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Just Hurt and Angry

Evilqueen666's picture

I do everything and everyone else gets the credit. I do it for my husband but it really takes its toll on me. There is no BM in the picture.

I know this is a hard age for her(17), but he really raised a girl who has no respect for boundaries and sees the world as one that soley revolves around her. Her best friends are losers who see her as everything and her new, higher achieving school friends barely tolerate her neediness and suffocating friendship.

I do everything for this girl. I am there for every event, every heartache, every achievement, and every bad day. I make every appointment, sign every school slip, plan every holiday or birthday, and help make every decision she needs. Her dad is a great guy, but not much of consistent parent. She relies on me for pretty much eveything and comes to me before him for the important things.

I normally would not mind, but there are all of these other women in her life that call her "daughter" like aunts and her best friends moms. I am not the only step mother listed on her FB either which hurts. She is so affectionate and loving with these other women, but I might as well be a stranger most days. They are not the one's that have to be enforcers and the "bad guys" so she goes to them to complain about me when things are not her way. I know my repuation is that of the evil step mother too when I am really just a woman trying to mentor a young girl who desperately needs it. She has put me through alot over the last few years, so I know that wall is up with me too. We have had a rough go of it over the years. She is finally making some progress in her maturity but it has been at my expense and the expense of my marriage.

He tries so hard to make me happy but days like today I feel like I am suffocating in this life and just want to cry. I know she misses her mother(who was not much of a mother), and her mother's sisters feed her negativity about me when she is upset.(they are pieces of shit along with her absent grandparents). I just keep doing the right thing because I know in my heart it is the right thing. It is just hard being the one who does all of the work and gets the shit end of the stick.

I just need a good cry today. Sad


Annanymous's picture

That really sucks. Have you considered backing off and letting Dad handle everything? He is capable, it's just easier for him to let you do it. When she comes and asks you to do something or if she can go somewhere, just smile and say "Ask your Dad, sweetheart".

CPaquette's picture

That just sounds like a 17 year old. I did that to my own bio-mom.

It's the age. Not you.

CPaquette's picture

That just sounds like a 17 year old. I did that to my own bio-mom.

It's the age. Not you.