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bullshit lies from BM

LRP75's picture

SS is spilling the beans about shit going on with his mom.

BM has him convinced that the reason why they don't have any money is because, "the landlord is over-charging them for the light bill."

No, how about she gets a fucking job if they are low on money. Quit fucking blaming everyone else.


DASKRA's picture

We had that happen too. BM was telling SD8 that the reason she didn't get to have nice things or clothes or toys like her brother's and sister's did was because HER father didn't pay CS. That was a total lie. She brought it up to SO about this issue and and others as well and he sat her down and told her the truth. Showed her the amount of CS she got and how much that was a year. She said "it was so much I couln't even say the number". She was lying to SD8 and saying that her dad didn't lover her and didn't every TRY to call or see her. That was a lie and sat her down and showed her the copy of the phone records. Showed her the CO that her mom made up and then broke time and time again.

She was lead to belive that her dad didn't lover her or care enough about her. She also doesn't have a job. She has 5 kids and no job. 3 different dads. She tried to open up some little boutique in a small town selling tutu's and hair things for outragious prices. Yeah that lasted all of 6 months.

I get so sick of hearing, I can't afford this or that. Well GET A JOB. My mom worked two and sometimes three jobs to provide for us.

SD3 once said that BM has no money because she drinks all the time and goes to the BARS. How does a 3 year old know that shit. That's wrong.

LRP75's picture

The exact same shit happened over here. We also showed the kids proof. When SD threw french fries at her mom and screamed at her for lying because, "I know my dad pays his child support and he loves me! I SAW IT!"

BM hasn't tried that shit again.


LRP75's picture

WOW! Again, the same thing here!

I posted a blog, long ago about how my mom successfully PAS'd my brother and I. Please read it.

You and I have LOTS in common!

LRP75's picture

Ok, so the landlord is over-charging you the $2k per month that YOU should be bringing in through YOU having a job? I don't think so.

Just be honest with the kid and say:

"I'm a lazy whore that has had 3 pregnancies with 3 different fathers and my whole goal in life is to make everyone else pay for me, my fat ass to sit at home, and to provide for the children that I chose to bring into this world. The reason why we 'don't have any money' is because -- well -- I'm not at all interested in taking ANY responsibility for myself, my children, and my choices by going to get a job -- and let's be honest -- I'm too much of an entitled fucking pig. Why work when the system will make everyone else support me. Sorry you have to do without, but I really just don't love you enough to get off my fat ass to do anything to help you. If I can't get other people to pay for what you want, then you are just going to have to do without."

Maybe if she said that, I could START to have some respect for her -- because at least it would show some self-awareness about how useless she is.