Curse you, HAG (BM)! RANT
Once again, the MOTY plans to ruin a big day for my family.
A little of this story:
DH and I are the only two who ensured SS14 gets confirmed next month by getting him to class and studying with him. We have done this for TWO YEARS. The hag never took him to class nor helped him study. BUT come Confirmation Sunday, she will stand up with him with her MOTY banner flying :sick: . It will be just a 'show' for her as all of DH's family will be there.
SS12 starts class this upcoming fall. Since DH will be out of the country for up to a year, I had planned to take him the first year of class and help him study. Now I refuse to take him. If BM wants the honor of standing up with her children, she can do all the work for this one.
Now DH is angry with me because I told him that I am done will all things related to my steps.
BTW--She is not the same religion in which SS is being confirmed!
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We are Lutheran; she is not.
We are Lutheran; she is not. My DH will also stand with SS14. I guess that checks the block for sponsorship.
My son was just confirmed
My son was just confirmed last year. One of the requirements of the sponser is that they are of the same faith AND practicing member of their faith. Check with the pastor or the director of the program. We had to have paperwork filled out for the sponser from their parish pastor.
Anyone can attend the confirmation, including MOTY BM
DH will also be a sponsor and
DH will also be a sponsor and is a practing member.
You are correct. Anyone, including the hag, can attend the ceremony. She will not be allowed to take first communion with him as our chuch practices closed communion.
That is exactly what I am
That is exactly what I am feeling, Flabbergasted! This is not the first time she has done something like this, but this is the most imporant to me.
I will not try to block her. She has already told SS14 that she and his father would be standing for him. If I try to block it, I would be the bad guy who blocked mommy.
I stand firm that I will not do another thing for them. DH called earlier and me asked when I planned to take SS14 to get a suit. I reminded him that I don't plan to take him. BM can take's the least she could do.
If they are catholic the
If they are catholic the sponsor has to be in good standing in the catholic church. That requires them to have fulfilled all of the sacraments in the church...Also, not divorced.
the hag is the residental
the hag is the residental parent but is 'too busy' to bother with such a task. I will not take SS12 this fall.
It was discussed last night and not shot down. I assume it's because she is his mother.
P.S. Yes, winter is coming!
I know it is a pain, but very
I know it is a pain, but very beneficial to the child, really, in a life skills way and not just a religious way imo - I am Lutheran too.
So I hope you guys can work it out somehow. I still think of things I learned back then in confirmation class almost daily!
We did not have sponsors? though, and at the end we were recognized as adult members of the church, so there was no BM scene stealing moment! just communion