pissed off about peanut butter...
it's the smallest things that get to me. I've shared on here that ss14 eats voraciously. Probably 5000 calories a day. Yet remains almost disgustingly skinny. Anywho, over the past few weeks i've stopped buying most snack foods. As the only person I am providing them for is ss14. Noone else is able to get any as he will eat a whole box of cheese crackers in less than a day and a half. Along with a whole jar of nutella-3 square meals a day,etc. So I just stopped buying alot of stuff. Some snack items I do buy and I hide in my room. Dh is aware and this is his hiding place as well. All the kids know about the hiding place as well. This morning as I am drying my hair, he comes and stands in front of me and yells, "Is the peanut butter in your room?" I said, "What?" and turned off the hair dryer. He YELLS again,"Is the peanut butter in your room?" I said no and flipped my hair dryer back on. I know this seems miniscule, but it flipping peed me off. First off, he is not even supposed to be in the basement, but there he was while I was half dressed in my towel. Second he YELLED at me, I can let the first time go as the hair dryer was on, but the second time there was no reason to raise his voice. Third, it was a stupid question. IF the peanut butter WAS in my room, it would mean I did not want him to have it-so what's the point in asking if it was there? The peanut butter was actually in the trash, because he stuffed his mouth full of peanut butter yesterday just seconds prior to getting on the bus and then had spit it all out on the bus right by the bus driver because he was "choking' and "almost died". I figured it peanut butter was such a hazardous item to him I ought to get rid of it. Never mind he found another jar, but guess what I gathered that and all other jars of peanut butter and have hidden them away. I sure dont want him to "almost die" again.
- hismineandours's blog
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?? You hide the food ONLY
You hide the food ONLY from SS? Everyone else in the house knows where to find it??
I see nothing wrong with
I see nothing wrong with this. BS2 has a cupboard that skids have been specifically told is off limits to them as if I didn't they would devour every item in there and BS would have nothing. Not going to happen. At least my skids are half decent about it and don't sneak around and eat the stuff anyway. Because if they acted like HMO's skid you better believe I would be hiding food from them.
LOL! I'm sorry I have to
My SS8 will get out of bed in
My SS8 will get out of bed in the middle of the night and get into the fridge. He's not good at hiding it either. I found snack wrappers all over his room AND making a trail down the hallway. He was explicitly told NO SNACKS (he has a problem eating dinner... even stuff he likes he needs to throw a fit about not eating). I also wake up to find juice spilled and dried on the table/chairs/floor in the kitchen, as well as the bread bags open in the fridge. So snacks disappeared (; and I'm seriously considering putting a lock on the fridge. Seriously kid, if you can't eat your freaking dinner, STAY OUT of the food. Drives me bonkers.
I would put a lock on the
I would put a lock on the fridge as well, my sd is not allowed to help herself, long may it continue, I think its best for their health to be honest.
Teenage boys are just
Teenage boys are just strange. I dread when SS gets that old. It is only 9 years away, but he can eat really good for a 4 year old right now. I don't even want to think about 14.
This is kinda relevant and it
This is kinda relevant and it is funny........ SD was at BM house last weekend. BM doesn't get up in the AM to watch SD who is 4. SD took milk, chocolate, and some other food items to her room and dumped everything out on the floor. Needless to say FDH got a call about it and was asked to pay for the carpet to be cleaned. :? anyway she knows to ask for food here and not to touch my fridge......
Been there, done that! I was
Been there, done that! I was used to keeping a stocked pantry, fridge, and freezer. My sons and their friends never abused it, and always asked before taking something. They grew up and moved out, and then came the skids.
Gads, they are like locusts! Not only would they burn through a month's worth of the snack food in a day, but they would actually eat things that were meant for dinners, bake cakes that were for birthdays, make brownies that were for dessert, eat marshmallows that were for the weekend camping trip... They had absolutely no clue. They would even load up their backpacks before going to a friend's house.
I started out locking things away in our room, as they obviously never learned the meaning of the word "No." Locked doors didn't mean much to them, either, so I eventually quit "big" shopping and would just get what was needed for a few days at a time.
no, I dont just hide snacks
no, I dont just hide snacks from ss. He, too, is aware that we have a hiding place in our room, hence, the reason he asked if the peanut butter was in there. However, my kids will occassionally ask if they can have a snack out of there which I do not mind sharing with them-ss never asks because I think he thinks he should not have to ask-I was a little surprised that he asked about the peanut butter this morning as he typically doesnt bother to ask me anything. But my guess is that he asked his dad first, who then stated "ask hismineandours".
I have 3 other kids-that are 14, 13, and 10. Never really had a problem with this. I'd buy so much snack food a week and that was it. Some weeks I thought they ate it up a little too quickly, but other times they made it last. Just not a big deal. But with ss moving in-noone else gets anything. It is no big deal for him to randomly shove 5 cheese sticks in his backpack for a "snack" on the way to school. I eat these for lunch every day as my main protein. That's two and half lunches for me. I'd buy a bunch of bananas and literally as soon as I'd walk in the door with them he'd eat 3 of them. Then the next morning he'd eat the remaining 2. He literally ate 12 packages of those peanut butter cheese crackers in a day and a half along with meals and other snacks. Who the hell does that?
The only one in my house getting any sort of snack was him. I got tired of it. I would ask him repeatedly not to eat so much of an item-that it was too much but he would not listen. I'd try to give him other options of things to eat, I'd encourage him to eat more at supper-but no, he just wanted to eat 42 snacks in one evening. So, yeah, I hide them. This has been a lifelong problem for him by the way. When he was 5, he would sneak out of his room in the middle of the night and would eat entire boxes of little debbie snack cakes (things that were meant to be his and his sister's snacks at k-garten for an entire week) or he'd eat an entire fullsize package of nutter butters in one sitting, or he'd open up boxes of jello and eat the sugar out of them-he'd eat 5 or 6 of these at a time. Then he'd vomit. Then he'd be ready for breakfast. The kids not normal-there is something wrong with him-but I cant seem to convince anyone of it.
He has no clue about portion
He has no clue about portion control and serving sizes. My skids are the same way and I think it's too late to teach them.
I agree-in fact I think he is
I agree-in fact I think he is so out of touch with himself in general that he has no clue when he is hungry vs when he is full. That why he eats til he vomits. I also think that's why he still pees himself. He does notthing to try and stop himself-he doesnt make sure he goes to the bathroom before bed, he doesnt limit his fluids at night-in his mind he just cant help it-it's not his fault so he's not going to try and fix it. He's a 14 year old that isnt pottytrained and has no desire to be. Just like he can't help it if he's "hungry".
He sounds like my ss15 with
He sounds like my ss15 with his greedy, selfish eating habits. Why is it that these kids do not understand the meaning of moderation? SS15 cannot have a cheese sandwich without using about half a pound of cheese and half a jar of pickles at once - sooooo greedy!!! We also have ss8 and ss9 living with us full time and they're turning into guzzling machines too. We're on a really tight budget and cannot afford to buy unlimited supplies of food, so they get rationed. We have two refrigerators - one that has cheap things in they can have, and another that they don't touch (which has mine and dh's decent stuff in it). I do a shop and bring a reasonable amount of cheap snacks to last them a few days, mainly fruit, yoghurts and cheap bread and they're told that once it's gone there will be no more until next shopping day. We also have a store cupboard which they aren't allowed to go into, though I think greedy ss15 probably raids it when there's no one around. I could go on and on about these greedy kids and how it drives me insane, and I don't blame anyone for hiding stuff and locking it away. I've hidden stuff and am expecting to be driven to locking things away when ss9 gets older as he is already obsessed with food and will probably be even greedier than ss15 in a couple of years. I don't go out to work to spend my hard-earned money on funding skids gluttony, so while ever they guzzle the way they do, they'll be rationed and will only get the cheapest brand stuff.
SD is small and there are
SD is small and there are only a few items she will consent to eat, so she's not eating us out of house and home, but I still hide stuff because my kids and I don't want to eat out of packages she has eaten from. Her hands are always filthy and I don't like eating out of a package of cookies or snacks she's been up to her elbows in. She'll also let crumbs fall out of her mouth and into the bag. She's had her entire foot in a Pringles can. I used to pour out a serving into a bowl for her, but now she bypasses me and mostly gets her own snacks, which is not agains SO's rules or lack thereof, or asks him to get them for her. So now there is the public snack cabinet that she knows about and the private drawer that my kids and I know about. I keep the healthy snacks on top of that drawer, so she doesn't bother with it.
Anyway, I get where hmo is coming from, for sure.