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Let me feed you the whole refrigerator!

StarStuff's picture

I thought kids weren't supposed to eat you out of house and home until they reach the teen years?! SD8 eats like a teenage boy - wants to eat every hour on the hour. I'm sick of hearing "I'm hungry" all the time! Plenty of food to eat and we definately don't starve her, but hell, she eats more than I do! Finally told her the other day that we can't afford to keep feeding her like that, lol. She gets breakfat, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner...and still claims to be hungry. I only half-jokingly think she has a tapeworm. Blum 3 I will be glad when she stops growing...years from now.


StarStuff's picture

No, she's not fat. Just growing up. I try to make sure all of her afternoon snacks involve protein to help keep her full longer. So then I get a 2 hour break, lol.

StarStuff's picture

Maybe sometimes, but I don't think that's the main reason b/c we'll be in the middle of doing something whether it's errands, visiting people, what-have-you, and she's hungry. Like last night we went to her Grandma's for about an hour. On the way she said she was hungry and I told her it wouldn't be a long visit and we would have dinner when we got back home. Of course, she tells Grandma she's hungry as soon as we get there and gets jelly beans. How filling. At least it occupied her mouth for a bit - she's also a talker. When words fail, she resorts to random noises just to have some vocalization to make.

magnummom's picture

My four year old girl wants food at her fingertips all the damn time. It drives me crazy. But she eats nothing but healthy stuff so I give it to her lol.

The constant I'm hungry is enough to drive any mother crazy.

doll faced sm's picture

Maybe she's going through a growth spurt or something? Mine did something similar a few years back, as well. I'd feed her a snack (like half a pb&j) - breakfast #1 - to hold her over until she ate breakfast at day care - breakfast #2 - since we got up so early and her day care would feed her about 30 min. before they took all the kids to school. What I didn't know until it had gone on almost half the year and the school finally called me to tell me that I had a rather *large* unpaid balance, is that she was also going to school and eating their breakfast - breakfast #3 - as well. Add to that the fact that her grade ate lunch first - meal #4 - so aroun 2:30, her teacher would give the kids a juice, milk, or water and snack - snack #1 - and her daycare gave the kids a snack as soon as they got off the bust around 3:45ish - snack #2 - and fed dinner to kids who were there past 5:30 - dinner #1 - which she always was. And of course, I felt like it was bad of me to make dinner for myself and not give her any, so she'd eat again with me when we finally got home in the evening - dinner #2.

Thank goodness she is, and always has been, skinny as a bean pole. When I discovered bk # 3 thanks to the school, we had a talk in which I suggested she could probably get by eating a mere 7 times a day. Kids!

momagainfor4's picture

she needs a new focus that's not food. my Sd12 sits around thinking about what she's NOT going to eat.. so I guess the opposite is not great either!

PeanutandSons's picture

My SD fixates on eating too. We have to limit her snacks because she does have the tendancy to be overweight. She's a normal weight now, but only because I monitor her intake carefully.

She will not only ask what's for dinner tonight, at 7am, but she wants to know what's for dinner tomorrow, and the next day. She spends her whole day thinking about her next meal/snack. She spent her entire allowance (when she got one) on chips and candy at school the day she got it. But feed her a healthy meal and shes never hungry, go figure. But put a package of oreos in front of her and shell eat the whole package and half a gallon of milk.

When I let her get snacks whenever she said she was hungry (this stopped around 7yrs old) she would literally go through about 40 dollars worth of food a day.

StarStuff's picture

Wow...there is no way SD will be allowed to go through $40 worth of food a day. We couldn't afford that! Glad you no longer have to deal with it either.

PeanutandSons's picture

I couldn't afford it either! Which is why she's not allowed to snack anymore. One snack a day is her limit. you still have to watch her carefully though, or she will "forget" that she already chose a snack and get more and more and more.

imjustthemaid's picture

My own 10 yr old daughter does this to me. She is always eating and is as skinny as a rail. But I catch her sometimes saying "I'm hungry" even right after we eat and then she is like oh yeah I forgot we just ate. I think she gets bored and eat.

SD15 is like a food monger. She is really skinny too. Not for long if she keeps eating the way she does. She is always asking whats for dinner, whats for dinner tomorrow, what do we have to eat. Last night she made 2 hot dogs and ramon noodles. She probably threw half of it away. Now I found out she is making people at school bring her food. How embarrassing!!

We found text messages on her phone demanding someone bring her McDonalds every Friday!! WTF with this kid???

When we eat dinner I have to make her plate or she will take it all and leave us with nothing.

Tonight I am making pot roast in the crock pot. I have to actually stand guard and make sure she does not take every freakin potato for herself and I make extra!!

I am now hiding food from her just so other people get a chance at some. Its crazy that it has come down to this.
I wish I could trade her in for another dog }:)

StarStuff's picture

At least I'm not to the point of having to stand guard over food! FDH cooks most of the time and he forbids SD to be in the kitchen while he's cooking.

imjustthemaid's picture

One day I put the crock pot in my bedroom and cooked the dinner in there!!! She was sneaking potatoes out of it while it was cooking!!

Now I have to guard it when its in the kitchen. It sounds crazy but she takes everything and I make enough so we can have leftovers the next day so there is more than enough for the 5 of us to eat. She is just really selfish and does not care if no one else gets any.

My bedroom is like a mini walmart. I have everything stashed in my closet-cake mixes, cereal, chips, pans and we have mini fridge in our room with drinks and snacks for BD3!!

I have to put things out in moderation.

imjustthemaid's picture

Its funny now looking back that I actually did that. I also melted the chair that I had the crockpot sitting on and DH is always asking me how that happened!! lol

Now I keep it in the kitchen but I have to guard it. Half the time I don't even end up eating what I have cooked but its more for DH because he doesn't get home from work till really late and theres never anything left for him!!

SD will overfill her plate and throw it all away!!

PeanutandSons's picture

I have to do that too if I want bs3 to get anything. I keep stuff hidden in my rooms, and I keep refrigerator stuff at work, and only bring home small portions everyday from work to ration it out.

I also have to still buy "baby brands" of a lot of stuff to justify why its only for bs3. If I buy the normal versions, they are gone in two days. So BS still eats the sesame street themes granola and cereal bars, his applesauce is the kind in the baby food pouch, and I have to buy milk juice boxes with Disney charecter on them to ensure I have milk for him, cause SD drinks half a gallon a day if you don't stop her.

magnummom's picture

My son does this to. If there is only enough food for each person to have a full meal he will scarf his food down in two seconds then fuss that he wants seconds. But when there is tons he doesn't want seconds. Selfish little brat!!

Every.Single.Time he does this I tell him if he's still hungry to make himself a pack of ramen. They are like .08 cents.....have five if you want, I don't care, but you aren't getting all the dinner I just made, especially because he already ate his and I know he's not hungry, he just wants to hoard it all for himself.

imjustthemaid's picture

I keep lots of ramon noodles on hand and I tell SD that same thing. Cook as many as you want!!

hismineandours's picture

I've talked on here about all the food issues we have with ss14. It really irks me. The last thing I want to do is get in a food battle with a kid, but his eating is so SELFISH. I think that's what gets me. There are 5 people in the home besides ss but if I leave the snacks in the kitchen noone else gets any. The kid ate 5 pieces of raisin bread slathered with peanut butter for a little snack one evening. That would be someone else's breakfast for a week. We've always had these sorts of problems with him since he was little. He'd sneak around the house in the middle of the night and eat an entire box of little debbie snack cakes in one sitting. It's really bad when we go on vaca-as sorry we are not stopping every hour to feed you nor are we going to hand you a snack to eat in the car every hour-so he will cry and scream until he's fed. He is literally like an infant. I've got most snack foods hidden in my room. I even have all the fruit hidden in my room-as he will eat 3 bananas at a time and then a couple hours later have a couple more. The ironic thing is he is VERY small for his age. He weighs about 85 pounds and is 14 years old. He also is on a stimulant medication that REDUCES appetite-so WTF? He actually has had worms before-we had to treat everyone in the freaking house for them. I question whether he still has them as he can still wear clothes I bought him when he was in 3rd grade-he is almost finished with 8th grade. He is just obsessed with food. I dont think he has any clue whether he is full/hungry. I dont think it is about that at all. He used to gorge himself until he vomited. I dont believe he's done that for a couple of years though. Last time was at Cracker Barrel a couple of years ago on vaca and he threw up in the parking lot. Obviously alot of people eat for emotional reasons-many kids equate food with nurturance so I wonder if that is what is going on with my ss. However, all the adults in his life have let him get away with it because he's so small. But I told dh in 4 more years he will be on his own and he will literally not be able to feed himself as he thinks it normal to take in 5000 plus calories a day.

imjustthemaid's picture

I am waiting for the day when SD15 wakes up and is 300 lbs and has an ass like her mother!!