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Damn DH!!

Willow2010's picture

Sometimes my DH is an absolute …… UGH…I can’t even type it.

So…SS went into military about a year ago…came for visit over Christmas and snuck some skank into my home and took her virginity in MY office on MY futon.

DH said…let’s just get rid of futon and SS can just stay on the couch if he comes back for a visit. OK..sounds good to me. We got rid of futon about 2 weeks ago. SS now wants to come for a visit in late August.

DH tells me last night that he is going to have SS sleep in our travel trailer while he is here. WTH?? I told DH… “Not happening” DH said “yes he is…since we got rid of the futon he needs a place to sleep.” I told him no, he is not using our nice camper to bring some ho back to and have sex with her in MY freaking bed. DH says…wait for it…wait for it………”Oh he wouldn’t do that!!”

Really DH??!! I wanted to set his face on fire and put it out with a fork!! The boy did it 6 months ago in our HOME! Now you want to make it even easier to procreate while he is here?

DH and I usually compromise on most things, but I am not going to on this. He can forget it.


just tired's picture

Really DH??!! I wanted to set his face on fire and put it out with a fork!!

I know you are upset, but ya gotta know....^^^^this is funny!!!

Stand your ground girl!

Willow2010's picture

LOL... Oh I will. We do not really fight...(since SS moved out). But I think this may turn into a great big one. If he forces it....I will sell the damn camper. HA

cant win for losin's picture

Shit, even if you cant find some other place to park it during ss visit, i would reserve a campsite and park it.

I would look dh straight in the eye when he asks where its at,

"Its parked. I wasnt playin when i said he's NOT USING IT!"