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SD and her roller coaster emotions

KLM's picture

Just when I think I can't stand anymore of SD10's whiny ass voice and loud abnoxious laugh(done that way just to irritate me....she asks me to pray with her before bed, she says she prays every night. Then she prays that I have a good day tom and that her sister my BD2 is good for me. Oh the roller coaster ride of a step-parent!!


oneoffour's picture

Times like this makes you think twice about strangling them. Maybe you can pray for laryngitis for her and the damage will change her vocal chords for the better?

oncechoosetosmile's picture

LOL!!! just listening to SD7's squikee voice "Staaaaaaaapppppp iittttttt"while she play-fights with my also very annoying and silly- sounding boys 8 and 12 , can they all be quieeeeeeeeetttttt????