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BM interfering with visitation...

LRP75's picture

DH was supposed to pick up his son tonight. BM just sent him a text stating, "Sorry, meant to tell you before now, but *son* has an activity planned for tomorrow at 9am. You can have him after that."

Naturally, DH is upset.

Equally as natural, DH did/will not do anything about it.

Oh well, no skin off my back. If he doesn't care enough to do something about it, I don't care about it AT ALL. Besides, it's one less night that I have to deal with SS. So really, it all works out in my favor. Especially since we now have a Friday night all to ourselves. YAY! "Date Night!" Biggrin


stepmama2one's picture

Document it in case something happens. Although not really sure it would matter if you document it because if you go to court and say she is taking visits away from you the judge is going to want to know why DH didnt say anything to BM about it. If he doesnt make it known to BM that he does not agree to it all she has to say is,"Well I said he couldnt but he must of thought it was okay for me to keep the visit because he didnt even contact me about it."

StepMa_NotMom's picture

SAME BM.....

Actually BM does it....whenver she feels like changing our plans.....she won't answer the phone for visitation and/or sometimes drop-off. So we end up having SD for more than expected, never fails...hubby falls right into trap everytime, then plays the game back and keeps SD longer than expected. They both say because its Shared Parenting- that option is only for parents that live together because I don't see this working out at all.

LRP75's picture

BM on this end doesn't answer her phone when she knows DH is trying to get the schedule straight. :sick:

LRP75's picture

Thanks for asking!

DH did nothing about it. He didn't confront BM, said nothing to her this time and probably won't in the future. I've told him once, I won't say it again: I refuse to feel sorry about the "lack of time" that he gets with his kids if he isn't going to put BM in her place and stand up for his rights.

Which is fine by me, because we had a great date night! We don't often get a kidless weekend night when DH isn't working. We rode our bikes up to get some ice cream and putzed around together doing some work on our new house. Smile