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Grr, grr, grr!!!

knucklehead's picture

Ugh, the combination of stepkids and ILs who are SOFAR up Bm's butt is getting to me!!
I have two adult skids with DH. They both refuse, and have refused, to speak with him since he married me. (Poor, poor BM is alone.)
In the last year, DH has ceased the birthday/holiday gift giving and has resorted to donating to charities in their name.
Loser SS23 can't make it on his own, so he moved from mommy's house to ILs house and has been there for several years. He's a TWENTY-THREE year old man, for Pete's sake!!
Anyhoo, DH has pretty limited contact with ILs due to their behavior, but he called and left a message wishing them a Happy Easter when he knew they wouldn't be home. }:)
His mom called back last night, in the middle of OUR Easter celebration.
Do you think she can just say, "Happy Easter, thanks for calling??" Oh, no... she lights into him about his poor, precious children and how hurt they are.
How hurt THEY are?
These are adults, remember. Oh, yeah, and this is all somehow MY fault. Huh? His kids make me want to vomit with their self-centered, egotistical, entitled asses. BUT I do NOT get involved in that. If DH wants to see them, he sees them. He wants to buy them gifts, he buys them gifts. But it's MY fault according to mommy-dearest.
Grrr. So frustrated.

I hope the ILs and BM had a nice Easter together!


knucklehead's picture

Seriously, when the skids were in our lives, especially the younger one, we were always fighting. There were always problems. The kids fought. The parents fought. The kids fought with the parents. (Ok, well, that one is mostly DH and SD. I don't allow my kids to "fight" with me. }:) )
Once she decided to stop coming for visitation (blessing!!) things got so.much.better at home! Now, if only we could get BM to leave us alone, and BM and ILs to stop tag teaming DH, it would be GREAT!

DaizyDuke's picture

Why is BM bugging you when skids are grown?? This terrifies me... my only sanity is knowing (HOPING) that DH stays true to his word and erases BMs from his phone and/or changes his number when skids are grown as he will have ZERO reason to speak with them unless a skid is maimed or getting married.

knucklehead's picture

She keeps filing court actions. It's ridiculous!! Pay for this, pay for that... college, cars, insurance, medical bills, it's never ending.

DH would really like to see his ADULT kids actually act like ADULTS!

ctnmom's picture

Hmmm, lets see at 23 I.... had a car pyment. had a husband. had an apartment. Was able to take a small vacation every year. Had a nephew that I was helping to raise w/ all the financial burdens associated with it. Parental contribution from either side? 0. We were ADULTS.

knucklehead's picture

Haha!! I was married, a SM and had 2 bios. Two car payments. DH worked FT and I stayed home with the kiddos.

Seriously. How hard is it to GROW UP?

I must be cranky today.