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Crazy BM finally rears her ugly head again

round2's picture

We have issues with BM from time to time but she has been relatively qwuiet for about 6 months. No drama, good drop offs and general overall stepkid coordination (new meds?, new boyfriend?, who cares)

I have mentioned on here a few tmes that SK8 had a weight problem and nobody seemed too worried about it. Last night BM texts FDH and lets him know she is concerned with how much SK8 is eating (finally) She goes on to detail the amount she ate that day and she was right, it was way too much. FDH replies, with yes, she is eating a lot and tell her no next time. He goes on to tell BM that we are being really careful about eating healthy at our house and enrolling SK in different activites to keep her active.

Holy shit storm - she loses it. She accuses FDH of having an eating disorder (WTF?) and then goes on to acknowledge that his new 'pudgy' family does need to be more active. By this time I am pissed. She and I wear the same size clothes - I am 5'6 and she is 5'2. Getting the visual yet? Ihave 2 DD - 1 plays competitive soccer and the other plays soccer and does gymnastics. They are far from pudgy - it was a shot at me for sure. She has issues.

He had hoped she had settled down and we could all be one big happy blended family. I had told him not to hold his breath - that you can't change crazy. But he is a man and therefore lacking the gene which allows him to see people for who they really are.

I cannot stand that bitch. I can barely stand their aggressive, overweight kid and she doesnt make it any easier. It is super hard to contain the resentment for one from spilling over onto the other.


Unfreakingreal's picture

I find that anytime that BM goes dormant for a period of time she is just recharging her batteries to come back stronger and bat shit crazier than ever.

round2's picture

Goody - cant wait to see what she does next. We leave on vacation on Sunday so I am sure there will be some level of stupidity during the trip and of course, I am trapped with his whiney brat of a kid for a week. I would rather stay here and work.

DaizyDuke's picture

It is super hard to contain the resentment for one from spilling over onto the other.

No doubt! This is something that I struggle with alot. I definately have a shit ton of resentment for BMs but it ends up being directed towards skids. I know this, DH knows this, skids may or may not know this... but it's so hard NOT to do. If only BMs would just fall off the face of the earth!

Anywho78's picture

Our BM's (both Nasty & Redneck) are quiet for months at a time...this is NEVER a good thing because when they rear their ugly heads, it's to cause major shit storms, and of course, they always succeed at their heinous missions.

Yours has quite the nerve! I'm hoping that your DH told her "pudgy" ass where to stick it?

Stepcop's picture

I would have lost it. You have every right to be concerned about your step kids weight. I am constantly policing mine for eating out of boredom. My ss is very active, so it's not as worrisome, however, sd13 is lazy as a sloth, and bad genetics to boot. She is in for a surprise if she doesn't take heed. Plus I am sick of them eating our food budget for the week in 2 days!! Bm can kiss mine and your ass. Our bm used to call me fat, etc (I have let 100 pounds since my heaviest and have been thinner tan bm forever), but she is delusional in her spandex at 270+ pounds. Bitches!!