelry making to keep your hands busy? remember those knotted friendship bracelets? VERY time consuming and supplies are cheap!