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I need advise badly. Getting married in 10 days and am about ready to freak the f!ck out.

Unhappy's picture

Let's see......where to start. How about last week during my BD(7) and FSD(7) first grade program.

FDH and I went to the early program because it worked with both of our work schedules. I was hoping that his ex would show up at the later one but of course I'm not that lucky. Both her and her husband sat in the same row across the isle as FDH and I. I can't tell you how many times FDH had to look over at his ex wife. At one point I reached down and tickled his thigh to get him interact with me instead of looking over at her. It finally got to the point that I finally had to say something to him about what I do when she is around is ignore her. Not only was it rude and disrespectful to me but it was a uncomfortable and wierd situation for me as well.

Here we are less then two weeks away from getting married and for some reason he can't keep his eyes off of her. When I asked him about it he told me that he is not attracted to her and he doesn't know why he had to keep looking at her.

Yesterday, I get home from work and the next door neighbor stopped me before I walked in the house to ask me if she could give my BD horse back riding lessons for free. I told her that would be fine and then went in and told FDH. FDH immediately tells me that my BD can't if she won't do the same for his kids because it's not fair that she gets to do something that they can't and he doesn't want them to be jelous. (We have my BD full time and his kids every other week) He then asked me if I had asked the neighbor if she would do the same for his kids, which of course I didn't because she was offering to do something nice and I didn't want to be rude.

Last night, we were laying in bed. I was wathing a movie and finishing my glass of red wine. After I brushed my teeth I proceeded to climb into bed next to FDH, who had been asleep for all of 15 minutes, and I started to kiss him. After several intimate kisses he says I love you, insert his BD's name. My reaction was, what the f!ck. He tried to say that he said it because he was sleeping but I can assure you he wasn't in a deep sleep and I was not kissing him like a seven year old would. To make matters worse, we are supposed to get married in 10 days.

FDH will be out of town from today to Sunday visiting his sick grandfather. He has been telling me all about this wonderful thing that he and his brther are going to do for their mother while he's over there but hasn't even remembered that I'm a mom too.

I'm just at a lose right now.


Unhappy's picture

This isn't an ordinary wedding. We are flying to the Carribean. Everything has been booked and it's all non refundable.

What I could really use right now is some insight as to what the heck is going on.

Disneyfan's picture

Go on the trip, but don't go through with the wedding.

He can't keep his eyes off of his ex wife. You kiss him like a woman and he says I love you daughter.

He doesn't sound like a man who is ready to remarry.

Unhappy's picture

He doesn't sound like a man who is ready to remarry.


I really am starting to feel this way. It's just wierd. I just don't understand how someone can be so rude and direspectful. I still can't believe he sat there right next to me and kept looking at his ex right in front of me. HIS FUTURE WIFE. WTH

overworkedmom's picture

I wish I had some advice to give. Honestly, as irriatating as they are, MOST of things you posted are, I think, normal. I catch myself glaring at my ex all the time. I love my FDH but I do try to lazer kill my ex with my eyes... It hasn't worked yet but I still try }:) . I also get the horse back riding, with the kids being the same age and with something as cool as that, you probably should try to keep it fair.

The kissing thing... ok .. nasty. I don't even know what to say there. Pray that it NEVER happens again. Tell him how much it bothered you!!

overworkedmom's picture

It could be curiosity... I am not sure what to say. There is always some morbid fascination with ex spouses. I can't explain it but its there. Chances are he really isn't interested in her in terms of wanting her back just more like... staring at the dead animal on the freeway and trying to figure out what it is.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

:jawdrop: He said his daughters name! :sick:

I think you need to postpone this wedding. I don't think he is ready. You two may need some premarital counseling. Get on the same page in regards to the children, before you get married. You DO NOT want to end up like some of the other SM's on here.

3familiesIn1's picture

The 'keep it fair' thing I still struggle with. My BD12 and SD12 are only 4 days apart in age, BUT BDs are here majority of the time so EVERYTHING is supposed to wait to happen until the skids get here to be 'fair'?!?!?!

I played that game for a bit - but while my bios were here waiting for the skids to do fun stuff, the skids were with BM having a blast.

That ain't fair.

What is the saying, fair doesn't always equal even.

Does SD do anything at her moms? I bet she does.

I don't agree the bio who is stuck at home more has to be penalized just because skids aren't around.

Unhappy's picture

but while my bios were here waiting for the skids to do fun stuff, the skids were with BM having a blast.


The exactly right. They are at their BM's house doing fun stuff that they come home and tell my BD about. Now I know that FDH can't do anything about what happens at BM's house, things aren't fair for my BD.

And if I decide to put my BD in soccer does that mean I have to do the same for his BD. And what if the neighbor said no that she doesn't have the time teach all three kids? Does that mean that my BD loses out on something fun because of this?

3familiesIn1's picture

Sadly, I found its just easier to make the plans for the bios and not really let DH in on it up front.

DH, I signed BD into gym on fridays she starts today so I will be late to start dinner.
DH - what about SD?
ME - their website is - let me know what you and bm agree on - there are various classes. thanks

Your horse situation - you should have said, oh, no DH I didn't ask her since she just popped out and offered, why don't you go over and check - let me know. Thanks

dreadingit's picture

EXACTLY!! DH got offended because I'm letting my BS go to his best friend's house this weekend, when the skids are coming. I used to try to make sure he was here all the time that they are because they don't have friends to go to, but that's bull. When the skids are with their mother going everywhere under the sun having a blast (because she doesn't work) is anyone thinking of BS, and wondering if he's getting to do the same? HELL NO. The skids have two parents whose lives revolve around their happiness, and BS only has one. I will not keep him from doing things anymore because the skids don't get to.

Unhappy's picture

The skids have two parents whose lives revolve around their happiness, and BS only has one. I will not keep him from doing things anymore because the skids don't get to.


Agreed 100%

Unhappy's picture

He swears he's not attracted to her anymore. He says that he hates her and wants nothing to do with her.

I feel the same about my ex. That's why I just ignore him. I won't even look his direction to give him the time of day.

knucklehead's picture

Well, hate is a passionate emotion. A negative one, but passionate nonetheless.

Indifference means there's no feeling there.

If he is having "strong" emotions and can't stop staring at her, there's a reason. I think it behooves you to find out what that reason is.

DeeDeeTX's picture

If you have second thoughts about the wedding before the marriage, it probably ain't getting better.

I did before my wedding to DH. We are trying to work things out now, but man, if I had known then what I know now and how much dang work it would be, I wouldn't have gotten married.

Just my two cents.

Unhappy's picture

I just don't know what to do. I am so pissed at him right now. I can't believe he said that last night. I don't care if he was asleep. I wasn't kissing him like a seven year old and yet apprently that's who he was thinking about.

knucklehead's picture

Honestly? I think it's unfair to hold something against someone done in their sleep. I get that it hurt your feelings and pissed you off, but he was asleep.

Willow2010's picture

OMG!! I would not care if he was in REM sleep and called out his DD name while I was kissing him. JUST FREAKING YUKY! And she said that they had several intimate kisses before he said that. He had to be kind of awake.

Sorry unhappy...but it sounds like your DH had some terrible un resolved feelings for his ex.

knucklehead's picture

Oh, yeah, totally yucky!! I agree.

I just don't know how to "blame" someone for it when they're not even aware of it. :?

Unhappy's picture

OMG!! I would not care if he was in REM sleep and called out his DD name while I was kissing him. JUST FREAKING YUKY!


YUKY! is right.

Unhappy's picture

I get that he was sleep(ish). But if I'm kissing him in an intimate way, why is he thinking about his daughter?

Brady_Bunch_plus_some's picture

He has already begun the "you are unfair to my kids" bullshit. It will only get worse once you are married.

Go on vacation.
Don't get married.

And the kids' name while kissing? YUCK. That is very creepy. Seriously.

Don't get married.