Two steps back
Yes we have his kids for two days and boy can you tell. DH has reinserted his head waist deep into his a$$.
My uncle had surgery yesterday, so after working I got to pick him up, take him home, absolutely freak when his incision freaking burst and bled everywhere. (911 call for the emt's to put a pressure bandage on him). I finally get home at about 9 last night (no I didn't leave my uncle alone, I arranged for someone to spend the night with him). DH is sitting around the living room with most of his kids, youngest girl was in her room.
At 9:15 I get told by the oldest boy how they are going to go visit DH's mother the end of June, I already knew this because DH and I discussed his going to see his mom with the kids over the weekend(bye bye- have fun! whoot a week to myself!) I am not accompanying them because I just started a new job and while my probation period is up I do not have the vacation time accrued yet to take a week off. As I am warming my dinner up in the microwave and puttering around I hear the comment on how DH is going to take his bike to his mothers too. Hmm, you don't have a trailer for that bike. But one of his friends is going to loan him one!
Me: Hon, his trailer is HUGE. I don't think your car is going to be able to tow it.
DH: Oh I'm taking your truck
Me: .......... No the f**k your not.
Back story is that DH's kids are not allowed in my SUV. They had broken damn near everything in the back two rows of seats ($600.00 alone was spent ensuring the seats would go up and down again because they broke ALL the levers to control the seats. Cup holders cracked, pockets in the backs of chairs: ripped, head liner picked at until it was falling down,carpet stained due to spilled drinks/food/dirty shoes. DH got to spend literally $1357.00 fixing the interior because I flipped my $hit over it)
Additionally, my SUV is only a few years old, his car is ancient. He really thinks he is going to leave me in Florida, with his convertable that LEAKS during rainy season (summer)- oh yeah, his cars A/C is also broken- so he wants to leave me with a POS car and take my fully functioning truck on vacation, so his kids can tear it up again. Not. Happening.
DH and I excuse ourselves to the porch to have a discussion, I performed a cranial rectonomy (removal of head from a$$) and got him to understand IF he was taking this trip he would stick to our plan of him renting a car and driving up in the rental and returning in it. IF he was going to tow his bike he would need to rent a SUV and he better save more $. So I went in to take a shower. Problem solved right?
Of course not. When I came out of the shower getting dressed to go to bed he informs me that the rental car won't work. He planned on driving up there at night and "A driver has to be 25 yo for a rental car. We are driving up at night and if I get too tired to drive SD won't be able to take over."
Our auto insurance policy states no drivers under the age of 25 you freaking IDIOT!!
He actually tried to argue this with me, I had to pull the policy and show it to him in black and white. He was pissed because now he will have to drive up during the day. Well that was what you and I discussed. Yes but see HIS.KIDS wanted him to drive at night, so they could sleep and not be bored during the drive. So, you get to suffer? No sleep, increased chance for accidents, especially while towing a trailer, potentially allow an inexperienced 17yo driver behind the wheel of a large vehicle that is towing a trailer- because YOUR.KIDS. don't want to be bored?? Because of course the increased chance of all of you DYING is by far preferrable to the precious darlings who have hand held game systems being 'bored' for a few hours.
- just.his.wife's blog
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All I can say is you have my
All I can say is you have my sympathy. Great for you standing your ground about the entire situation!
Bike = motorcycle Definately
Bike = motorcycle
Definately not cheaper to buy, but heck he could rent one for a day while he is up there. And your #3 was what he and I agreed on over the weekend. But Princess and her subjects want otherwise.
"cranial rectonomy" LOL
"cranial rectonomy" LOL
Um I may be mistaken, but I'm
Um I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure that rental companies do not allow you to tow anything with a rental vehicle. Or is he planning on renting a U-Haul or something like that?
What a schmuck that he just decides on his own that he is taking your car... he'll be in for a surprise when he finds out that he can't tow with a rental either.
I think they will only allow
I think they will only allow you to tow something if you rent a trailer from them also.
Trust that this conversation is not over in my household. DH and I have an appointment this evening to talk.
Just to satisfy my own
Just to satisfy my own curiosity and checked about using a rental to tow and this is what I found
None of the major car rental companies allow towing with their vehicles or carry vehicles with a tow package. Nor, would any allow you to tow one of their vehicles (ie. behind a motor home). It causes a lot of wear-and-tear on any vehicle and would definitely shorten the lifespan of the average rental car
so he'll either have to forget about the bike or they can plan on driving a big old uhaul or something ridiculous like that.... }:)
I personally would love to
I personally would love to see him load his kids into the back of a Uhaul to sleep and hit the brakes hard just once!
he'll either have to forget
he'll either have to forget about the bike or they can plan on driving a big old uhaul or something ridiculous like that
Why not rent a U-haul? He could just throw the bike and the kids in the back and be on his way. }:)
When reading your post about
When reading your post about all the mess they left in your truck, I was thinking "Sheesh! That's a buncha little kids for ya"
Then you point out that one of them is 17?? Seriously?
Admittedly, his whole plan is skewed. But I'm still suck on a bunch of teenagers busting up the stuff in your truck? Really?
Yep. Intentionally messed it
Yep. Intentionally messed it up in so far as picking the headliner until it fell down, picked a hole in the leather seat, release catches for the back bench seat was snapped off, as well as the one for the center middle row seat, the drivers side mid row seat had a lever on the side of the seat (snapped off and shoved under the seat). Out of 5 seats in the rear of the vehicle, ONE worked. Cup holders (moulded into the plastic interior of the truck) cracked due to oversized cups being forced into too small of holders. Each from seat and mid seat has a pocket behind it for storage of books/maps small things, the ones behind the middle row of seats were destroyed, the ones behind the front seats linings were ripped out and the openings were missing "chunks".
I found cups,cans and potato chip/snack bags under every seat, in the door cubbies, shoved into each seat and there were 2 44oz cups shoved into the compartment that holds the jack and lug nut wrench/jumper cables. The mess on the carpet was spilled soda/slurpees and one dried puddle of strawberry milk (thats what had me digging the back of the truck apart to find the stench)All of these kids are teenagers now. Granted I am sure it took them years to do all the damage- so since I figure it took them 5 years to mess it up, they are grounded from my truck for 5 years. (and the youngest will be out of the house by then)
Teenaged drivers, hah. SD16
Teenaged drivers, hah.
SD16 thinks she's going to "help drive" on the 6-hour trip to DC this summer. Um, no. She's not going to drive AT ALL this summer, seeing as she just has a permit from 5 states away and no license. There's not a chance in hell she'll even ask to drive my car (a 2012 Audi A4) because it has a manual transmission. But she's going to want to drive DH's. (2011 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited) He realized this a couple weeks ago - "Oh shit, SD16 is going to want to drive MY car because she *can't* drive yours..." I smiled sweetly and told him to practice saying "No" now.
I don't know what your DH is thinking - that is one of the most entitled and selfish attitudes I've heard (other than from skids) in a while. How dare he ASSume you'll give up YOUR vehicle because he wants to do something unrealistic?